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November rain

When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain
We've been through this such a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain
But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away
If we could take the time to lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me
then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain

Do you need some time...on your own
Do you need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone
I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you

Sometimes I need some time...on my
own Sometimes I need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone

And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain, ohhh yeahhh
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain

Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

Civil war

(Slash / McKagan / Rose)
Special Thanks Niven / James

"What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week,
which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N' I don't like it any more than you men." *

Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before

Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before

My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars

D'you wear a black armband
When they shot the man
Who said "Peace could last forever"
And in my first memories
They shot Kennedy
I went numb when I learned to see
So I never fell for Vietnam
We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all
That you can't trust freedom
When it's not in your hands
When everybody's fightin'
For their promised land

I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war

Look at the shoes your filling
Look at the blood we're spilling
Look at the world we're killing
The way we've always done before
Look in the doubt we've wallowed
Look at the leaders we've followed
Look at the lies we've swallowed
And I don't want to hear no more

My hands are tied
For all I've seen has changed my mind
But still the wars go on as the years go by
With no love of God or human rights
'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our civil wars

"We practice selective annihilation of mayors
And government officials
For example to create a vacuum
Then we fill that vacuum
As popular war advances
Peace is closer" **

I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
And I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
I don't need one more war

I don't need one more war
Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway


Shed a tear 'cause I'm missing you
I'm still alright to smile
Girl, I think about you every day now
Was a time when I wasn't sure
But you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt you're in my heart now
Said woman take it slow
It'll work itself out fine
All we need is just a little patience
Said sugar make it slow
And we'll come together fine
All we need is just a little patience
(inhale) Patience...
Ooh, oh, yeah

Sit here on the stairs
'Cause I'd rather be alone
If I can't have you right now, I'll wait dear
Sometimes, I get so tense
But I can't speed up the time
But you know, love, there's one more thing to consider
Said woman take it slow
Things will be just fine
You and I'll just use a little patience
Said sugar take the time
'Cause the lights are shining bright
You and I've got what it takes to make it
We won't fake it, Oh never break it
'Cause I can't take it

...little patience, mm yeah, ooh yeah,
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more pati... (ence, yeah)
I've been walking these streets at night
Just trying to get it right (Need some patience, yeah)
It's hard to see with so many around
You know I don't like being stuck in a crowd (Could use some patience, yeah)
And the streets don't change but maybe the name
I ain't got time for the game
'Cause I need you (Patience, yeah)
Yeah, yeah well I need you
Oh, I need you (Take some patience)
Whoa, I need you (Just a little patience is all we need)
Ooh, this ti- me....

ponedjeljak, 15.05.2006.


Evo nesto o koncertu CALEXICA na kojemu sam nedavno bio:U sklopu odličnog Žedno uho festivala, sinoć je u zagrebačkom Pauku svoj drugi koncert u Hrvatskoj održala meksičko-kalifornijska grupa Calexico, s kultnim floridskim kantautorom Iron&Wine kao gostujućim glazbenikom.

Calexico je, inače, gradić koji se nalazi na graničnom području SAD-a (odnosno Kalifornije) i Meksila, a istoimeni je bend na najbolji mogući način upio i iskoristio glazbene utjecaje oba ova podneblja. Jezgru benda čine multiinstrumentalisti Joey Burns i John Convertino, koji su se upoznali još početkom devedesetih u desert-rock grupi Giant Sand, a kao Calexico su snimili prvi album 1996. ("Spoke") te od tada stekli status jednog od najboljih američkih alternativnih rock bendova i istinskih zvijezda svjetske nezavisne glazbene scene.

Zvuk njihove glazbe temelji se na surf rocku, countryju, folku, zvuku meksičkih mariachi grupa te pustinjskim melodiijama Ennia Morriconea. Sve to, ali i još mnogo više, moglo se čuti sinoć u prepunom Pauku.

