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Molim vas, pomozite Zeki!!!
( > < )
Ovo je Gothik - Sado Mazo - Zeko. Kopirajte ga na svoj blog i tako mu pomognite na njegovom putu do World Domination!!!

†††moj msn: bubimirka69@hotmail.com†††

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†††...Ancient ritual in the forest
The witches meets for a new sabbath
Dancing around the black flames
Immersed in the blood of immolated virgins!
A malefic orgy in the name of Lucifer
Children of evil... born witches
They wander and dance
In the black Sabbath... in eternal!
I'm your Lord, I'm your slave
I want that you bring evil on the earth
Hear the Satan's bell
Feel this sensation of death
We burn the holy bible
We crush the cross
In the name of Lucifer
Vampyrisme, Necrophile,
Necrosadisme, Necrophragie...†††

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†††...Hate me
And cut my flesh
Take me and feel
My pain and scream
Fuck me
And tie me up
Your hands on me
I see your wrath...†††

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†††...Pleasure and pain blood and sin
Lust and hate sex and death
Kiss and scars death and screams
Tears of blood for my lust...†††

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†††...Harm me and lock me up
On your mouth my blood
Lick it up rape me
And taste my lust
Your hands on me
I see your wrath...†††

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†††...Your pain is my addiction
Your blood is in my veins
Your pain is my obsession
Your blood is in my veins...†††

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†††...Unholy bloody fucking suckers
I'm your nightmare, your damnation
This night we rise to suck your blood
This night we rise to fuck your soul...†††

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†††...We rise with the sun in the underworld
We suffer from a graveless name
We prise wide lids
And wounds with lips curled
Over teeth that have tasted shame...†††

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†††...Nocturnal pulse
My veins spill forth their waters
Rent by lips I cherish most
Awash on her perfidious shores
Where drowning umbra o'er the stars
Ebon's graves where lovers whore
Like seraphim and Nahemah...†††

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†††...It’s true that Jesus cannot save
I’m rising from the grave
To put my double cross to shame
A poison rush, a heart attack
A white assassin painted black
You’ll fear this reaper coming back...†††

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†††...Dance macabre ´neath the tilt of the zodiac
Now brighter stars shall reflect on our fate
What sick activities will be freed when those lights burn black?
The darkside of the mirror always threw our malice back...
I see the serpentine in your eyes
The nature of the beast as revelations arrive...†††

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†††...Quis Furabit Librum Istum... Non Videbit Jesum Christum
Sed Descendent In Infernum... Ad Paenandum in Aeternum
In Societeate Diabularum... Per Infinita Saecolorum
Lucifer, Pape Satan, Pater Filius et Spiritus trinitas Universi
Rex Imperator, Des Infernorum
Laudate Deum Nosterm!
Ave Patri Nostri! Ave Satani!...†††

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†††...Deep inside I'm dying
Deep inside I'm hiding
Deep inside my every word I cry++

Deep inside I'm heartless
Deep inside regardless
Kill for me - my every word a lie...†††

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†††...You can see her
Whenever it rains
From rome to new orleans
Dancing on the graves
Burden by the heart she loves her
Sunglasses after dark
And every single day her
Little life falls apart...†††

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†††...She's out to look
So macabre and alone
She's close to hook
On her dying
Just like a gothic girl
Lost in the darken world
My lil' gothic girl
Darkerside jewel are your razor cuts for real - baby...†††

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†††...You can see she's
On her road to ruin
Stigmata from crucifixion
On her pale white skin
Tribal pagan art she loves her
Tattood egyptian mark
And every single day her
Love will tear us apart...†††

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†††...She's out to look
So macabre and alone
She's close to hook
On her dying
Just like a gothic girl
Lost in the darken world
My lil' gothic girl
Darkerside jewel are your razor cuts for real - baby...†††

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†††The 69 Eyes - Hrvatska web stranica†††

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†††Vampire Freaks†††

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†††dark angel†††

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†††Filthy Little Secret†††

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†††Tormented...Feather Rainbowglow†††

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†††pretty young corpse†††

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†††...BŁ@ck F@ŁŁ€n @Ng€Ł...†††

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†††.cute poison.†††

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†††Take me, take me in your arms my love and rape me†††

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†††...Deep inside a child
When tears and dreams go wild when
Deep inside comedian for life...
Say will I die for you?
See I was always there to run
Will I deny for you?
The smiling scarecrow on your tongue
Say will I die for you?
See I was always there to run
Say will I die for you?...†††

