The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be a shepherd.


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Info about a bič(ja)
moj mail(ak hoćeš piši)

Ime:Lana(ak je nekom važno)
Zanimanje:Crkavam u školi
Predrasude:Nemam(moš mislit)
Izgled:Ružno zelenooko stvorenje
Volim:Sve što vole luđaci
Slušam:sebe i druge i rock

Najbolji filmovi(GLEDAJ OR DAJ):
Forrest Gump
Pakleni Šund
Schindlerova lista
Sex,laži i videovrpce
Pasja ljubav
Ljubav je slijepa
Generacija X
Let preko kukavičjeg gnijezda
Zapravo ljubav
Ledeno doba 1,2
Kum 1,2,3
Almodovar....svi filmovi



I am the walrus

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
I’m crying.

Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.
Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody tuesday.
Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g’joob.

Mister city policeman sitting
Pretty little policemen in a row.
See how they fly like lucy in the sky, see how they run.
I’m crying, I’m crying.
I’m crying, I’m crying.

Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog’s eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,
Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g’joob.

Sitting in an english garden waiting for the sun.
If the sun don’t come, you get a tan
From standing in the english rain.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g’joob g’goo goo g’joob.

Expert textpert choking smokers,
Don’t you thing the joker laughs at you?
See how they smile like pigs in a sty,
See how they snied.
I’m crying.

Semolina pilchard, climbing up the eiffel tower.
Elementary penguin singing hari krishna.
Man, you should have seen them kicking edgar allan poe.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g’joob g’goo goo g’joob.
Goo goo g’joob g’goo goo g’joob g’goo.

Be yourself(Audioslave)

Someone falls to pieces
Sleeping all alone
Someone kills the pain
Spinning in the silence
She finally drifts away
Someone gets excited
In a chapel yard
And catches a bouquet
Another lays a dozen
White roses on a grave


And to be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do

Someone finds salvation in everyone
Another only pain
Someone tries to hide himself
Down inside himself he prays
Someone swears his true love
Until the end of time
Another runs away
Separate or united
Healthy or insane

And to be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)
To be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)
To be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)
Be yourself is all that you can do

Even when you've paid enough
Been pulled apart or been held up
Every single memory of the good or bad
Faces of luck
Don't lose any sleep tonight
I'm sure everything will end up alright
You may win or lose
But to be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do

To be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)
To be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)
To be yourself is all that you can--
Be yourself is all that you can--
Be yourself is all that you can do

Serve the Servants(Nirvana)

Teenage angst has paid off well
Now I'm bored and old
Self-Appointed judges judge
More than they have sold

If she floats than she is not
A witch like we had thought
A down payment on another
One at salem's lot

Serve the servants - Oh no
That legendary divorce is such a bore

As my bones grew they did hurt
They hurt really bad
I tried hard to have a father
But instead I had a dad

I just want you to know that I
Don't hate you anymore
there is nothing I could say
that I haven't thought before

Serve the servants - oh no
That legendary divorce is such a bore

The Doors
Touch me

Yeah!, C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon now
Touch me, babe
Can't you see that I am not afraid?
What was that promise that you made?
Why won't you tell me what she said?
What was that promise that she made?

Now, I'm gonna love you
Till the heavens stop the rain
I'm gonna love you
Till the stars fall from the sky
For you and I

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon now
Now touch me, baby
Can't you see that I am not afraid?
What was that promise that you made?
Why won't you tell me what she said?
What was that promise that she made?

I'm gonna love you
Till the heavens stop the rain
I'm gonna love you
Till the stars fall from the sky for you and I I'm gonna love you
Till the heavens stop the rain
I'm gonna love you
Till the stars fall from the sky
For you and I

Kill rock N roll
System of a down

So I felt like the biggest asshole
(Felt like the biggest asshole)
When I killed your rock 'n roll
(Mow down the sexy people)

Every time I look in your eyes
Everyday I'm watching you die
All the thoughts I see in you
About how I

So I felt like the biggest asshole
(Felt like the biggest asshole)
When I killed your rock 'n roll
(Mow down the sexy people)

Every time I look in your eyes
Everyday I'm watching you die
All the thoughts I see in you
About how I

Eat all the grass
Eat all the grass that you want
Accidents happen in the dark
Eat all the grass that you want
Accidents happen in the dark
Eat all the grass that you want
Accidents happen in the dark
Eat all the grass that you want
Accidents happen

Every time I look in your eyes
Everyday I'm watching you die
All the thoughts I see in you
About how I

So I felt like the biggest asshole
When I killed rock 'n roll
And I felt like the biggest asshole
When I kill rock 'n roll

The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be a shepherd.

