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Veljača 2009 (8)
Siječanj 2009 (3)


hOćEŠ*nEćEš by:plushrOOms :))

Opis bloga

Hmm....rolleyes...Svasta po malo...o
meni,mojim zbivanjima...i
raznim ostalim glupostima smijeh

1.CITAJ postove
2.ne SERI po blogu
3.ako ti se blog ne svidja samo
klikni na [x]
4.ne SALJI mi lance [ne]srece
jer ih prijavljujem kao spam...
5.ne ostavljaj vise od [20] komentara
6.pridrzavaj se pravila!

Custom Myspace Clock


Video news portal Nove TV

Blog servis

Twillight girl fan
Nightwish queen
?ˇˇ AnChi BaNaNcHi ^^?
Miss Valerie
Ananas i bananas dizz
Special design
Miss sixty design
ludi mjehurici [dz]

....About her....

...Ovaj blog pripada ''djevojcici''
po imenu Ivana...
...Njeno prezime nije za
javnost nono...
...Ona zivi u lijepom
gradu Dubrovniku...
...Ima 13 godina i ide u VII.razred...
...ObozavaAa StArKe ♥...
...i ima 4 para starki koje
jako voli ♥...
...Teske su ove njene godine
ali i vrlo zanimljive i lude...
...Ona misli da je zaljubljena...
...Voli mnogo toga,ali i mnogo
toga mrzi...pa je za sve izdvojila
nekoliko stvari....

...Ona Voli...
¤ sebe XD <3
¤ muziku <3
¤ starke <3
¤ frendove <3
¤ net <3
¤ blog <3
¤ pse <3
¤ ljeto <3
¤ praznike <3
¤ sanjariti <3
¤ biti zaljubljena <3
¤ biti sretna <3
¤ biti nasmjesena <3
¤ svoju obitelj <3
¤ jednog decka <3

...Ona Ne Voli...
¤ skolu
¤ nastavnike
¤ uciti puno
¤ cajke
¤ neke osobe
¤ mucenje
¤ foliranje
¤ hvaljenje
¤ umisljenost

...Ona je...
pametna cura
luda [u pozitivnom smislu]

pjeva...Ona slusa...pjeva
Britney Spears
Kid Rock
Amy Winehouse
Avril Lavigne
Eagles of death metal
Deep purple
led zeppelin
Lenny Kravitz


Glitter Graphics

Icon Glitter

Glitter Graphics

Glitter Graphics

Glitter Graphics

icons glitter

icons glitter

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Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

JellyMuffin.com - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

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Music Player For Myspace

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Cursors For Myspace

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Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

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Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Skamu.com - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

utorak, 27.01.2009.

...Prvi Post...

Bok ljudi!wavemah....Evo i ja sam napravila blog...Ovo je moj prvi blog i nadam se da ce potrajati yesyesyes...Najprije da se predstavim...Moje cjenjeno ime je Ivana smijehsmijeh....Prezime nije za javnost nononono....Zivim u predivnom gradu Dubrovniku greedygreedy....Imam 13 godina i idem u VII.razred yes...Odlicna sam ucenica mada mi nije ni sve 5 smijehzujo....Jako volim pse cerekcerek....Imam dva mala psa labradora yescerek....Joj kako su slatki....yes....Ne volim skolu,tj.mrzim je madheadbang....Ne volim nastavnike....Neke neopisivo mrzim burninmadyes....Imam dosta frendova i frendica....yes....Necu ih sada nabrajati...mozda ih stavim u box o meni yesnaughty.....Slusam strano...rock,pop,metal.....itd....yespjevapjeva.....Najdraza grupa mi je AC/DC thumbupcerek....Volim mnogo toga...yes....sebe,ljeto,more,muziku,pse,praznike....A najdraze su mi starke cerekcerekcerek...Ne volim mnogo toga...skolu,nastavnike,kisu,falisanje,foliranje,mucenje.....itd....madnono....Mislim da je dosta za moj prvi post...Komajte mi i pridrzavajte se mojih PRAVILA!....komove vracam...i naravno citajte moje POSTOVE...Pusa kissmahwave...

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