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Nesto o meni:
Hm,ja sam mateja...
Zvana joka,il
kak hoces......
Dosla na ovaj crazy svijet:
05.07.1993.g.u Zagrebu
di i zivim...skola osnovna...
spaaavati,setati po gradu,
hm,ludi i otkvaceni stil,
mp3,neke cool marame,,ici van i malo
se opustiti,umjetnost,
To je to....
Ne volim:sve sto
volim(SALIM SE)
To je to...valjda
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Moj san:ehm,nadam
se da cu postati poznata

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Don't you know that you make my days count?
And I'm always happy when you're around
it doesn't matter what we do
as long as I'm here with YOU

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Do you believe in the miracle of Love
Do you believe in you
Do you believe in Love
Do you believe it could happen to you
Take me in your arms, don't ever leave
With you in my arms, I'll make you believe!
I believe in Love, always and forever.
I believe in us, you and I together.

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To you My Love I gave you this
For you to know where my heart is
The day we met, we laughed a lot
I wish that day, would never end
One day I woke up and looking for you
I don't know why, I don't understand
I looked into my eyes, I can see is you
I heard my heart saying I love you

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Ah! the song you sing,
and the mystery you bring,
I love everything,
for my soul has taken wing,
like the skylark in the spring.
I am thinking of you.

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If I could have just shown you
how much you mean to me
then I could have died happily
with the tears of joy in me

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Your eyes, your smile,
The way you laugh,
The things you say and do.
Take me to the places,
My heart never knew.

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Let me take you in my arms tonight
hold you close and dance so slow
we move together in the candlelight
I whisper words of love to let you know

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When I looked into your eyes
I knew it was true.
My heart never lies
I was in love with you.

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As you stood there
just looking around,
my whole body melted
into the ground.
I remember the day,
I remember the time,
I remember the place,
It was always on my mind.
You looked so good
in your shirt and jeans.
I remember that night,
you were in my dreams.
I wish I could be with you
day after day,
Because I love you
more than words can ever say.

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It's time to take you home
and somewhere on the way
ask to see you again...
...I wonder what you'll say.
I'll walk you to your door
and with a goodnight kiss
I know I'll want many...
...many more nights like this...

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There will always be a heartache,
and often a silent tear,
but always a million wishes,
wishing you were here.
There will always be your reflection,
in my lonely saddened stream,
and there will always be a 'you and me',
as long as I can dream.

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Don't know how to explain it
Can't really put it into words
You've touched my life in so many ways
You never cease to amaze me.
I don't know what the future holds
I can't pretend that I do
I just know beyond a doubt
I always want you around.
Whether we stay the closest of friends
Or I become the love of your life
Or maybe even both occurs
As long as your in my life I can smile.
Something about you makes me smile
Not just with my mouth
And not just with my eyes
But all the way to my soul.
Thank you for what you are to me
For being who you are
And adding happiness to this life
And giving me a reason to smile.

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Why do I love you? I think and smile,
because I know the list could run on for miles.
The whisper of your voice, the warmth of your touch,
so many little things that make me love you so much.
The way you support me, and help with my emotions,
the way that you care and show such devotion.
The way that your kiss, fills me with desire,
and how you hold me with the warmth of a blazing fire.
The way your eyes shine when you look at me,
lost with you forever is where I want to be.
The way that I feel when you're by my side,
a sense of completion and overflowing pride.
The dreams that I dream, that all involve you,
the possibilities I see and the things we can do.
How you finish the puzzle that lies inside my heart,
how that deep in my soul, you are the most important part.
I could go on for days, telling of what I feel,
but all you really must know is my love for you is real

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Your touch is with me always,
It’s burnt into my skin,
As soft and warm as sun rays
When a summer day sets in.

Your soft voice never silent,
It’s forever in my ears,
Serenading every moment
And calming all my fears.

Your arms always enfold me,
The strength of angels wings,
They support and protect me wholly
With the safety a true love brings.

While I can never repay you,
For the wonder you bring to my life,
I can forever be true,

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I was sort of hoping,
That you would come along,
Like the answer to a prayer,
And the music to a song.