30.03.2006., četvrtak


neda mi se pisat...maknula sam vam pjesmu od koje ste se osjećali jadno i samo i stavila još jednu sličnu...samo punu bolju...imam zabranu neta...imam lektiru...javim se...
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- 07:45 - Razveseli me (17) - Kaj si lud? - #

26.03.2006., nedjelja

Slušajte kak je pjesma jebezovna...nebrinite....bum je brzo maknula...

Ludo.Mene stara prije nekoliko sati ulovila da me oće našminkat.Ja kažem:oću ko prostitutka…ona se složi… al nisam ispala ko prostitutka nego ko neka razbijena ženska koju je tuko dečko.Onda ja odem na Jelačić i ugnjezdimo se mi par cura ispod onog konja i onog koji je na konju(kak se zove lik?).Pogledamo mi prema konju gore….i vidimo nešto prosto što nismo nijednom skužile.Konj ima dick!!!I to kakav!!!No dobro….onda sam se ja podrignula pa me cjeli Trg čuo…i bio je tam neki sou fajn seksi gaj....stvarno jadno…nadam se da uživate u Titanic pjesmi…plačipičke…da da….niko vas nevoli….haha.
Bok piplsi.
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ah..ajm horny...

- 20:05 - Razveseli me (42) - Kaj si lud? - #

25.03.2006., subota

Moje pathetik filozofiranje

Evo da napokon napišem neš bolje od lajfs a bič ili aj hejt me….
Cijeli dan svi neš pričaju o dragom Bogeku….pa evo…da i ja neš kažem o tome.Ja vjerujem u Boga…Bog je neka veća sila…ili šta već…Ja kad počnem razmišljat o svemu tome…o mom postojanju i Bogu…mene počne ozbiljno bolit glava kolko mi je sve to nezamislivo.Kad sam bila mala Njega sam zamišljala stereotipno.Bijela duga brada….sjedi na postolju od zlata ….mrki moćan pogled…uglavnom primitivno.Danas ga ni nemogu zamislit…. da….znači život poslije života probably(iako ništa nije sigurno) postoji i vjerojatno je puno veći i značajni od ovog kojeg vodimo ovdje….
Ne razumijem jedino ateiste…oni mi strašno idu na slezenu …to su ljudi koji uopće ne žele razmisliti malo.»Ak postoji Bog zaš dopušta da se događaju takva sranja?» jedna me cura pitala u raspravi.Pa zar ljudi ne kuže da smo mi oni koji su sjebali ovaj planet.Bog nam je dao ovaj planetić kako bi mi na njemu živjeli u miru,ljubavi i sexu(heh)…ali kretena ima puno i sve se promjenilo.Slika svijeta kakav bi trebao bit je sjebana.Al i dalje postoji vjera…nije važno u kojeg Boga vjerujete.Alah….Jehove…Krishna(love Krishna)….svejedno:Bog je jedan…samo ima više imena…vjerujte u bilo što….važno je da vjerujete.
Ajd bok

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- 22:24 - Razveseli me (11) - Kaj si lud? - #

24.03.2006., petak

Lajfs a bič

Ajm ljuta.Ovakav ja trenutno imam pogled.Ubilački zar ne?
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- 16:56 - Razveseli me (26) - Kaj si lud? - #

Vau.Onaj opaljeni deda je steko ogroman publicitet.No dobro.Ja i moje frendice ločemo PEPSI twist jako često.Stvar je u tome da su posljedice nakon popijenog Pepsija jako eksplozivnenut….Kad se podriguješ imaš osjećaj koda iz sebe izbacuješ neke demone….PEPSIMONE.Podrigivanje je zakon.
Ajme na telki «pjeva» Madonnarolleyes.Ja neznam zaš svi govore da je ona kraljica i šta već.Ona prvo: nema glasa,drugo: nezna glumit,treće: izgleda ko anoreksični majmun.Dobro kužim trudi se i sve to al ona to i jedino zna….zna kaj kreteni(ljudi) žele vidjet.
Idem ja «učit»rofl


- 07:52 - Razveseli me (5) - Kaj si lud? - #

21.03.2006., utorak


Idem ja danas po Cvjetnom s frendicama onak sva zbunjena ko obično i odjednom mi dođe neki dedek i podrigne mi se u facu i ode koda nije niš napravio.Što je najbolje tog smo dedeka već vidjeli na trgu i tada nam je došo iz neke tame i prestrašio nas.Nisam znala da na ovom planetiću ima luđih osoba od mene….(ustvari jesam al svejedno).Ja volim krejzi piplse.Oprala sam kosicu….aha aha….tako je meka i blistava…stalno je pipkam…Danas me opet istjero s fizike zbog šlapa…ma boli me….jebate pa cijeli razred nosi bakanđe i on baš na meni vrši torturu…vel fakaj se ti.Neću postat žrtva fašizma.Oduprijet ću se svim silama podzemlja.The devil is on my side.No dobro.

