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Me and my chaotic mind...

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-zovem se Tena hrvatska
-imam četrnaest godina
-živim u Ivaniću
-mrzim školu
-slušam hard rock,grunge,
sve vrste punk-a i metala...
-imam NOKIU 6101 i NOKIU 7260
-imam puno prijatelja
-volim puuuno pričat blabla
-imam papagaja-Karlo (već 6 godina)
i psa-Fida (već čak 2.5 mj.)
-volim izlaske thumbup
-sviđa mi se dečko koji se zove
_ _ _ _ _ (2.srednje) kiss
-volim se zajebavat party
-volim zujat
-jako sam osjećajna (bar tako kažu)
-volim sve kaj mladi vole smijeh


TeIcH-nju poznam oko 6 god.,i
stvarno mogu reći da mi je najbolja frendica,
obožavam ju =)

MiA-nju znam oko 1 mj.i već smo si super..
također mi je jedna od best frendica...
cura je zakon,stalno se smije i full je iskrena =)

BuBI-isto tako best frendica...super,uvijek
za za*ebanciju...ma kulche je ona =)

ToNKa-naša piromanka =)..isto tako best frendica,
uvijek je dobro raspoložena...ma zakon je=)

EleNChY-nju poznam od selca i stvarno je super...
best frendica kojoj jako vjerujem...obožavam ju =)

IrENA-ma ona je zakon...uvijek dobre volje..
najbolja frendica,obožavam ju =)

MAteA H.-ona stvarno dijeli dobre savjete,
i uvijek je uz mene kad mi treba pomoć,isto tako the best... =)

iWy-ona je luda,totalno je opičena,uvijek za
zezanciju...nije škrta,to definitvno,the best frendica =)

MENGychA-cura je dobra,voli pomoći,
darežljiva...ma obožavam ju =)

VArshy-ona mi je isto tako best frendica,
uvijek je uz mene kad mi treba pomoć =)

-nju ne poznam dugo,ali stvarno
je cura u pozitivnom duhu...odlična je =)

PaULa-nju poznam oduvijek,zajedno smo
odrastale i (skoro) uvijek smo si bile
the best =)

MaGY-s njom sam si super od selca,
stvarno zna pomoći i stvarno
je pozitivna =)

TAjaNa-ona je supač...družim se s njom
od ljeta...ma presuper je =)


ŠoHEr-njega obožavam...on je super,
makar ga poznam tek oko 5 mj.,najbolji
mi je prijatelj...the best..legenda =)

DiNo-on je također odličan...stvarno ti
zna pomoći kada imaš problem,
i jako je pametan,obožavam ga =)

MaRINo-on se uvijek ponaša zaštitnički,
super je...voli mi pomoći,i mogu
s njim pričati,obožavam ga =)

DoMIniK-on je super,jako je pozitivan,
dobar je...obožavam ga =)

DOriAN-on je presladak,uvijek smo
zajedno,obožavam ga =)


DeVA-2 NAJ ,NAJ,NAJ FREND,kojeg isto obožavam =))))))))))

PeRo-nekad je malo zbunjen,ali je super,
kulče =)

JaN-on je super,uvijek je tu uz mene,
obožavam ga =)

Bernard-on je super,totalni je zajebant...s njim se nasmijete do suza...
makar se često svađamo...jako ga volim (like a friend...just to know) =)

WilIM-viljuškar...=)...on je super...
jako je dobar..=)

MuČIć-njega obožavam...jedan mi je od best frendova,uz njega je zabava zajamčena...=)

JOsiP-naša Helena =)...ma predobar
je on =)

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These aRe MeINe LInkaChi =)

za razne slikice i pozadine,veoma korisno...

LiNkIćI =)))))))))))))))...








LIvIa i EdItA






MOja sesTRIčna BaRBy...

