sinner in heaven

četvrtak, 05.07.2007.

prvi put

evo po prvi put ne da mi se pisati post..
nemam uopce inspiracije i to vec nekoliko dana.. no ipak sam se prisilila..
jer opet imam novi dizajn.. bilo mi je dosadno.. nasla super slicku i sve jos dodatno uredila i stvorila pozadinu sve to ubacila u html sredila i ta dam!!!
bar mi to nije dosadno za raditi al je naporno kad se nesto ne poklapa i kad trazis dobru sliku.,. ova nije nista posebna..
pa eto.. kod mene skoro svaki tjedan drugi dizajn.. cak sam i razmisljala da otvorim posebni blog s dizajnicima.. al ipak necu.. na moru nemam kompa.. a ne zelim ici u internet caffe.. haha ne zna kak cu izdrzati prek ljeta.. joooj.. jao meni!
smislit cu ja vec nes..
na more cu vjerovatno za 2 tjedna. bar bi ja tako htjela.. brat se vec dere na mene da se maknem iz zagreba.. da.. i sad je doslo do nesporazuma jer on oce uzeti zena..
a ja njega ne zelim cekati i ja ne zelim ko tuka sjediti u busu bez muzike.. e pa mi je sinulo da si ja mozda kupim svoj zen.. zen stone! nis mi ne znaci za to dat 300 kn.. pogotovo kad vec znam da je dobre kvalitete..
tako da je sve to jos jedan veliki ?
u pon se idem šišati!!! jeeej!! malo sredit vrhove i tako.. malo cu i promjenit friz tako da cu bi nova.. jej
kexy.. xD

ne znam kaj da jos pisem.. ufff.. vise mi se ne da.. al cu sto posto napisati post prije neg kaj odem na more..
i da.. anitaaa!!!! koji su tvoji planovi za more?!?

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pozdrav svima!!!!!!

05.07.2007. u 14:59 • 25 KomentaraPrint#

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Stare at the middle of the picture below
eventually you will see a giraffe!

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I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you
I’m awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken, But
without you all I’m going to be is incomplete

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It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive

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And oh I scream for you
Come please I'm callin'
And all I need from you
Hurry I'm fallin'

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I'm here inside your shades of love
Makes one day forever
And when July has come and gone
This day will last forever
One day forever

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I've had the time of my life
No I never felt this way before
Yes I swear it's the truth
And I owe it all to you

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If I could, fly away
Oo and I wouldn't come back no more
I, I'd turn around,
Just to see you for the last time,

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But I see clearly now
And this choice I made
keep playing in my head
Over and over again

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I’m here without you baby
but your still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
and I dream about you all the time

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But when you touch me like this
And you hold me like that
I just have to admit
That it's all coming back to me

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If I kiss you like this
And if you whisper like that
It was lost long ago
But it's all coming back to me

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Keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go

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The world makes way for those
who know where they are going

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Miris tebe ja nosim
Dio tebe ja želim biti
Kao šapat koji čuješ rado
Dio tebe

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There were days when the sun was so cruel
That all the tears turned to dust
And I just knew my eyes were
Drying up forever

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I can't find my way
God I need a change
I'm gonna try anything
to just feel better
Tell me what to do
You know I can't see
through the haze around me

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Unbreak my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life

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When your will is broken
When it slips from your hand
When there's no time for joking
There's a hole in the plan

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In my head there's only you now
This world falls on me
In this world there's real and make believe
And this seems real to me