ketcha`s mind

srijeda, 31.05.2006.

[ Eminem ]

When I just a little baby boy,
my momma used to tell me these crazy things.
She used to tell me my daddy was an evil man,
she used to tell me he hated me.
But then I got a little bit older and I realized,
she was the crazy one.
But there was nothin’ I could do or say to try to change her,
cuz that's just the way she was.

They said I can't rap about bein’ broke no more.
They say I can't rap about coke no more.
(AHHH!) Slut, you think I won't choke no whore
‘till the vocal cords don't work in her throat no more?!
(AHHH!) These motherfuckers are thinkin’ I'm playin’
Thinkin’ I'm sayin’ this shit cuz I'm thinkin’ it just to be sayin’ it
(AHHH!) Put your hands down BITCH, I ain't gon' shoot you.
I'ma pull +YOU+ to this bullet, and put it through you
(AHHH!) Shut up slut, you're causin’ too much chaos
Just bend over and take it slut, okay Ma?
“Oh, now he's rapin’ his own mother, abusing a whore,
snorting coke, and we gave him the Rolling Stone cover?"
You goddamn right BITCH, and now it's too late,
I'm triple platinum and tragedies happened in two states.
I invented violence, you vile venomous volatile bitches
vain Vicadin, vrinnn Vrinnn, VRINNN! {*chainsaw revs up*}
Texas Chainsaw, left his brains all
Danglin’ from his neck, while his head barely hangs on.
Blood, guts, guns, cuts.
Knives, lives, wives, nuns, sluts.

31.05.2006. u 00:55 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

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Što je moj mind?

to su razbribrige..što o arhitekturi što o drugim zanimljivim one sa stilom i guštomthumbup

Tko sam?
Ja sam K. iz Medulina, grofica od zalaska gorućega sunca!cerek ne morate vjerovati...

a..tu titulu nosim od srpnja 1998. kad sam poletila balonom sa slavnim Ivanom Trifonovim! Jedino što me veže uz Medulin je djedovina smijeh i ime jednog dijela naselja! al dobro..
rođena 22.06.1982. i odonda carujem Pulom i samo Pulom!
Oduvijek malo luđa..a sad i preluda wink

Ponovno rođena na Badnjak 2004. i odonda mijenjam svjetonazor! Na život gledam sa većim veseljem, poštujem sve i živim život! Ipak, prošla sam tanku granicu između smrti i života i nebi ponovo yes

KETCHIRATI? Da..Ketcha mi je ime, al samo za glupe Engleze koji mi nisu znali izgovoriti ime! A što znači Ketchirati? Znači po mnogima zgubidaniti; no, moj je svaki dan drugačiji i spreman za nove izazove..a nekad je to samo lijeno izležavanje u krevetu a nekad je to dan prepun adrenalina!

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