Like the kind of thing that happens,
At a special place and time,
That will change our lives forever,
Like a fantasy of mine.

The fantasy was there before,
I ever knew your name,
And now that I have found you,
We will never be the same.

So, pardon, if I look at you,
Forgive me if I stare,
At the fantasy I knew before,
I saw you standing there.

For I was always hoping,
That you would come along,
Like the answer to a prayer,
And the music to a song

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If I knew how to write a song
I’d write one everyday
It would say that I’m in love with you
And why I feel this way

It would have to say you’re pretty
And as rare as a desert rose
It would say you’re a looker
From your head down to your toes

You are funny, dainty, fragile
And as feminine as can be
You’re smart charming lovely
And everything to me

You’re my comfort when I’m lonely
You’re my peace when I need rest
Of all the women I’ve known
I must rate you the best.

You’re the orchard in the jungle,
you’re the better half of me
You’re all of this and so much more,
you mean the world to me

Still so much is left unsaid,
It would take me far to long
I know how much I love you,
If only I could write a song.

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When I wake up in the morning
Sunshine's falling on my skin
And I call you up to tell you
What a happy mood I'm in

Feel the rhythm in my body
And sing is all I wanna do
I feel the day will bring me sunshine
for it's another day with you

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If there's one face I want to see,
so beautiful, so true,
one smile that makes a difference,
to everything I do.

If there's one touch I long to feel,
one voice I long to hear,
whenever I am happy,
or just needing someone near.

If there's one joy, one love,
from which I never want to part,
it's you, my very special love,
my world, my life, my hear

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If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.

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ponedjeljak, 11.06.2007.

Whenever I want you, all I have to do is dream...

Jos jedan tjedan brzo prolazi....
Vrijeme ide,a zasto s vremenom neidu i lose uspomene?
Znam,u zadnje vrijeme nemam vise neke hepi postove....
Svakim danom,svakim jutrom dolaze mi nova pitanja...
Neda mi se stalno pisati isto,neda vam se
stalno citati isto...sve to nemogu si pomoc...
Nezelim da ovo izgleda kao neki depresivni post...
Samo malo kukam kao i uvijek smijeh

U zadnje vrijeme nekako previse pametujem,
vidim to i po postovima...Zapravo takva
sam ja zapravo,no vise se nemogu ni
prepoznat...nemogu se tocno sjetit
kakva sam prije u sebi znam
da se vracam k sebi....

Uf,u skoli je tako dosadno...
Meni nikada inace nije bilo
dosadno u skoli...imam osjecaj
da me svi cudno gledaju,zbunjeno,
zaobilaze me...Ma,s kim se
ja opterecujem...

Imam ja i vecih problema...

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Npr.opet me nekaj iznutra muci....
Nezelim se sada izlajat...
Ali niko nezna ovaj put sta
se dogadja s mojim srcekom
i za kog sada "kuca"...LOL
Ovaj put cu sama za sebe odlucivat,
jer svaki put kad nekome nes kazem
onda me totalno odgovori od onoga
sto ja mislim i od onog sto
bih napravila...Pa si onda uvijek
mislim valjda oni bolje hajde
ZA MENE?????? smijehsmijeh

Ali,kolko vidim opet ja zanovijeetam...smijeh

Eee,opet hvala nekim ljudima...
Kaj su uz mene...i ipak
vidim da me bar neko shvaca...smijeh

Jedva cekam da zavrsi skooola...
Ah,odmorit cu se od svega...

Doci ce jednom i mojh 5 minuta...

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srijeda, 06.06.2007.

I finally see you,I take a second look to make sure you're really there.