Nightmare band










priče u prenesenom značenju

ToNKa KOlačIĆ =)

S.O.A.D. gIrL

st patrick's day 2006

st patrick's day 2006

[B]Moji najcool sms-ovi:

Gusari bi mi zavidjeli kada
bi znali koliko si vrijedno blago!

Strašno me zanima zašto uvijek
kad dobiješ poruku od mene imaš
taj prekrasni osmijeh na licu!
Da,da upravo taj koji i sada imaš!

Kad grmi,puca,sjeva,kad slavuj
u lugu pjeva,kad zadnji listak vene,
sjeti se našeg prijateljstva i mene... ;-)

Teško je kada ti je duša neshvaćena,
kad voliš a ljubav ti nije uzvraćena,
kad od tvojih snova ostanu samo
žarišta,kad netko tebi znači sve,
a ti njemu ništa...

Da je jedna zvijezda mjerna
jedinica za ljubav,onda ni
cijeli nebeski svod ne bi bio
dovoljan da ti kažem koliko
te volim!!!

Noć nemože biti tako tamna
da negdje ne bi bilo ni jedne male zvijezde.
pustinja ne može biti tako bezutješna
da nigdje ne bude ni jedne male oaze,
negdje nam još uvijek ostaje malo radosti...
Ima cvijeća koje cvate samo zimi...

Mnogi će ljudi proći kroz tvoj život,
ali samo će pravi prijatelji ostaviti
prave otiske u tvome srcu...

Green day[/B

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends

like my fathers come to pass
seven years has gone so fast
wake me up when september ends

here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are

as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when september ends

summer has come and passed
the innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends

ring out the bells again
like we did when spring began
wake me up when september ends

here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are

as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when september ends...

Come As You Are - Nirvana

Come as you are, as you were
As I want you to be
As a friend, as a friend, as an old enemy
Take your time, hurry up
The choice is your, don't be late
Take a rest as a friend as an old memoria

Memoria (4x)

Come dowsed in mud, soaked in bleach
As I want you to be
As a trend, as a friend, as an old memoria

Memoria (4x)

And I swear that I don't have a gun
No I don't have a gun (2x)


Memoria (4x)

And I swear that I don't have a gun
No I don't have a gun (4x)

Memoria (2x)

All Apologies - Nirvana

What else should I be
All apologies
What else should I say
Everyone is gay
What else could I write
I don't have the right
What else should I be
All apologies

In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun

I wish I was like you
Easily amused
Find my nest of salt
Everything is my fault
I'll take all the blame
Aqua seafoam shame
Sunburn, freezeburn
Choking on the ashes of her enemy

In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun
Married (2x)
Buried (2x)

All in all is all we are (13x)

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Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Hallelujah!

The saints are crippled
On this sinners’ night
Lost are the lambs with no guiding light

The walls come down like thunder
The rocks about to roll
It’s the Arockalypse
Now bare your soul

All we need is lightning
With power and might
Striking down the prophets of false
As the moon is rising
Give us the sign
Now let us rise up in awe

Rock ’n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock ’n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
In God’s creation supernatural high

The true believers
Thou shall be saved
Brothers and sisters keep strong in the faith
On the day of Rockoning
It’s who dares, wins
You will see the jokers soon’ll be the new kings

All we need is lightning
With power and might
Striking down the prophets of false
As the moon is rising
Give us the sign
Now let us rise up in awe

Rock ’n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock ’n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
In God’s creation supernatural high

Wings on my back
I got horns on my head
My fangs are sharp
And my eyes are red
Not quite an angel
Or the one that fell
Now choose to join us or go straight to Hell

Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Hallelujah!

Rock ’n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock ’n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah
In God’s creation supernatural high

Hard Rock Hallelujah!


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st patrick's day images

st patrick's day images

adopt your own virtual pet!

saint patrick's day

saint patrick's day

Ova škola oštar greben,dođeš pošten,odeš jeben!

