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Ina My Angel

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Za našeg malog anđela

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Angel remember how we'd chase the sun
Then reaching for the stars at night
As our lives had just begun

When I close my eyes I hear your velvet wings and cry
I'm waiting here with open arms - oh can't you see
Angel shine your light on me

Oh Angel will we meet once more - I'll pray
When all my sins are washed away
Hold me inside your wings and stay
Oh! Angel take me far away

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july morning
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'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect'

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nedjelja, 25.03.2007.

Sretan Rođendan Ines!

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Ines Kuhta

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A million times I'll miss You,
a million times I'll cry.
If loving could have saved You,
You never would have died.
In life I loved You dearly,
In death I love You too.
In my heart there is an empty place,
No one could fill but You.
It broke my heart to lose You,
But You never went alone.
For part of me went with You,
When God took You home.
His garden must be pretty,
He only wants the best.
He put his loving arms around You
And said: "My child, come home to rest"

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I thought of You with love today,
But that is nothing new.
I thought about You yesterday,
And the day before that, too.
I think of You in silence,
And often speak Your name.
All I have are memories,
And Your picture in a frame.
Your memory is my keepsake,
With which I'll never part.
God has You in His keeping,
I have You in my heart.

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I miss You oh so much.
I pray that You will come back.
I miss You as the days go by.
Without You here I reallze
Just what You mean to me
And how much I love You.

You are my life,my world,my everything.


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Ina kad bi samo znala koliko mi nedostaješ!Toliko te volim da rijeći jednostavno to ne mogu opisati...Zašto baš ti....Da se barem možeš vratiti,barem na jedan dan,jedan sat,ma samo na jednu minutu da te još jednom zagrlim i kažem ti koliko te volim...Isuse Bože....vrati nam je MOLIM TE
!Ponekad toliko zaboli što te nema pored mene...da poželim samo da umrem,da me netko ubije samo da budem opet s tobom da se zajedno smijemo,da zajedno plačemo,da opet sve radimo zajedno...Volim te tako jako, INES! Tako je teško bez tebe Anđele!Vrati se!!Nedostaju mi naše šetnje,naša zezanja,naše ideje,nedostaje mi SVE!INEEEEEES!!Neču,ne želim više bez tebe...predugo te nema...Hvala ti na svemu Anđele,stvarno...ti si bila moj život,ti si bila jedini razlog zašto živim,ti si bila ona koja je UVIJEK bila uz mene i hvala ti....a sad živim samo da opet dođem tebi jer drugog naćina nema,želim opet biti pokraj tebe...TAKO MI NEDOSTAJEŠ!!A Anđele prelijepi!Još ponekad ne vjerujem da si to zbilja bila ti u autu,ponekad si mislim da si samo negdje otišla da vidiš dali je nekome stalo do tebe,da vidiš kako bi bilo da te nema,e pa Anđele samo da znaš....GROZNO je bez tebe...sve se ruši...sve nestaje...sve vene....svaki dan samo čekam da češ mi se javiti ili mi poslati poruku da si se zezala....ali ta poruka ne stiže....nema je....sve je pusto...Vrati se!Nadam se da si sretna,i da nas sve gledaš i čuvaš...Znaj da te svi puno volimo i svima nam tako nedostaješ,a pogotovo meni...bila si moja voda i moj zrak...a sad....sad sve u meni polako umire...više ništa ne znam...znam samo da te volim i da ću te zauvijek voljeti i zauvijek ću te se sjećati,zauvijek ćeš biti u mom srcu...Hvala ti što si mi pružila priliku da vidim što to znaći imati PRAVOG prijatelja...hvala ti što si mi ispunjavala život i ćinila ga sretnim...Za mene si uvijek bila i uvijek ćeš biti moja jedina NAJBOLJA PRIJATELJICA! Željela bih ti još toliko toga tu napisati ali to se ne može svrstati u rijeć ti se jedino može reći.....Volim te Anđele i...

partykissSRETAN TI 16.ROĐENDAN!!!partykiss

Zauvijek te voli tvoja najbolja prijateljica Ana...

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Ana & Ina best friends forever!!

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