Ehm...dodjoh napisat post...smijeh
Khm...danas nam je bio dan skole bang
Bila je "slatka" priredbica u kazalistu...ah,tradicija...
Ali ona vrucina u kazalistu me ubila...uf...
Ovih par dana nema skole,meni nazalost
jer sam naravno u fucking kazni...
No nema veze,jos malo je i gotova skola...wee

Bila sam danas s prijateljicom na kavi...
Rekla mi je da ce mi se kad-tad
sve moje zelje koje sam zazeljela
ostvariti...Prije sam imala samo
jednu je bilo davno...sada
imam nove zelje...Mislim da mi se
tek sada ispunjava ta zelja...
Koju sam prije zamislila....Sad
kad mi nimalo netreba...smijeh

Nekako sam si sva cudna...
Uzasno sam razdrazena...
Malo sretna,malo tuznaaa...
Sve mi ide na zivce..
Ma ono sve me zivcira...
I onda se ko debil rascmoljim
jer me to nesto zivcira,pa sama
sebi idem na zivce jer cmoljim bzvz..
Ma gluposti...neznam ni
sama kaj pisem...I zivcira me to
sve kaj sad pisem...smijeh

Vec par puta sam pokusala napisat
ovaj post...svaki put zelim nesto reci
a neznam kako da se izrazim...

Jedan dan...kad sam isla doma...
Prosla sam pored njega....
pogledali smo se u oci....
Ja nisam htijela prva pozdraviti,
nisam imala snage,a on...
gledao je...gledao me u oci,
gledala sam ga u oci,bez
ijedne rijeci dok smo prolazili
jedno pored drugoga...Ta sekunda
je bila taako duga....i...sakupila
sam snage te okrenula glavu na
drugu stranu...produzila korak,
sama sebi rekla:NEMOJ SE OKRETATI...
i krenula dalje...

Dosla sam doma...raspalila
muziku do daske...razvalila
se prek kreveta...zaboravila
probleme...posvetila se necemu
sto volim - crtanju...
Izivljavala sam se na papiru..smijeh
Jos sam kasnije sa sestrom isla
vaan...izbrbljala se...a kako smo
obadvije jako osjetljive...rasplakale
smo se jedna drugoj na ramenu...
Kasnije smo se smijale...smijeh

u NEDELJU sam bila vani do ponoci...
Dosla sam van oko pola deset navecer,
bilo ih je vani malo...atmosfera je
bila,boooring...odoh ja dalje...
Nasla sam se sa susjedom i otisli
smo na muziku...tamo smo bili
do ponoci...onda nam se moja
stara ludnica je bila...

Eto...bilo je malo previse...
idem sada...da se ne sjetim jos
necega....hahaha iduceg pisanja.....

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petak, 01.06.2007.

If I could have just one wish,I would wish to wake up everyday with the sound of your breath on my neck....

Ehm...evo i mene malo...smijeh
Osjecam se bolje,puno bolje....
Uskoro je gotova skola..jupiii...

Neznam sta da pisem,sve
je nekako isto,iako ide na bolje...
No,neznam...Sad pak mene
nesto muci,nesto unutra,nesto...
Taj osjecaj...bljaf...never mind...

Sada sam si malo bolje
razjasnila neke stvari,u vezi
sveeega...I zapravo,uzasno
sam razocarana u samu sebe..
Neznam kako sam dopustila
toliku losu promjenu...Da,se
promjenim samo da bi privukla
tudju paznju..Htjela sam biti
cool,sa svima super....
A neznam ni zasto sam to
htijela...Jer to nije definitivno
ono sto bi ja ikada htijela...
Forsala sam se,glupirala,
bila neka sasvim druga osoba...
Neznam kako sam si to mogla
dopustiti...Da bi bila "cool"
pocela sam markirati,bahatiti se,
gluposti raditi,i sta sve ne....
Nikad prije nisam tako
Kad sam upoznala novo drustvo,
svi su se cinili tako savrseni....
Pocela sam ih kopirati....
Sad kuzim zasto sam u pocetku
SVIMA bila dobra,samo zato
sto sam tada jos bila JA...
A onda,pocela sam se mjenati,
na goree...a kakvih posljedica
tek sada imam...naravno,a sta drugo!
Pogledaj,dosta njih me nevole...
Pa naravno,bila sam glupa,mala
balavica koja se forsa......
Kopirati druge,kako to mrzim...


No,najvaznije je da sam shvatila
sta sam napravila...jer DA NEMA
ONE DOBRE STVARI...ja sam sve
shvatila...i vise nisam onakva...
Sada sam to JA...i puno sam si bolja smijeh iduceg pisanjaaa......kiss

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