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    Welcome... go away :)

    You're just jealous becouse the voices are talking to me...

    nešto o meni:

    Ime: Sanja

    Grad: Karlovac

    Datum rođenja: 7.9.1992.


    svoje prijatelje, sebe, svoj kul mobitel, glazbu, Gunse, Marilyn Mansona, sve što je kul, svoj novi razred a i stari isto, volim iskrenost, kada netko ima svoje vlastito mišljenje, slobodu govora, dobre knjige, dobre filmove, kada ne moram učit, volim ljetne praznike, dobro napravljenu kavu iz Zihera, cvijeće, sunce, more, vodu, sok od naranče, volim svoj grad Karlovac, volim subote s društvom, volim skladnost, mir, tišinu, smirenost, volim svoju kosu, sistericu svoju volim, zgodne dečke, dečke s kul tenisicama :), svoj blog volim, HAJDUK, CHELSEA i ljude koji misle da su kul.

    Ne volim:

    loše prijatelje, Fall out boy, Billy Idol, Artic Mokeys, učenje, ne volim metalce s dugim kosama, dvolične ljude, neiskrene, zlobu, lošu vibru, ljude koji maltretiraju druge ljude, ne volim Avril, tehno folk, ljudi koji misle da su reperi, ne volim kada volim, ne volim Božić, mrzim Božić, ne volim seljačine, brđane itd, ne volim Dinamo, Barcelonu, Milan, ne volim kada netko ima glupu frizuru i glupe tenisice, narkiće, lijenost, darkere koji mrze šminkere, šminkere koji mrze darkere, ne volim što se ljudi dijele na slojeve, živčanost, deračinu, subotu do 18h, plakanje....

    [ ovaj dan želim zapamtiti]
    danas sam loše.. uzeo si dio mene. ne.. ne želim.
    voljela bih da ne mogu zamislit njega i nju.. kako grli i ljubi nju... ljubi ju kao što je mene.
    zlo mi je.
    želim zaboravit da postojiš, i ti i ona. želim vas izbrisat iz svog života.
    sada sam... još jedno...
    ali hvala ti za onih par sati sreće. za par dana zadovoljstva.
    kada sam se osjećala lijepom.
    a sada... mrzim te.
    mrzim što si me uspio unatoč svim mojim naporima smekšati i zadobiti.
    ovo je bilo za tebe.
    za nju.
    i za mene.
    sad sam bolje.

    mudrine... hh

    Smješimo se jer sutra će nam bit još gore.

    Trči, trči!! Umrijet ćeš zdraviji.

    I kad već misliš da je bitka gotova, opet dobiješ udarac u glavu!

    Nada se hvata svega što pluta.

    Uvijek je negdje zima.

    Odrekao se svega što voli zbog onog što voli najviše.

    Čovjek koji je samopouzdan, pozitivan, optimističan i koji posvećuje rad sa sigurnošću u uspjeh, magnetizira svoje stanje. On sebi privlači stvaralačke sile svemira.

    najgore je kad si zaljubljen, a ni sam nisi svjetan toga.

    tužna, sretna... ružna, lijepa...

    A beautiful lie.

    Kiša je prešla u maglu zasićenu kapljicama.

    Prelijepo je uživo vidjeti san...

    Pokvariš sve u samo jednom danu. Što ti ja nisam bila dovoljna?
    Kada se probudiš tamo gdje u ljubav vjeruju, što ćeš onda?
    Sada je gotovo... možda si ovo htio, ali ako ne, nema povratka.
    uf... trebalo nam je bit lijepo...
    laži... jebene laži...

    moje najdraže pjesme...

