Under Jolly Roger

petak, 30.12.2005.

kriva super antena

...eh piki, evo jos jedan dan je fakin prikraju i dani lete ko voodoo komarci, mada mi nije jasno kakve su to naprave..khm da...al mora da imaju veze sa krivim super antenama i da je to povezano... evo jos imam malo vremena da dovrsim tu pricu jel pocinje neki film koji je koso postavljen s obzirom na kruznicu...ahhhhhhhhhhhh puncka luda, sutra ti i moje bestije dolazite kod mene da napravimo rusvaj.. ja sam sve fino pripremila, i upravo u ove kasne sate sam dovrsila zadnji kolac za tvoju punasnu busicu, da budes sutra vulgarna sa federucom... nemoj zaboravit da na mom krevetu coris tako da nema pipanja... kloni se tog dlakavca i okreni guzu prema zidu.. jahsta...al cemo fino konzumirat zabranjena sredstva i drugi dan praznit zeluce uokolo u krug, koso od krivih super antena ...prilaze se pogodna slika da se razveselis..
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..a sad zbogom idem gledat neki ludi film.. odjava i do slusanja, sljede vremenska prognoza i sport za sljedecih 12 sati lalallaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

30.12.2005. u 23:46 • 3 KomentaraPrint#

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nic posebno zanimljivo...ovo je posveceno tritici:)


...eto neki linkovi ca su kod mene cesto u uporabi... Image hosted by Photobucket.com


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kiss 4 tuna
marine and me
jele and me
I see you tuna
friend stef:)
koja je to koka:)
ko ce prije trepnut:)
federuco, tritica, stef:)
hrla, spile, maja, tomi:)

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STAN: I want to be a woman. From now on, I want you all to call me 'Loretta'.
REG: What?!
LORETTA: It's my right as a man.
JUDITH: Well, why do you want to be Loretta, Stan?
LORETTA: I want to have babies.
REG: You want to have babies?!
LORETTA: It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them.
REG: But... you can't have babies.
LORETTA: Don't you oppress me.
REG: I'm not oppressing you, Stan. You haven't got a womb! Where's the foetus going to gestate?! You going to keep it in a box?!”

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BEN: You lucky, lucky bastard.
BRIAN: What?
BEN: Proper little jailer's pet, aren't we?
BRIAN: What do you mean?
BEN: You must have slipped him a few shekels, eh?
BRIAN: Slipped him a few shekels? You saw him spit in my face!
BEN: Ohh! What wouldn't I give to be spat at in the face! I sometimes hang
awake at night dreaming of being spat at in the face.
BRIAN: Well, it's not exactly friendly, is it? They had me in manacles!
BEN: Manacles! Ooh oooh oh oh. My idea of heaven is to be allowed to be
put in manacles... just for a few hours. They must think the sun shines out o' your arse, sonny.
BRIAN: Oh, lay off me. I've had a hard time!
BEN: You've had a hard time?! I've been here five years! They only hung me
the right way up yesterday! So, don't you come 'rou--
BRIAN: All right. All right.
BEN: They must think you're Lord God Almighty.
BRIAN: What will they do to me?
BEN: Oh, you'll probably get away with crucifixion.
BRIAN: Crucifixion?!
BEN: Yeah, first offence.
BRIAN: Get away with crucifixion?! It's--
BEN: Best thing the Romans ever did for us.
BRIAN: What?!
BEN: Oh, yeah. If we didn't have crucifixion, this country would be in a
right bloody mess.
BRIAN: Guards!
BEN: Nail him up, I say!”