Ostajte glupi i ružni.

- 21:38 - Razveseli me (26) - Kaj si lud? - #

20.03.2006., ponedjeljak

Pulp sekta

Sekta je baš ružna riječ.Zrači negativom.Mislila sam pisati o Bogu…tojest kakvo je moje viđenje Boga….ali mi se neda.Riga mi se.Popila sam neki kiseli jogurt i polokala litru kole i sad bi fakat izrigala i dušu.No dobro.My mader je danas slušala Bryana Adamsa…taj tip pjeva koda kenja na WC-u.I svaka njegova stvar je u stili »I love you bejbi».Boring.Koda se cijeli svijet okreće zbog ljubavi…aha.Niš mi se neda.Trebala bi štrebat povijest i latiniš al sam lijena.Već se vidim u budućnosti kao stokilašica na otrcanom kauču sa SNICKERSOM u ustima.Jadno.Jadno.Jadno.Čekaj malo…pa ja jesam stokilašica sa SNICKERSOm u ustima.heh.šala.Jeste čuli za grupu YEAH YEAH YEAHS?Dej ar kul.No dobro.


- 08:33 - Razveseli me (9) - Kaj si lud? - #

17.03.2006., petak


Arrrgggghhhh....pederi posrani...napisah tak savršen post i vi ga požderete....umrite u agoniji!!!!!!!!!EVIL seed of Lucifer!!!!!!!!!!!Platit ćete big tajm.

No kajgod.
Evo vam kul pjesmica.


In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey
Butane in my veins and I’m out to cut the junkie
With the plastic eyeballs, spray-paint the vegetables
Dog food skulls with the beefcake pantyhose
Kill the headlights and put it in neutral
Stock car flamin’ with a loser and the cruise control
Baby’s in reno with the vitamin d
Got a couple of couches, sleep on the love-seat
Someone came in sayin’ I’m insane to complain
About a shotgun wedding and a stain on my shirt
Don’t believe everything that you breathe
You get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve
So shave your face with some mace in the dark
Savin’ all your food stamps and burnin’ down the trailer park

Yo. cut it.

Soy un perdedor
I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me?

(double barrel buckshot)
Soy un perdedor
I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me?

Forces of evil on a bozo nightmare
Ban all the music with a phony gas chamber
’cuz one’s got a weasel and the other’s got a flag
One’s on the pole, shove the other in a bag
With the rerun shows and the cocaine nose-job
The daytime crap of the folksinger slob
He hung himself with a guitar string
A slab of turkey-neck and it’s hangin’ from a pigeon wing
You can’t write if you can’t relate
Trade the cash for the beef for the body for the hate
And my time is a piece of wax fallin’ on a termite
who's chokin’ on the splinters

Soy un perdedor
I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me?
(get crazy with the cheese whiz)
Soy un perdedor
I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me?
(drive-by body-pierce)
(yo bring it on down)

?em llik uoy t'nod yhw os ,ybab resol a m'I rodedrep nu yoS
[You can hear hear it if you reverse it.]

(I’m a driver, I’m a winner; things are gonna change I can feel it)

Soy un perdedor
I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me?
(I can’t believe you)
Soy un perdedor
I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me?
Soy un perdedor
I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me?
(Sprechen Sie Deutsch hier, Baby!)
Soy un perdedor
I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me?
(know what I’m sayin’? )

Yeah bejbi...cut it.

- 21:32 - Razveseli me (5) - Kaj si lud? - #

16.03.2006., četvrtak

Volim dečke(prvo palo na pamet)

Istina je.Volim dečke.Oni jesu odvratne,smrdljive,egoistične i izopačene zvjeri....ali ih volim.
Nemam više niš pametno zađenja.

You're The Reason I'm Leaving (Franz Ferdinand)

some granite wall
Numbs our bones, numbs our all
As we sit on skinny hands
Nothin to say, nothin at all
I don't know you
and I
I don't want to
You're so awkward just like me
But I don't care

Ohhh, You're the reason I'm leavin
You're the reason I'm leavin
If I'm leaving we don't stop livin, you know

I've no idea, oh
That in four years
I'd be hanging from a beam
Behind the door of number ten
Singin' well, fare thee well, fare thee well, fare thee well
I am leaving, yes I leave it all to you...

