Judita na Antipsihoticima

Traumacore Trigger

It's all I can give
It's so hard to live.
I'm sick and I want to heal
But everybody else first, or I must leave

Can we kiss forever? You make my poison pure

Xanax benzos alcohol cigarettes
Matches burning to my fingertips
So I feel warm
When I'm alone at night

Some say it's killing me
But my daddy killed me when I was 4
The more you know

Cigs, twigs, matches, lips

If I try to cure my pain they call it suicide
And when I hide... I only lie

Peace is when I'll lie
Teddy bear, soft blanket just to survive the night somehow

I take my pills to be alright
But they call it suicide
Let me rest for a while

Empty bottle
Pill box
Empty kit to kill me or keep me alive
It depends because I don't cry
I only know to hide and say it's alright

Because I love you
And if I can't be your day I can be your peaceful night

I love you but I won't never beg
I was eating dirt all my life,
Getting hurt from the start.

If I'm a martyr you're my light
Emptying the bottle, I'm not even drunk
Trauma, traumacore

(Can we kiss forever?)
I'm not leaving but it's all I can give right now
Some oranges for you and a hug
And a promise I'll live for you and die for you
That's what I'll do
because I love you
sometimes you're little like me too
I'll never leave you

08.02.2021. u 17:17 | 0 Komentara | Print | # | ^

let me stay problematic bitch
im so tired of accomodating u all the time
u only care about urself

živjeti život za one koji ne mogu
i koji više nisu mogli
trebam pokušavati

ill never try to be normal again
or to be like u again

i speak to angels
and im fighting the demons

im kissing angels
and crying blood

thats my life

what else

02.02.2021. u 18:41 | 0 Komentara | Print | # | ^

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Opis bloga

Mi, milosrdnošću našom,
Ljutmila z murske zemljice,

Judita na antipsihoticima,
Frustrirana PTSP-ovka,
Gospodarica zvjeradi,
Sveta Prokleta,
Nadrkana Jebačica™
Žena mecena

Lutmila Gangsterka,

24 godine ljubavi i prokletstva
među valovitom kosom
blaženoga vijeka (smrti).