Doista moram priznati da me iznenadila posjećenost sinoćnjeg koncerta, jer nisam mislila da ove zvijezde uživaju tako zavidan status i u našoj zemlji. (Iako im je, navodno, koncert u Malom rimskom kazalištu u Puli prošloga ljeta također bio jako dobro posjećen te oduševio sve prisutne.) Nakon prošlogodišnjeg posjeta, Burns i Convertino su se obećali vratiti u Hrvatsku i tako su se odazvali pozivu da, u sklopu svoje europske turneje, sviraju u sklopu već tradicionalno dobrog Žednog uha.

Povod ovoj njihovoj turneji je promocija nedavno izašlog petog studijskog albuma "Garden Ruin", na kojem su se Calexico odlučili na korijenite promjene u svome zvuku, ali i mini albuma "In The Reins", kojeg su zajedno s Iron&Wine snimili prošle godine.

Iron&Wine je sinoć nastupio kao prvi gost na njihovom koncertu, iako bi se za njega čak moglo reći da je već pridruženi član Calexica. Iza imena Iron&Wine se, zapravo, krije kultni floridski kantautor Samuel Beam, koji je prvi album izdao 2001. pod imenom "The Creek Drank The Cradle", nakon čega je postao legenda u indie-rock krugovima. Za vrijeme svojeg četrdeset minuta dugog nastupa odsvirao je desetak pjesama, među kojima i "Radio", "Sodom", "Freedom", "Lilith" i "Woman King".

Nakon njega se na stage popeo još jedan sinoćnji gost Calexica - Salvador Duran, kojeg je možda najlakše opisati kao meksičkog trubadura, a nakon čijeg mi se dvadesetminutnog nastupa učinilo da se iz publike u Pauku prolomio kolektivan uzdah.

Ali nije bilo vremena za žaljenje za Salvadorom jer su se oko 23:15 napokon pojavili Calexico, kojih sam na stageu uspjela izbrojati šest, iako moram priznati da je ta brojka stalno varirala, a postava se često izmjenjivala.Navodno ih je (sve ukupno, zajedno s Iron&Wine pratećim bendom) u Zagreb došlo 22, a kada se sjetim čitave one vojske instrumenata koju sam sinoć vidjela na stageu, njihovu turneju po Europi zamišljam kao čitavu jednu malu karavanu.

Calexico su, prije svega, sinoć promovirali svoj novi album, s kojeg su odsvirali stvari "Letter To Bowie Knife", "Cruel", "Bisbee Blue", "Smash", "Deep Down" te meni najbolju na tome albumu "Roka", koja je izvedena sa Salavdorom Duranom na vokalu i zvučala impresivnije nego originalna verzija na kojoj gostuje Amparo Sanchez. Od ostalih pjesama, tu se našla još i "Stray" s albuma "The Black Light" iz 1998., "Red Dust" s "In The Reins", te starije stvari "Not Even Stevie Nicks...", "Sunken Waltz" i "Alone Again Or". Kada su se oko 00:30 Calexico pokušali povući s pozornice, publika je glasno negodovala pa su odsvirana dva bisa, od kojih stvarno ne znam koji izdovjiti kao onaj bolji.

Na prvom je izvedena "He Lays In The Reins" zajedno s Iron&Wine (to je ujedno i prva pjesma na zajedničkom albumu) te Salvadorom Duranom. Iako sam mislila da ništa veličanstvenije te večeri više neću čuti, odlična obrada Stonesa i njihove "Wild Horses" brzo me razuvjerila. Na drugom bisu se činilo kao da je publika tek tada shvatila kakav bend imaju pred sobom i odlučila uživati u njemu dok se još može. A moglo se još samo kratko, do 01:15 kada su se svi kolektivno, nakon gotovo tri sata svirke ako računamo nastupe Iron&Wine i Durana, ipak pokupili s pozornice, ostavljajući zagrebačku publiku žedne njihove glazbe.

Svoju žeđ nadam se da ćemo imati prilike ponovno utažiti, a što se tiče Žednog uha, zanimljivo je napomenuti i to da je ulaznica za zagrebački koncert Calexica bila najjeftinija na njihovoj europskoj turneji, pa vam iskreno preporučam da uživate još ovih nekoliko dana za vrijeme trajanja festivala.

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