You're the reason I'm leaving (Leaving alone)
you're the reason I'm leaving (Leaving alone)
If I'm leaving we don't stop livin', you know
I'm the reason you're leaving (Leaving alone)
You're the reason I'm leaving (Leaving alone)
If I'm leaving we don't stop livin', you know

As we ride along
Under an optimistic sun
The radio sings that everybody song by rem
And here I am fighting, fighting
Yes I'm fighting not to cry
and that's another reason why
I ought to hate you like I do
Like I do, ohh like I do

You're the reason I'm leaving (Leaving alone)
You're the reason I'm leaving (Leaving alone)
if I'm leaving we don't stop livin', you know
I'm the reason you're leaving (Leaving alone)
I'm the reason you're leaving (Leaving alone)
If we're leaving we don't stop livin', you know

- 21:32 - Razveseli me (5) - Kaj si lud? - #

jupi jej

[I]Ah….kako sretan dan.Skužih da je sreća stvar odluke.Yeah.Moram se prat.Kosa mi smrdi po pomfritu.Osjećam se slobodno.Ko Nelly Furtado u onoj njezinoj stvari.Volim sve ljude(osim Georga Busha,pokojnog Hitlera,Paris Hilton….i ostala govna od osoba).Sluša mi se Franz Ferdinand.Jedva čekam da dođu.Čitam tu neku knjigu o curi koja si je spržila brejn sa drogom.Jadno.Djeco nemojte pušit maricu(možda može za praznike),nemojte gutat tablete,nemojte šmrcat prah i dakako…nemojte se fiksat.To nema smisla.Vats d pojnt? Užitak traje kratko…a patnja puno duže(isto je i s hranom).Be in love…to vam je ko droga…Idem malo lunjat po gradu…zajebavat ljude koji se daju zajebavat….[/I]

Čus %-))

- 14:15 - Razveseli me (2) - Kaj si lud? - #

15.03.2006., srijeda


opet sam happy.Meni se raspoloženje brzo mjenja ljudi moji.Male stvari ovise o mojoj sreći.Whatever.Glupo zvučim.Idem slušat Doorse...peace

The End
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again
Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand
In a...desperate land
Lost in a Roman...wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah
There's danger on the edge of town
Ride the King's highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby
Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake is long, seven miles
Ride the snake...he's old, and his skin is cold
The west is the best
The west is the best
Get here, and we'll do the rest
The blue bus is callin' us
The blue bus is callin' us
Driver, where you taken' us
The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived, and...then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door...and he looked inside
Father, yes son, I want to kill you
Mother...I want to...fuck you
C'mon baby,--------- No "take a chance with us"
C'mon baby, take a chance with us
C'mon baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus
Doin' a blue rock
On a blue bus
Doin' a blue rock
C'mon, yeah
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die
This is the end

- 22:29 - Razveseli me (3) - Kaj si lud? - #

14.03.2006., utorak

Serijske ubojice

Jeste gledali Američki psiho?Ja sam se za rezliku od većine koji su srali u gaće...smijala tom filmu.Pogledajte ga.Inače???(mrzim kad to neko pita).Ja sad čitam blogove nekih kvalitetnih i otkačenih osoba i pitam se kako ja takve osobe nikad ne upoznam...koda se skrivaju u nekim bunkerima il podrumima...jadno....ah...neznam više kaj da pametno pišem....o Severini mi se neda..

jebemu mmmm...kak se te fakin slike stavljaju....drkam tu već sat moraju bit male??

- 22:43 - Razveseli me (3) - Kaj si lud? - #

13.03.2006., ponedjeljak


Tooooo!!!!Napokon sam neke stvari skužila....fala Bogek kaj si me uputio u pravom smjeru....ja sam tuka.Šta ima kod vas dragi moji?Ja se dosađujem,zajebavam druge,pjevam pa opet zajebavam spomenute,žderem,ne spavam,sretna sam,tužna sam,debela sam,seksi sam,vole me,ne vole me....uglavnom....sve po starom.....sad ću napokon više pisat....volim happy.gledah film Crash.Genijalno.....Bye

- 21:51 - Razveseli me (3) - Kaj si lud? - #

07.03.2006., utorak


Ja pobjegla iz....škole....boli me grlo....živjeli...neda mi se pisat...glupo...niš neznam uredit...bezveze....

- 13:25 - Razveseli me (2) - Kaj si lud? - #

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