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†††...Infernal! This is my kingdom
Pleasure from pain... pain... pain!
Welcome in our theatre of horrors
Welcome in the theatre of vampires
This night you will be our victim...†††

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†††...Will become a vampire!
Will look with other eyes!
Will listen with other ears!
Will drink with another mouth!...†††

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†††...Horror! This is my entertainment
Enjoyment from the suffering
Welcome in our unholy theatre
In our prison of blood...†††

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†††...A Macabre symphony...
A communion of blood and lust
Pervertion without limits, drink in the chalice
+Eat the body of chirst! Look! The horror show
Flesh and blood... agony and pleasure
Tonight you will become a vampire
An angel of evil and death
In the greatre of horrors, Theatre of Vampires...†††

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†††...Say will I die for you...
And in the distance I'm alive
And in the distance neonlights so far away from me
And in the distance I'm alive
And in the distant smile I'll pass on by
And cross the plans you made, the suns you burned
The distance walks away
Say will I die for you...†††

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†††...Unholy bloody virgin's fuckers
I'm your pleasure... your suffering
This night we rise for our thirst
This night we rise for our life...†††

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†††...So you like the evil and the ghosts
Demon spirits more than most
Little miss spookiness
Loves to get scared to death
How could I ever forget
Halloween we met...†††

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†††...Don't turn your back my dear
Never turn your back on fear
Don't turn yout back my dear
Never turn your back on fear

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†††...So you like the evil and the ghosts
Demon spirits more than most
Little miss spookiness
Always laughing at death
How could
I ever forget
Halloween we wed
Am I not scary enough for you
Am I not scary enough for you...†††

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†††...She was divinity's creature
That kissed in cold mirrors
A Queen of Snos
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Dark liqoured eyes
An Arabian nightmare...†††

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†††...Then this I screamed:
"Come back to Me
I was born in love with thee
So why should fate stand inbetween?"
And as I drowned Her gentle curves
With dreams unsaid and final words
I espied a gleam trodden to earth
The Church bell tower key...†††

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†††...The Moon, she hangs like a cruel portrait
soft winds whisper the bidding of trees
as this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart
and the Midnightmare trampling of dreams
But on, no tears please
Fear and pain may accompany Death
But it is desire that shepherds it's certainty
as We shall see...†††

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†††...Been runnin' away
so long from the day
Into the strange night of stone
To fade away
As the light is gently
Bleedin' out of my soul
Penetratin' the evening
As I ride
On this endless road
But you can't turn back the time
It always
But you can't turn back the time
It always gonna wait on the line...†††

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nedjelja, 22.04.2007.


