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Free Music

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Free Music


Some live for the bill
Some kill for the bill
She wined for the bill
Grind for the bill
(and she used to be the sweetest girl)
Some steal for the bill, if they got to pay they bill
(and she used to be the sweetest girl)
Tonight Wyclef, Akon, Weezy and Nia

[Verse 1:]
High school she was that girl that make me do the hula hoop around the gym
(Just to get a peek again, she's a 10)
High school she was
That girl that make me do the hula hoop around the gym
(Just to get a peek again, she's a 10)
Never thought she would come and work for the president
Mr. George Washington (where my money at?)
She thought he'd call (where my money at?)
She had a good day, bad day, sunny day, rainy day
All she wanna know is (where my money at?)
Closed legs don't get fed, go out there and make my bread
All you wanna know is (where my money at?)
She ended up in a road car, bruised up, scarred hard
All you wanna know is (where my money at?)
She thought he'd call (where my money at?)

Cos I'mma tell you like you told me
Cash rules everything around me
Singin' dollar dollar bill yall(dollar, dollar bill yall)
Singin' dollar dollar bill yall(dollar, dollar bill yall)
Cos I'mma tell you like you told me
Cash rules everything around me
Singin' dollar dollar bill yall(dollar, dollar bill yall)
Singin' dollar dollar bill yall(dollar, dollar bill yall)

[Verse 2:]
Pimpin' got harder cos, hoes got smarter
On the strip is something they don't wanna be a part of
Rather be up in the club shakin' for a thug
For triple times the money and spending it how they wanna
They got they mind on they money, money on they mind
They got they finger on the trigger, hand on the nines
See everyday they feel the struggle, but staying on they grind
And ain’t nobody takin’ from us, and that’s the bottom line

But I know there's a drop in the block
You move slow
You getting' pressure from cops
You don't know not to lay low
Because 25 to life is no joke
To all my real gorillas thuggin'
On top of corners every day strugglin'

All the beautiful women getting' money
Washin' them dollar bills like laundry

Cos I'mma tell you like you told me
Cash rules everything around me
Singin' dollar dollar bill yall(dollar, dollar bill yall)
Singin' dollar dollar bill yall(dollar, dollar bill yall)
Cos I'mma tell you like you told me
Cash rules everything around me
Singin' dollar dollar bill yall(dollar, dollar bill yall)
Singin' dollar dollar bill yall(dollar, dollar bill yall)

Money, money-money-money
Money, money-money-money
It drives the world crazy

[Verse 3:]
(Weezy) She used to be (she used to be the sweetest girl)

She used to be the sweetest girl ever
Now she like sour ameretta
She wears a dress to the T like the letter
And if you make it rain she will be under the weather
She used to run track back in high school
Now she tricks off the track right by school
She takes a loss cos she don't wanna see her child lose
So respect her, I'll pay up for the time used
And then she runs to the pastor
And he tells her there will be a new chapter
But she feels no different after
And then she asks him…

Cos I'mma tell you like you told me
Cash rules everything around me
Singin' dollar dollar bill yall(dollar, dollar bill yall)
Singin' dollar dollar bill yall(dollar, dollar bill yall)
Cos I'mma tell you like you told me
Cash rules everything around me
Singin' dollar dollar bill yall(dollar, dollar bill yall)
Singin' dollar dollar bill yall(dollar, dollar bill yall)

Some live for the bill
Some kill for the bill (where my money at?)
She wined for the bill
Grind for the bill (where my money at?)
Some steal for the bill, if they got to pay the bill (where my money at?)
Tonight Wyclef, Akon, Weezy and Nia

Pad sistema

U pjesmama ja glumim tajkune
Nemam kune
Okrunjenog kralja grada
Nigdje nema krune
Nema mutavih drotova
Iskompleksiranog šljama
Nigdje nije galama
Svaka žena je ko dama
Nema sexa iz profita
I lizanja skupih kita
Niti napuhane kreme što se zove elita
Nema klošara u tramvaju
Racija na spavanju
Ni žutog, ni bijelog
Niti kemije u prodavanju
Ilegalne zarade
Ni poreza, ni prireza
Nema loših kritika
Ne postoji vojna obveza
Nema skupih auta bez hrvatskih tablica
Nema narodnog radija
Niti brđanskih lica
Nema propalica,
Niti invalidskih kolica
Nema cinkanja susjeda
Niti svađa i smicalica
Ljigave glazbe, niti smeća sa estrade
Nema osobe što krade
Ja te volim Zagreb – grade!

Pad sistema,
Ko će živjet život kad ga nema
Pad sistema,
Bez života više ničeg nema
Zamisli da više ničeg nema
Nema problema,
Lošeg društva,
Loših žena i sistema
Zamisli da više ničeg nema
Nema problema,
Lošeg društva,
Loših žena i sistema
Kako bi ti bilo bez života,
Bez svega kaj poznaš
Buraz vrijeme je da doznaš!

Zamisli da lijepe žene nemaju računa,
Tvoja lisnica je puna,
Nema socijalnih buna
Nema kurvi ni drolja
Lezbi i pedera
Nema bolesnih u glavi
Nema zatvora i potjera
Bez brige o školi,
Jer nema loših ocjena
U kvartu bez narkića
Žiki žiku nasred parkića
Smiješ se patroli
Jer te za njih kurac boli
Legalno je svima
Pa ko voli nek izvoli
Nema kvartovskih lažova
Lovačkih priči
Nema klonova zbog slave
Preživljavanja na sići
Silovanja, krađi
Ni ubojstva iz osvete
Nema šori ni divljanja,
Niti bolničke posjete
Nema trganja stadiona
Zvukova sirena
Nema ranjenih metkom
Nema sliovane žene
Niti smeća na ulici
Ni grafita sa fasade
Nema osobe što krade

Pad sistema,
Ko će živjet život kad ga nema
Pad sistema,
Bez života više ničeg nema
Zamisli da više ničeg nema
Nema problema,
Lošeg društva,
Loših žena i sistema
Zamisli da više ničeg nema
Nema problema,
Lošeg društva,
Loših žena i sistema
Kako bi ti bilo bez života,
Bez svega kaj poznaš
Buraz vrijeme je da doznaš!

Zamisli da nema gužve,
Guranja i smrada
Života velkog grada
Nema neplaćenog rada
Dobra djevojka je fina
Ide doma poslije kina
Jede zdrava jela fina
Malo gucne dobrog vina
Ona ne širi noge
Da bi sretno stigla doma
Ona više voli tramvaj
Makar vožnja bila koma
Nema tračanja u društvu
Laganja u oči
Nema maloljetnih škvadri
Niti sranja poslije ponoći
Opićenih likova
Što lutaju po gradu
Bogu dane kradu
Uvijek šetaju po hladu
Nema uhićenja
Niti suđenja
Ni suda
Nema glavne budale
Koji prvi ima muda
Nema prosjaka
Ni ubogih
Zmazanih i smrdljivih
Prgavih, ni ološa
Ni škrtih,
Ni prevrtljivih
Niti loših MC-a
Koji repaju balade
Ja te volim Zagreb grade!

nedjelja, 14.10.2007.

Tko je s nama s nama je, tko nije krama je netko ga je popušio vaša m.... je

A jeste šupci nemožemo vjerovat.......tugom shrvani i razočaranjem dotučeni objavljujemo da zbog vas marljivih i vjernih posjetioca koji ste nam ostavili toliko komentara da neznamo di bi s njima (NoooooT) odbijamo pisat postove do daljnjeg.........

.........................Samo vi znate kako to mozete popravit.................

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