    November Rain; GnR

    When I look into your eyes
    I can see a love restrained
    But darlin' when I hold you
    Don't you know I feel the same

    'Cause nothin' lasts forever
    And we both know hearts can change
    And it's hard to hold a candle
    In the cold November rain

    We've been through this such a long long time
    Just tryin' to kill the pain

    But lovers always come and lovers always go
    An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
    Walking away

    If we could take the time to lay it on the line
    I could rest my head
    just knowin' that you were mine
    All mine
    So if you want to love me
    then darlin' don't refrain
    Or I'll just end up walkin'
    in the cold November rain

    Do you need some time.. on your own
    Do you need some time.. all alone
    Everybody needs some time.. on their own
    Don't you know you need some time.. all alone

    I know it's hard to keep an open heart
    When even friends seem out to harm you
    But if you could heal a broken heart
    Wouldn't time be out to charm you

    Sometimes I need some time.. on my own
    Sometimes I need some time.. all alone
    Everybody needs some time.. on their own
    Don't you know you need some time.. all alone

    And when your fears subside
    and shadows still remain
    I know that you can love me
    when there's no one left to blame
    So never mind the darkness
    we still can find a way
    'Cause nothin' lasts forever
    even cold November rain

    Don't ya think that you need somebody
    Don't ya think that you need someone
    Everybody needs somebody
    You're not the only one
    You're not the only one

    Estranged; GnR

    When you're talkin' to yourself
    and nobody's home
    You can fool yourself
    You came in this world alone

    So nobody ever told you baby
    how it was gonna be
    So what'll happen to you baby
    Guess we'll have to wait and see
    One, two

    Old at heart but I'm only 28
    And I'm much too young
    to let love break my heart
    Young at heart but it's getting much too late
    To find ourselves so far apart

    I don't know how you're s'posed
    to find me lately
    An what more could you ask from me
    How could you say that I never needed you
    When you took everything
    Said you took everything from me

    Young at heart an it gets so hard to wait
    When no one I know can seem to help me now
    Old at heart but I mustn't hesitate
    If I'm to find my own way out

    Still talkin' to myself and nobody's home

    So nobody ever told us baby
    how it was gonna be
    So what'll happen to us baby
    Guess we'll have to wait and see

    When I find all of the reasons
    Maybe I'll find another way
    Find another day
    With all the changing seasons of my life
    Maybe I'll get it right next time
    An now that you've been broken down
    Got your head out of the clouds
    You're back down on the ground
    And you don't talk so loud
    an you don't walk so proud
    Any more, and what for

    Well I jumped into the river too many times
    to make it home
    I'm out here on my own, an drifting all alone
    If it doesn't show give it time
    To read between the lines
    'Cause I see the storm getting closer
    And the waves they get so high
    Seems everything we've ever known's here
    Why must it drift away and die

    I'll never find anyone to replace you
    Guess I'll have to make it thru, this time
    Oh this time
    Without you

    I knew the storm was getting closer
    And all my friends said I was high
    But everything we've ever known's here
    I never wanted it to die

    Wish you were here; Pink Floyd

    So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,
    blue skies from pain.
    Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
    A smile from a veil?
    Do you think you can tell?
    And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
    Hot ashes for trees?
    Hot air for a cool breeze?
    Cold comfort for change?
    And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
    How I wish, how I wish you were here.
    We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
    Running over the same old ground.
    What have you found? The same old fears.
    Wish you were here.

    Blind; Placebo

    If I could tear you from the ceiling,
    And guarantee a source divine,
    Rid you off possessions fleeting,
    Remain your funny valentine.

    Don't go and leave me,
    And please don't drive me blind,
    Don't go and leave me,
    And please don't drive me blind.

    If I could tear you from the ceiling,
    I know the best have tried,
    I'd fill your every breath with meaning,
    And find a place we both could hide.

    Don't go and leave me,
    And please don't drive me blind,
    Don't go and leave me,
    And please don't drive me blind.

    You don't believe me, but you do this every time,
    Please don't drive me blind.
    Please don't drive me blind..

    I know we're broken,
    I know we're broken,
    I know we're broken.

    If I could tear you from the ceiling,
    I'd freeze us both in time,
    Find a brand new way of seeing..
    Your eyes forever glued to mine.

    Don't go and leave me,
    And please don't drive me blind,
    Don't go and leave me,
    And please don't drive me blind.
    Don't go and leave me,
    And please don't drive me blind,
    Don't go and leave me,
    And please don't drive me blind.

    I know I broke it,
    I know I broke it,
    I know I broke it,
    I know I broke it.

