Irudtravels d.o.o.

srijeda, 03.11.2010.

U planine/Into the mountains

Francuzi štrajkaju... Da i? A ima li kaj novoga?
Goriva je ipak bilo, tocio sam u Maconu. Benzina ima, ali stanje s dizelom je lose. Zato sam sretan kaj vozim motor. Do do Lyona sam se dogegao polako, tek predvecer; jer sam kasno krenuo a i nisam zurio. Ruta je bila Taizé-Cluny-Macon-Lyon.

na putu/on the way
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Prije nego sam dosao u lyon je i neka kisica pocela. Lyon je lijep navecer, po mraku. Zbog osvijetljenih obala dviju rijeka sto kroz njega protjecu; te se tu i spajaju u jednu - Rhonu; ali i zbog TV tornja koji je osvijetljen lijepom crveno plavom kombinacijom te podsjeca na Eiffelov toranj, a nalazi se iznad starog Lyona, kraj velebne crkve Notre dame de Fouvriere. Otisao sam gore cim sam stigao u grad jer mi je toranj i velika gradevina (dakle spomenuta crkva/katedrala) ostala na to-do listi za kad se vratim u Layon ;)

Lyon, by night
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Place Belcour
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Toranj/TV Tower
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Bilo je super; a kad sam se spustao ponovno u grad vidio sam simpatican auberge de jeunese (hostel) "Stari lav" gdje sam na kraju i spavao, nakon jos jednog kruga po gradskom centru... Imao sam i neke druge kombinacije za spavanje; ali zbog glupog tele2 koji poruke na francuske brojeve isporucuje 2 dana kasnije nisam se uspio dogovoriti. Ajde, 20€ nije tu mač a nisam bio nikome na brigi i imao sam obilan dorucak. I upoznao sam spaljenog dedu bikera iz Strassbourga. On je mene ujutro pitao kak se usudim ostaviti sav kamping gear na motoru; a ja mu rekoh da je samo za 1 noc i da je pod alarmom. Onda je on meni pokazao sta sve on vozi na svom BMWu K1100. To je bilo toliko stvari da sam ja odmah sebi mogao napisati da sam okorjeli minimalist. Mislim da ima svu kamping opremu duplu i konzervirane hrane za 3-4 tjedna; wekericu koju sam skuzio kraj kreveta; i da, nista se ne usudi ostaviti na motoru pa je soba (u kojoj sam i ja spavao) bila krcata njegovim stvarima ;) ima doma i Jawu 330 neku prastaru pa me ispitivao mogu li se po Hrvatskoj dijelovi nabaviti. Iako ja mislim da je on kontao da sam ja iz Ceske :P U svakom slucaju ostavih mu mail pa neka se clovek javi.

deda Biker/The Biker
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hostel odozdo/Hostel from the river
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time to go
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Ja sam ujutro otisao i dogovorio se s prijateljicom Monicom iz Rumunjske, koja u Lyonu studira preko Erasmus Mundus programa, da se nademo navecer; pa sam otisao na neki krug oko Lyona na Istok do grada St. Jean de Soudain pa se vratio u Lyon sa sjeverne strane. Bila je dobra voznja i putem sam vidio jedan lijepi dvorac i puuuno lijepih jesenskih countryside prizora. U Lyonu sam se nasao s Monicom pa smo otisli do njenog studentskog doma. Ispred sam vidio parkiranu jednu Transalpicu talijanskih regi, cijeg sam kasnije i vlasnika upoznao. On je Kanađanin Martin koji studira u Italiji, a dosao je u posjet curi iz Rusije; koja je pak Monicina kolegica na istom masteru. Zalokao sam motor sa svojih 268 lockova i kad smo razgovarali pita on mene jel to sigurno dolje? Ja mu kazem da pojma nemam ali da sam ja stavio lanac, disk-lock i 3 alarma; pa sam mu odgovorio potvrdno na pitanje da li da stavi svoj disk-lock. Ujutro sam ga vidio na motoru :)

dobro jutro Martinov motor / good morning Martins bike
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Parc tete d'or - zatvoreno/closed
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no gasoline / nema goriva
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Monica et moi
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one up
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kuca krojaca/house of the tailors (Maison des canuts)
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France everyday
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zgodne policajke/goodlooking police officers
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i Lijonežanke / & Lyon girls
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rezultati nereda / results of manifestations (from the week before)
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to je bilo kad sam ja bio u mirnom kutku Francuske, u Taizeu, a samo prije tjedan dana tu sam pio pivo; kad je Kiosque bio citav.

