.:so stupid things:.

petak, 26.08.2005.

ej ppl

sprowod je bia užasan,al dobro,to je prošlo...swa srića....
a fuckin svit mi je dosadia...radin 12 sati dnevno za dnevnicu od 70-100 kn.jebeš to.....
rintan ko manijak...
nean vrimena za ništa,frustrirana san cila (em zbog škole,koja je za nekih 10 dana,pa zbog X-a jer ću poludit),a opet s druge strane,sve mi super,puna san para,ekipa mi je zakoon i mogu zakljućit da mi je lito bilo zakon...
al opet ja u sebi iman feeling nedostatka nekog/nečega.....nean pojma.....možda san samo danas na livu nogu se digla,a možda počinjen zrelije gledat oko sebe,pa me stvari koje su mi prije bile bitne,sad nevažne,a sad nean čime razbijat glavu.prazna san totalno i sad tu kenjan gluposti pred "IzlazaK".a neš ti izlaska,popit piće,popalit po kutije duvana,kuć leć i ujutro radit....
fuckin' shit.....

- 19:01 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 18.08.2005.


Kod šibenskog mosta poginuo mladić

Sedamnaestogodišnji putnik u osobnom vozilu 'jugo' šibenskih registracijskih oznaka poginuo je u prometnoj nesreći što se u srijedu oko 7,30 sati dogodila na županijskoj cesti Šibenik -Zaton u blizini šibenskog mosta, priopćila je glasnogovornica šibensko-kninske Policijske uprave Rosanda Truta

U nesreći su ozlijeđeni 21-godišnji vozač i dvije putnice, od 15 i 17 godina. Očevid je u tijeku, a prema podacima kojima zasad raspolaže policija, vozilo se kretalo iz pravca Zatona i kod šibenskog mosta je sletilo niz strminu.

srijeda, 17.08.2005.

swe wan je jasno.naš friend.našli smo sinoć zwizdu na nebu i rekli da je to on,da nas gleda sa malwazijon u ruci i čeka naš dolazak da naprawimo dar mar...swi u bijelo.sa bijelim ružama.
ttribali smo swi plesat skupa u subotu.a iden mu na sprowod sutra.....
fuck this world
- 10:37 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 15.08.2005.


e .... to je to.....
ma poludila san skroz,ne raćunajte me u normalne
iden žicat starog da me wozi u haciendu....
ajdddddd........mislin wećeras
a nas 4 baš bacamo na owe ode curke.....hm
- 16:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


stvarno dugo nisan pisala..možda zato šta je lito,možda zato jer nema ništa pametnog za pisat,a možda jednostavno jer neman inspiracije...
šibenik je uwik isti...wodice su zakon...
cila san zbunjoza....on je otiša u zg...ne znan,ja nisan ja...

tribute to me & jan

6 bottles went down the drain,
one hours waste of time,
I’d ask if you feel the same,
still pushing that chance to try,
your breath in this cool room chill,
long hair that blows side to side,
you speak and make time stand still,
and each time you walk right on by...
Like violence you have me, forever, and after
Like violence you kill me, forever and after.
Can’t count all the eyes that stare,
can’t count all the things they see,
she kills with no life to spare,
just victims are left to bleed,
one drink and the pain goes down,
soft shadows lay by her feet,
lay soft as you slowly drown,
lay still while you fall asleep. (Fall asleep)
Like violence you have me, forever, and after
Like violence you kill me, forever and after.
(And after…and after…and after)
Like violence you have me, forever, and after
Like violence you kill me…
Like violence you have me, forever, and after
Like violence you kill me…
Like violence you have me, forever, and after
Like violence you kill me, forever and after.
Like violence you have me, forever, and after
Like violence you kill me, forever and after.
My dearest
I've missed you very very much since that last night we were together
And will hold that night especially in my memories for years to come
I've been turning it over and over in my mind lately
I've read you're letter through at least 4 times
And will probably read it more times before I'm through
I've been sitting here
Looking at you're picture and getting more home sick every minute
I've wanted that picture more than anything else I know of
Except of course you, you're self
I keep thinking of you darling
I keep wishing I could be home with you
I want to leave in the worst possible way so I could come home to see you But:
Things don't look to good on that subject
This war has spoiled a lot of things for everyone I guess
I've never been so lonesome in my life as I am right now
I'm completely lost without you darling
I never realized I could miss anyone person so much
I just hope it won't be too much longer till I'm able to be with you again
And live a sane and normal life.
- 16:03 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 08.08.2005.

oooooiiiiiii .................................................

ljudi moji....owo je strašnjo......
nean šta pisat osim: JA SAN IN LOVE....DEEPLY.....
life sucks
- 22:04 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

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