    Tuga dolazi kasnije; Tina Vukov

    Jednom kad sve ovo sad
    bude daleko
    kad svane dan, nestane mrak
    kad dodje neko

    I rasplete sve sto veze me
    sve niti ovog sna
    mozda tad cu ti priznat'
    koliko sam te voljela

    Jednom kad mi sretnemo se
    u vervi grada
    ako ti ime izgovorim
    i ne zadrhtim tada

    I ako se ti osmjehnes mi
    kao nekada
    mozda ti priznam
    koliko sam te voljela

    Mozda cu tad reci ti sve ali danas jos ne
    to ne rade velike djevojke ne, ne, ne
    one tek nasmjese se i odu bez tuge
    jer tuga dolazi kasnije

    Jednom kad ti pogledas
    u oci moje
    kad ponos vise ne bude
    igra za dvoje

    Tad cemo mi pricati
    dugo ko' nekada
    i mozda ti priznam
    koliko sam te voljela

    Eva; Nightwish

    6:30 winter morn
    Snow keeps falling, silent dawn
    A rose by any other name
    Eva leaves her Swanbrook home
    A kindest heart which always made
    Me ashamed of my own
    She walks alone but not without her name

    Eva flies away
    Dreams the world far away
    In this cruel children's game
    There's no friend to call her name
    Eva sails away
    Dreams the world far away
    The Good in her will be my sunflower field

    Mocked by man to depths of shame
    Little girl with life ahead
    For a memory of one kind word
    She would stay among the beasts
    Time for one more daring dream
    Before her escape, edenbeam
    We kill with her own loving heart

    Eva flies away
    Dreams the world far away
    In this cruel children's game
    There's no friend to call her name
    Eva sails away
    Dreams the world far away
    The Good in her will be my sunflower field

    Lamb Of God; Marilyn Manson

    There was Christ in the metal shell
    there was blood on the pavement
    The camera will make you god
    that's how Jack became sainted

    If you die when there's no one watching
    and your ratings drop and you're forgotten
    if they kill you on their TV
    you're a martyr and a lamb of god
    nothing's going to change
    nothing's going to change the world

    There was Lennon and a happy gun
    There were words on the pavement
    we were looking for the lamb of god
    we were looking for Mark David

    If you die when there's no one watching
    and your ratings drop and you're forgotten
    if they kill you on their TV
    you're a martyr and a lamb of god

    Nothing's going to change the world
    nothing's going to change
    Nothing's going to change the world
    nothing's going to change
    the world

    it took three days for him to die
    the born again could buy the serial rights
    lamb of god have mercy on us
    lamb of god won't you grant us

    Nothing's going to change the world
    nothing's going to change
    Nothing's going to change the world
    nothing's going to change
    the world

    If you die when there's no one watching
    and your ratings drop and you're forgotten
    if they kill you on their TV
    you're a martyr and a lamb of god
    nothing's going to change the world

    24 sata; Aerodrom - ova je za moje frendice, znaju one na koga mislim. volim vas najviše na svijetu!

    Priznajem grijesio sam bas kao I svi
    Znam da sam prepun mana ali vjeruj mi
    Moja ljubav oduvijek je bila cista I tebe dostojna

    Zbog nje sam bio spreman se pokoriti
    I protiv razuma se svoga boriti
    I napustit svoje staro drustvo tebi je bilo svejedno

    Ti nikad nisi saznala
    Koliko mi je do tebe stalo
    24 sata dnevno
    S tobom je bilo premalo

    Ti uvijek imas pravo se potuziti
    Mozda su ti drugi mogli vise pruziti
    Ali vjeruj kunem ti se nikad nisam za cijenu pitao

    Koliko sam puta te na kisi cekao
    Kasnila si sate nista nisam rekao
    Za tebe sam htio sve na svijetu tebi je bilo svejedno


    Design: Lucija [d]
    Photo: deviantART
    Hosting: Tinypic

  • boyzzzz

    Ja ne želim imat dečka do kojeg mi i najmanje nije stalo, a većina vas zna o kome pričam... možda će mi se s vremena na vrijeme počet sviđat, tko zna možda i zaboravim -znaš već koga- i budem s Viiiii dugooo.... Neda Bog većeg zla. :) Oj Helena, možda bih baš trebale napraviti onu zamjenu. Tebi Viiiiiii,a meni Šiiiii... Šalim se! nut To nebi bilo dobro.

    Veliki pusek Viiiiii..... kiss kiss

    |utorak, 30.01.2007., 09:26|

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