Hotel de Nice
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...ispod kojeg je puno igraliste Makedonaca igralo fudbal / ...near which playground full of Macedonians played football
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Monica je bila predivan domacin; dobio sam fini caj i hranu i to isto jutro (utorak, 26.10.) vodila me u parc de tete de l'or koji je predivan cak i kroz ogradu. Da, na zalost nismo mogli unutra jer je prijasnjih dana bilo nekih teroristickih prijetnji; sta ja znam. Sestra mi je nesto takvo spomenula u esemesu koji dan prije toga. Monica je morala uciti pa se poslije setnje vratila u dom; a ja sam ostao citav dan s Lyonom... Prije nego sam se navecer vratio; bio sam na mjestu gdje se dvije rijeke spajaju i tvore jednu. To mi je mjesto ostavilo najvise dojmova a svidjeli su mi se i ogromni starinski brodovi vezani duz obala obiju rijeka u kojima ljudi zive kao u kucama.

riječni život / river life
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zanimljiva arhitektura / interesting architecture
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mjesto spajanja / connection point
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pravi se vazan / show off
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Vratio sam se kod Monice s pizzom koju sam kupio u blizini.

laku noc Lyon / good night Lyon
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Zajedno smo vecerali pa isli spavati jer je ona drugi dan morala do faksa, a ja dalje na put. Ujutro sam se oprostio s njom i Lyonom koji mi ostaje u predivnom sjecanju. Krecem u na jug pa na istok. U planine; u Alpe :D

i krenuo sam
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French strike ... Yes, and? Are there any news?

They still had fuel, I took some in Macon. There is petrol, but the situation with diesel is bad. So I'm happy to be riding a motorcycle. Till Lyon I drowe slowly, until the evening, because I started late and wasn't in a hurry. The route was a Taizé-Cluny-Macon-Lyon. Before I arrived in Lyon a drizzle started. Lyon is a lovely in the evening, at dusk. Because of the illuminated coastlines of two rivers flowing through it, and here meet and combine into one - the Rhone, but also because of the TV tower that is illuminated by a beautiful red and blue combination is reminiscent of the Eiffel tower, situated above the old Lyon, near the magnificent church of Notre dame de Fouvriere. I went up as soon as I arrived in town because the tower and the large building (ie referred church / cathedral) remained on the to-do list for when I come back to Layon;)
It was great and when I descended back into town I saw a likable Auberge de Jeunes (Hostel) "The Old Lion" where I finally slept after one more round in the city center ... I also had some other combination of sleeping, but because of my stupid Tele2 network that deliveres messages to French numbers 2 days later I didn't managed to arrange anything. But ok, € 20 is not too much and I had a hearty breakfast. And I met a crazy old biker from Strasbourg. In the morning he asked me how it is I dare to leave all the camping gear on the motorbike and I told him it was only for 1 night and it's under alarm. Then he showed me what he drives on his BMW K1100. It was so much stuff that I could write about myself as a hardened minimalist. I think he has double camping equipment as I do, and canned food for 3-4 weeks; a clock I bedside the bed, and he doesn't dare to leave anything on the motorbike over night so the room (where I slept too) was packed with his things;) He's got at home an ancient Jawa 330, so he questioned me whether there can be found parts for it in Croatia. Although I think he thought that I am from the Czech Republic J Anyway I left him my mail so we can stay in conntact. I left in the morning and arranged with my friend Monica from Romania, who is studying in Lyon over the Erasmus Mundus program, that we meet in the evening, so I went for a ride around Lyon to the east to a town St. Jean de Soudain, and returned to Lyon from the north side. It was a good ride and I saw a beautiful castle and a looooot of beautiful autumn countryside scenes. In Lyon, I met with Monica, so we went to her dorm. Parked in front I saw a Transalp with italian a license plate , whose owner I met later. He's a Canadan named Martin who is studying in Italy, and is visiting his girlfriend from Russia, who is Monica's colleague on the same master. I locked my bike with its 268 locks and when we talked he asked me if it is safe down? I told him that I have no idea but I put the chain, disc-lock and 3 other alarms, so I answered affirmatively to the question of whether to put your disc lock. In the morning I saw it on his bike :)
Monica was a wonderful host, I got a nice tea and food and the same morning (Tuesday, 26.10.), she took me to the Parc de aunt de l'or who is beautiful even through the fence. Yes, unfortunately we could not go inside because the past days there have been some terrorist threats. My sister mentioned me something in a SMS the day before that. Monica had to study, so after the walk she went back to the doorm and I stayed all day in Lyon... Before I returned that evening, I was in a place where two rivers merge to form one. That place has left the most impressions and I also liked huge antique boats tied along the shores of both rivers where people live in like in normal houses. I returned to Monica with a pizza I bought. Together we dined, and went sleeping because she had to go to university the next day and I had to continue my trip. In the morning I said goodbye to her and to Lyon that will remain in a wonderful memory. I start moving towards the south and than the east. To the mountains, the Alps: D

03.11.2010. u 18:52 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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