Ne zbog sebe...

16 lipanj 2012

Kako je grozno, plakati...
Ali ne zbog sebe..
Nego zbog nekoga...

Jer netko pati....

A sve sam ja kriva :(

Lost and lonely

15 lipanj 2012

So lost without you.
Without a life...
Nothing matters anymore, not the sun, not the air....
Killing me, the pain I have caused...
Can't live with the guilt...
With the pain.
I'm sorry, does it matter anyway?
Can it help?
I don't think so.

I would give anything, to go back...
Back in time...
Never to hurt you, only to make you smile.
'Cause I love when you smile, I really do.
And if you would smile without me, I would erase myself from time,
just to make you happy....

You're the only one that really deserves all the happiness....
All the best...
And I ruined it all... Damn me....
I have never loved no one like this but you.
Never cried for a year, for anyone... Anyone but you.
I could cry another ten, but I can't reverse time.

I am lost.
Lost and lonely.
And I would give anything, to feel you near.
For your hug..............
Kiss that marked you as forever one.

I do love you.....

I have done many shits and wrongs in my life.
The biggest mistake of all was to hurt you so much,
that I just can't repair the damage.
I am so so sorry.
People are stupid, make bad choices - I'm then the stupidest one of all....

Doesn't change the fact that I love you more thank life itself....
In spite all the wrong I did.

I am lost, I will be lost and lonely,
without you..

Suze, suze, samo suze

Koliko neka pjesma moze bit pustana iz minute u minutu..
Sata u sat..
I dana u dan...

Sad je vec i godina.......
I dalje se uz ovo placem...

Zao mi je.... :(
Toliko mi je zao i boli me sve ovo...
tek sad shvacam...
tek sad vidim koliko me ustvari volis..
bez obzira na sve - tu si... :((((((((

kako da se covjek nosi s tim kada povrijedi osobu koju voli vise od icega..
kako da sam sebi oprosti ??? :(((

vise sam se izgubila i ne znam dal placem zbog tebe, zbog sebe ili pitaj vraga cega ne :((((

iskreno mi je zao :'(
oprosti mi molim te :(

Djubre sam.................. :(

12 lipanj 2012

I had a part in everything
Twice I destroyed the light and twice I failed
I left ruin behind me when I returned
But I also carried ruin with me
She, the mistress of her own lust

Drowning in my own tears...


11 lipanj 2012

Dobih i to...

Jebiga, istina:


Can you forgive me...
Is it possible?
How when I can't fogive myself :(

In the dreams I have dreamt that you forgave me,
but they say it is the opposite what will happen.
If this is true.
Kill me, kill me now.
Because if you don't love me,
Life has no meaning anymore :(

Kill Me.... again.........

O da, mrzim ovaj dan..
Mrzim zadnjih godinu dana.....

Mrzim samu sebe.............................

Boli :((

O da....

Soo true:

But I've been hurt by myself :( How stupid must you be :(((( STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

O da, zasluzujem i to...

tears of blood 1 pictures, backgrounds and images

Kill Me....

Interesantno je kako sam trazila neki naziv bloga prema svojim osjecajima...


Nevjerojanto je kako su svi ti nazivi zauzeti...
Al samo depresivni svi mi skupa..

Pa eto, ovako se osjecam... Ovdje me doveo zivot...
Maknula sam se odsvud, s glupog FB, sa chatova....
Ali imam potrebu negdje tipkat... Pa eto, ovo ce posluzit izbacivanju negative dokle ce to biti potrebno...
Slobodno ignorirajte, slobodno nemojte, iskreno, boli me briga.....

Zivot je sjeban...
A nemam snage da se ubijem....

Mogu samo plakati, tonama, ma galonima suza ili kako to vec ide....
A cemu, nikamo to ne vodi..
A uostalom svaki blog koji ima veze s tugom je zauzet..
Pa eto, od tud Kill Me....

Taj osjecaj je trenutno jedino snaszno sto zelim da se desi, sto mislim da zasluzujem...
Jebes zivot kada si ga tolko uspijes upropastit, unistit, zakomplicitrat...

Kolko covjek moze biti glup, lud, idiotan.... Pa zar nije da onda ne zaslzuje zivjet.
Eh jebiga, kako ono rekoh, zivot je sranje.

Kill Me

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