subota, 06.05.2006.

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blog o rukometasima.... Image Hosted by

Mi smo prvaci...

Podižem grumen zemlje ponosne,
U ime svih naših žuljeva,
Zemlja pamti sva naša leđa zgrbljena,
I molitve naših kraljeva...

Jedan narod, jedna zemlja, jedan put,
Isti korak, ista nada, isti trud,
Snaga je u svima,
Čeka vjekovima,
Nebo zna
i pjeva sa nama...

Mi smo PRVACI,
Mi smo PRVACI,
Sav ovaj sjaj i pobjeda
I pehar naš,
Znam da vrijedilo je bola...

Mi smo PRVACI,
Bog i HRVATI...

Ivano Balić

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(1. travnja 1979.), hrvatski rukometaš

Prije rukometa dugo godina trenirao
je košarku u tadašnjem klubu Jugoplastika
i POP 84, današnjem KK Split.

Rukomet je počeo igrati u RK "Split".
Prvak svijeta 2003. godine u Portugalu.
Osvajač zlatne medalje na Olimpijskim igrama
2004. godine u Ateni. Drugi sa svjetskog
u Tunisu 2005.

Proglašen je najboljim igračem svijeta
2004. godine.
Najbolji rukometaš Hrvatske 2003.
Nakon RK Metković,
Ivano Balić član je RK Portland San Antonio.
Na EU u Švicarskoj
2006. godine izabran je u najbolju sedmorku
prvenstva i proglašen MVP-najboljim igračem


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ŠKOLA: gimnazija ,
razred 3.-najluđi
Naj sportas: Ivano Balić-naravno
Naj sportasica :Janica Kostelić
Slušam: sve osim narodnjaka(dobijem alergiju od njih)

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Full Blown Rose

Somebody Help Me

by Unknown
I'm being haunted by whisper
A chill comes over me
I've been trapped inside this moment
I'm not a victim, I'm not a freak

Free me
Before I slip away
Heal me
Wake me from this day
Can somebody help me?

I've seen the face of affliction of my reality
I'm being tortured by the future of things
that are yet to be

I'm being haunted by a vision
It's like the moment never comes
I feel the burden of confusion, always searching... on the run

Free me
Before I slip away
Heal me
Wake me from this day
Can somebody help me?

Now, I'm not a
But the weight of the world's is on my soul
These images burn my eyes
They're burning me up inside

Free me
Before I slip away
Heal me
Wake me from this day
Can somebody help me?

If God had a name, what would it be?
And would you call it to his face
if you were faced with Him in all His glory?
What would you ask if you had just one question?

And yeah, yeah, God is great.
Yeah, yeah, God is good.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
What if God was one of us,
just a slob like one of us,
just a stranger on the bus trying to make his way home?

If God had a face, what would it look like?
And would you want to see
if seeing meant that you would have to believe
in things like heaven and in Jesus and the saints
and all the prophets?

And yeah, yeah, God is great.
Yeah, yeah, God is good.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
What if god was one of us,
just a slob like one of us,
just a stranger on the bus trying to make his way home?

Just trying to make his way home, back up to heaven all alone.
Nobody calling on the phone,
'cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.

Yeah, yeah, God is great.
Yeah, yeah, God is good.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
What if god was one of us,
just a slob like one of us,
just a stranger on the bus trying to make his way home,
just trying to make his way home, just like a holy rolling stone?
Back up to heaven all alone, just trying to make his way home.

Nobody calling on the phone,
'cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.

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EvanescenceGoing Under
Now I will tell you what I've done for you
50,000 tears I cry Screaming, Deceiving,
And bleeding for you And you still won't hear me ....
GO AWAY.... Don't want your hand this time
I'll save myself Maybe I'll wake up for once
(wake up for once) Not tormented daily
defeated by you Just when I thought I'd
reach the bottom I dive again I'm going
under (going under) Drowning with you
(drowning with you) I'm falling forever
(falling forever) I've got to break through
I'm, going under Blurring and stirring the
truth that comes out (I don't know what's
real and what's not) Always confusing the
thoughts is my head So I can't trust myself
anymore I dive again I'm going under
(going under) Drowning with you (drowning with you)
I'm falling forever (falling forever) I've got to
through, I'm, so go on and scream Scream at me,
so far away I won't be broken again I've got
to breathe I
can't keep going under I dive again I'm going under
(going under) Drowning with you
(drowning with you)
I'm falling forever (falling forever) I've got to break through,
I'm, going under (going under) Going under
(drowning with you)
I'm going under

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Tose Proeski
Po nasem starom zutom soliteru
price idu u istom smjeru
svi govore da si ledena

A kad te vide ti si uvijek sama
neces ni da pricas s nama
bas si slatka i vrlo dosadna

I ne znam ko je lud
da se na tebe pali
kad ti nesto u glavi fali

Ne zanosim se jako cesto
i dobro znam gde mi je mjesto,
a mjesto je moje kraj tebe.

A ja sam opet lud
pa se na tebe palim,
jer samo ja ti u glavi falim

Obuci cu sve bijelo, cisto,
bijelo, providno uz tijelo
a tvoje crne oci, oci crne
gledat ce me vrelo

Ubrat cu dve ruze majske,
ruze da ti kosu zlate
pozvat cu svirace da nas nocas
kroz grad prate

Ni ledena ni dosadna
ti neces biti
do jutra ces sa usana
ti mojih piti

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