Linkin park-
in the end

(It starts with)
One thing / I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It’s so unreal
Didn’t look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on / but didn’t even know
Wasted it all just to
Watch you go
I kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart
What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I tried
so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
One thing / I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I’m surprised it got so (far)
Things aren’t the way they were before
You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end
You kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart
What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There’s only one thing you should know
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There’s only one thing you should know
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter


Pick me, pick me yeah
Live alone, your single
At ease, at ease, yeah
Everyone is hollow

Atleast, at least, yeah
Everyone is paying (alt: playing)
Pick me, pick me yeah
You can even play them


Dive (x3)
Dive in me

Dive in me (x3)

Kiss this, kiss that yeah
Live alone, your single
At least, at least, yeah
I will even swallow
Pick me, pick me yeah
Live alone, your single
At ease, at ease, yeah
Everyone is hollow

Atleast, at least, yeah
Everyone is paying (alt: playing)
Pick me, pick me yeah
You can even play them


Dive (x3)
Dive in me

Dive in me (x3)

Kiss this, kiss that yeah
Live alone, your single
At least, at least, yeah
I will even swallow

Pick me, pick me yeah
Live alone, your single
At ease, at ease, yeah
You can eat my mellow


Dive (x3)
Dive in me

Dive in me (x3)

Dive in me (x3)
Dive (x3)
Dive in me

Nothing New (x7)
Pick me, pick me yeah
Live alone, your single
At ease, at ease, yeah
You can eat my mellow


Dive (x3)
Dive in me

Dive in me (x3)

Dive in me (x3)
Dive (x3)
Dive in me

Nothing New (x7)

malo smijeha nikom ne škodi!!!!

Što je gore od žirafe s upaljenim grlom?
Stonoga sa spuštenim stopalima!

Što leteći zec nosi na leđima?

Zašto plavuša hoda na prstima kada ulazi u ljekarnu?
Da ne probudi tablete za spavanje!

Prijateljica pita plavušu:
"Zašto stalno namaćeš taj ugao stola?"
"Doktor mi je rekao da redovito stavljam vlažne
obloge na mjesto gdje sam se udarila."

Što plavuša najradije radi u pustinji?
Briše prašinu!

Što radi plavuša kad drži ruku na ustima?
Pokušava zadržati misao!

Zašto plavuša zatvara oči ispred ogledala?
Da vidi kako spava!

Something In The Way

Underneath the bridge
The tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from the ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
'Cause they don't have any feelings

Something in the way, mmm
Something in the way, yeah, mmm

Underneath the bridge
The tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from the ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
'Cause they dont't have any feelings

Something in the way, mmm
Something in the way, yeah, mmm

ponedjeljak, 16.01.2006.


jludi moji,ja sma došla napokon na svoj predragi blog.odmah da vam zaželim sretan božić i novu 2006.godinu.kod mene su bile frendice i tam smo bili na dočeku.bilo je prejebeno.zajebavale smo se,jele pile a jedna frendia je ostala kod mene prespavat.danas u školi je bila totalna blamaža,naime,jedan dečko se počeo po cijeloj školi derat u kog sam se zacopala tj.ko mi se sviđa.uf,koje bruke.i još je jedna cura otišla do tog lika i rekl mu da sam ja u njega i pitala ga je dal mu se sviđam.cura je mutava do bola i glupa,nepodnosim ju a kaj je najbolje,nisam joj ništ od tog rekla da napravi.baš me naživcirala...al nema beda.e,i ovakve odvratne komentare kao od ERIKE BEŠIĆ ilivam shpalj3ne.blog.hr. me uopće ne diraju i sve kaj je ona navela je krivo i totalno netočno,ona vam je kurvetina,kuja,umišljena smrdljiva balavica koja nema druge brige nego podjebavat druge,al šta češ,ipak ima glupo mutavih izuzetaka kao ona.....moramo se pomiriti s takvim budalama....ipak nažalost još uvijek postoje....ajde ciao...

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