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spontano otvaranje bloga krastavci...bovotac i trop(sanja i lara)-pisat ce svoje dogodovstine kojih uvijek ima puuuuuuuuno...:) boh i se!
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A OVO SMO MI.....Bovotac aka Sanja...:)
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A ovo Trop aka Lara...:)
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TRAŽI SE DEČKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ljubi me moja divlja zvijer
Mili moj snažni buldožer

Traži se dečko što zgodan što jak
napola anđeo čuvar i napola vrag
nevin k'o suza i stasit k'o bor
frajer sa otrovnim smiješkom, simpatično spor

On će me grliti on će me maziti
on će me ljubiti po čitav dan
a ja ću vrištati i ja ću stenjati
odmah ću mijenjati zbilju za san

Budi moj lav budi moj vuk biću ti janje

Traži se dečko što mio što krut
model za praktične dame i bogat i lud
pjesnik po duši košarkaš po tijelu
romantično srce mornara u bijelom odijelu

On će me grliti on će me maziti
on će me ljubiti po čitav dan
a ja ću vrištati i ja ću stenjati
odmah ću mijenjati zbilju za san

Budi moj lav budi moj vuk biću ti janje

Ljubi me moja divlja zvijer
mili moj snažni buldožer

Budi moj lav budi moj vuk biću ti janje


Nelly Furtado - Say it Right

In the day
In the night
Say it all
Say it right
You either got it
Or you don't
You either stand or you fall
When your will is broken
When it slips from your hand
When there's no time for joking
There's a hole in the plan

Oh you don't mean nothing at all to me
No you don't mean nothing at all to me
Do you got what it takes to set me free
Oh you could mean everything to me

I can't say that I'm not lost and at fault
I can't say that I don't love the light and the dark
I can't say that I don't know that I am alive
And all of what I feel I could show
You tonite you tonite

From my hands I could give you
Something that I made
From my mouth I could sing you another brick that I laid
From my body I could show you a place God knows
You should know the space is holy
Do you really want to go?

Jos jedna pjesma...sister=)

PINK - U + Ur Hand

uh uh uh uh uh uh uh oh
uh uh uh uh uh uh uh oh
check it out
going out
on the late night
looking tight
feeling nice
it's a **** fight
i can tell
i just know
that it's going down
at the door we don't wait cause we know them
at the bar six shots just beginning
that's when ? put his hands on me
but you see

i'm not here for your entertainment
you don't really want to mess with me tonight
just stop and take a second
i was fine before you walked into my life
cause you know it's over
before it began
keep your drink just give me the money
it's just you and your hand tonight

uh uh uh uh uh uh uh oh
uh uh uh uh uh uh uh oh

i'm drunk
i don't give a ***k
wanna dance
by myself
guess you're outta luck
don't touch
back up
i'm not the one
listen up it's just not happening
you can say what you want to your boyfriends
just let me have my fun tonight

i'm not here for your entertainment
you don't really want to mess with me tonight
just stop and take a second
i was fine before you walked into my life
cause you know it's over
before it began
keep your drink just give me the money
it's just you and your hand tonight

uh uh uh uh uh uh uh oh
break break
break it down

in the corner with your boys you bet up five bucks
to get at the girl that just walked in but she thinks you suck
we didn't get all dressed up just for you to see
so quit spilling your drinks on me yeah

you know who you are
high fivin, talkin ****, but you're going home alone arentcha?

cause i'm not here for your entertainment
you don't really want to mess with me tonight
just stop and take a second
just stop and take a second
i was fine before you walked into my life
cause you know it's over
know it's over
before it began
keep your drink just give me the money
it's just you and your hand tonight
it's just you and your hand

i'm not here for your entertainment
no no no
you don't really want to mess with me tonight
just stop and take a second
just take a second
i was fine before you walked into my life
cause you know it's over
before it began
keep your drink just give me the money
it's just you and your hand tonight
yeah oh




četvrtak, 05.04.2007.


evo da i ja NAPOKON napisem novi post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
komp mi nije radio tako da nisam mogla nista pisatiheadbang
al nema veze,bio je tu bovotac sa svojim pricicamawave

ou kej! obecali smo da cemo napisati kako je bilo u subotu na maturalnoj od ivke i pritom promovirati ŠKRBIĆEEEEEEwink
u 17h bovotac je doso do mene da se spremi do kraja i rekli smo strigotu da cemo brzo doc kod njega pit ALI naravno to BRZO i nije bilo bas tako brzo....malo prije 19h bovotac i ja dosli smo kod strigota na JEDNE I JEDINE,SVIJETSKI POZNATE ŠKRBIĆEEEEEEEEEEEEEcoolcool
jea tako je...samo prije nego sto smo dosli puli strigota isli smo u billu po vino i PEPSInut
da...e...onda je pocelo cuganje!!partypartyparty...
dok smo se polako opijali slusali smo ziku,gledali slike,žnjupali pizzu koja je bila super i zajebavali senutbas je bila ŠPPPIIICCCAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!smijeh
polako se priblizavalo 20h a mi smo onda vec trebali biti u Kvarneru ali NARAVNO KASNILI SMO!!!rofl
kad smo napokon odlucili krenuti(20h je vec proslosmijeh) bovotac,strigo i scule imali su putnu pivu a ja nistanotako da mi je dobri strigo dao bocu vootkkeeepartyfala!wink
i tako se mi zaputili prema kvarneru,bovotac i ja vec onako u ELEMENTUnut
kad smo dosli u kvarner vidjeli smo nasu ivku!!jaooo,bas je bila prekrasnaaaaakissivka sVe pohvale!!naravno i drugi su bili lijepi,svi sređeni...
u kvarneru smo nastavili cugati...naravnowink
e i onda je krenula nasa IGRA...ako mozemo tako nazvatinut bolje da ne pisem kako je ta igra isla da ne bi i VI slucajno KRIVO PROTUMAČILI!!!!(jer neke starije tete u kvarneru su to strasno napuhalibangdaj oladite malooooheadbang)...tak da je ta igra za 4 zidanut

ou kej..sa je jos bilo....da!...ja kupila tombolu i onako VESELA isla po stepkama i slomila sebe i stiklu tako da sam morala ici do doma i promjenit cipelice...jos dodjem doma a stara me pita sta sam pila a ja njoj-SSSSSOK OD JAGGOOODDEEEEEEEnaughty

i takoc se vratila u kvarner ,bili smo tamo jos malo...i onda u hem na after...tu vec polako ˝gubim˝ pamcenjesmijeh....da da....

i to bi bilo otprilike to...
bovotac ako mislis da sam nesto zaboravila napisi ti...

big pusaaaakisskisskiss


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