Pravi, stvarni Drakula rođen je u Transilvaniji jedne hladne zimske noći 1431. godine. Transilvanija je tada bila pod vladavinom Mađarske, a Drakulin otac, Vlad Drakul, obnašao je ulogu vojnog guvernera. Zapravo, obitelj Drakul nije bila podrijetlom iz Transilvanije jer je Vlad Drakul potjecao iz kraljevske obitelji susjedne zemlje, Walachije. Ime Drakula bilo je dio Vladove titule: rumunjska riječ 'drac' može istovremeno imati dva značenja - zmaj i vrag, a 'a' 'na kraju nadimka znači 'sin od…'. Zbog iskazane hrabrosti u borbama protiv Turaka, Vlad II bio je prihvaćen u Red zmajeva, bratski red viteza. Suborci su ga počeli nazivati Drakul, što je značilo 'zmaj' i tako je njegov sin, Vlad III, dobio nadimak 'sin zmaja'. Naravno, oni koji baš nisu cijenili Vladovu krvoločnost koristili su drugo značenje riječi 'dracul' te su ga tako nazivali 'vražjim sinom'. Vlad se često dovodio u vezu s Drakulom. Da ironija bude veća, Red zmajeva bio je oformljen ne samo zbog obrane carstva od Turaka, već i zbog obrane kršćanstva. Čak ni famozni crni plašt s crvenom unutrašnjosti nije bio izmišljotina Stokerove mašte. Kostim, odijelo koje su nedjeljom nosili pripadnici reda, bio je upravo crveni komad odjeće s crnim kaputićem preko. Kad je Drakuli bilo sedamnaest, njegovog oca i najstarijeg brata Mircea neprijatelji su 'skratili za glavu', što je njega silno razljutilo pa je poveo vojsku u Walachiju, svrgnuo očeve ubojice i zasjeo na prijestolje. Tada je počela njegova krvava vladavina. PRIČE ZA JAK ŽELUDAC Šeširi s tri čavla Mnogo je priča nastalo kroz generacije i generacije o Vladovoj krvoločnosti. Jedna od priča govori kako su ambasadori stranih zemalja posjetili Drakulu i odbili skinuti kape i šešire pred princem pokazavši time nepoštovanje. Kad ih je Drakula gnjevno pitao zašto su odbili pokloniti mu se, rekli su da to nije običaj u njihovoj zemlji. Potom je Drakula naredio da im se šeširi prikuju za glave s tri čavla, tako da nikada ne budu u prilici prekršiti prekrasne običaje svoje zemlje. Prekratak kaftan Druga pak priča govori o vremenu kad se Drakuli učinilo da jedan čovjek nosi prekratak kaftan (široku haljinu bez pojasa) i to mu se nije svidjelo. Naredio je da mu dovedu čovjekovu ženu. Kad ju je upitao kako provodi vrijeme, ona je preplašeno odgovorila da kuha, pere, šiva... No Drakula nije bio zadovoljan. Rekao joj je da prekratak kaftan pokazuje koliko je lijena i nema previše poštovanja prema mužu te je naredio da je nabiju na kolac. Ma koliko njezin muž protestirao, Drakula je ostao pri svome, a jednoj drugoj jadnici naredio je da se uda za njenog muža. Kako riješiti problem gladnih i siromašnih Možda je jedna od najpoznatijih priča ona u kojoj je Drakula pozvao sve siromašne i gladne da dođu u Walachiju, da se nahrane u dvorcu. Mislio je kako nitko u njegovoj zemlji ne smije biti gladan ili bolestan. Kad su se jadnici nahranili, princ ih je upitao bi li rado bili lišeni brige i gladi. Svi su potvrdno odgovorili, a Drakula, da bi udovoljio njihovim željama, naredio je da se zatvore i zapale. To je bio njegov način rješavanja siromašnih i gladnih. Svečani objedi Ima i nekolicina 'manje odvratnih' priča. Bilo je uobičajeno za Drakulu da 'kolči' tisuće ljudi u isto vrijeme, postavljajući ih u geometrijske oblike. Rang žrtve bio je označen veličinom koplja, a raspadajuća tijela stajala su nedirnuta mjesecima na istom mjestu. Zapravo, Drakula je običavao ručati za stolom ispred jadnih žrtava pritom uživajući u njihovoj patnji. Jednom je sličnom 'objedu' odbio prisustvovati strani veleposlanik pa je Drakula naredio da ga nabiju na najviše koplje kako bi u patnjama osjećao smrad koji se širio od jadnika na kopljima ispod sebe. Iako većina ljudi zna da je Vlad bio vladar koji je počinio sablasne i brutalne stvari, u Rumunjskoj je prikazan kao slavan i drag vođa, čovjek koji nije tolerirao nepoštenje. Mnoge su ulice nazivane njegovim imenom, gradile su se njegove biste, a 1976. godine njemu u čast izdana je i poštanska marka. Rumunjske legende slikovito su ga prikazivale kao princa koji je istrijebio kriminal iz svoje zemlje. U knjizi Nicolae Stoicescua, izdane 1976. godine pod naslovom 'Vlad Tepeš' (u prijevodu 'Vlad Koljač'), pisac tvrdi da je ono što je Vlad činio bilo sasvim uobičajeno u njegovo vrijeme. Bez obzira na okrutnost srednjeg vijeka, Vlad Tepeš ili Drakula bio je okrutni perverznjak i stoga je vjerojatno i bio inspiracija Bramu Stokeru za njegovog vampira grofa Drakulu. Kako završava priča o grofu Drakuli? Ubijen je u bitki (kao slučajno od suborca) i spaljen na otočnom samostanu Snagov. No priča ipak tu ne završava. Grobnica mu je otvorena 1931. i Drakula u njoj nije pronađen. Da, posmrtni ostaci i lijes su nedostajali. No da je bio vampir, ostavio bi si lijes za odmor. Ili ne bi…?

Vlad Tepes ( iliti grof Drakula)...šta je ružan...onaj iz Van Helsingu je zgodniji...
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vid ga...ovaj se dobro drži za svoje godine...hehe...
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evo mu i "ženice"...iz filma...naravno...znala sam i njihova imena...zaboravih...jbg, a gledala film više od 10 puta...ova crna je najljepša...
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sorry ljudovi...nije mi se dalo pisat...a ovo mi se baš sviđalo...ja inače volim priče o Drakuli...pa sam ovu stavila...hehe...u drugom postu vas očekuju vampiri...

| †...Lick the bloody rose...† (64) | †...And pray for your sin...† | # |

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