Irudtravels d.o.o.

petak, 24.09.2010.


Mozda cisto neki uvod: put zapocinjem iz iljadu razloga... Neki od njih su: prvi i osnovni je da zelim nesto ovako dugotrajno, pustolovno i neizvjesno dozivjeti dok jos mogu, dok sam mlad i nemam odgovornosti i obveza koje bi me vezale fiksno uz mjesto mog boravista; zatim stvari koje sam napustio za sada, nisu me zadovoljavale te nisam zalio sto ih se odricem (prvenstveno posao i ustaljen, rutinski nacin zivota) Umjesto zaljenja, vise me pratio osjecaj da nemam nista za izgubiti, te osjecaj samopouzdanja sa svakim korakom blize realizaciji ideje i plana. Radi se dakle o putu oko Europe (za sada ;) koji bi pritom ukljucivao posjete sto vecem broju ljudi diljem Europe, a upoznao sam ih ovako ili onako, najcesce u aranzmanima studentskih seminara (najcesce podrucja odrzivog razvoja i obnovljivih izvora energije) te kroz druga putovanja, ili sam ljude upoznavao u RH. Isto tako, ideja je posjetiti sto vise zanimljivih lokacija i gradova... Plan gibanja nije fiksan; ali biti ce u okvirima dogovora s prijateljima, te s primicanjem zime (tada cu se povlaciti na jug (do Portugala/Spanjolske), a zatim u rano proljece opet prema sjeveru (Francuska, GB, Benelux, Skandinavija) - put financiram samostalno iz izvora vlastite ustedevine, a upravo iz tog razloga budzet ce biti skromniji i put stedljiviji; a isto tako bit cu otvoren za bilo kakve opcije ispomoci/rada u mjestima gdje cu se duze zadrzavati i ako se za takvo sto ukaze prilika. Bez obzira na ishod toga; gladan necu biti i nastojat cu ici svuda gdje naumim... Pa dokle potraje! Cinjenica je ta da je ovo once-in-a-lifetime oportunity, pa da mi ni tih novaca nece biti zao. Upravo suprotno ;)
Jedan od bitnih i mozda temeljni razlog ove zelje i ideje jest cinjenica da ja uistinu obozavam putovati i sve ono sto se veze uz to (meni je sve drago, pa cak i ono za sto vecina ljudi drzi da je kod putovanja negativno) A upravo su nepredvidivost i razlicitost od svakodnevnog zivota, u kojem uvijek zurimo, a svejedno ne stizemo, stvari koje trazim i cijenim. Kad putujem, osjecam se ispunjeno i zadovoljno; najcesce bez ikakvih briga u glavi; a ako ih i ima, motivacija za njihovim rjesavanjem je veca. Putovati sam opet ima nekakvu posebnu draz; i jako puno prednosti; a jedan od temeljnih razloga zasto bas idem sam jest taj -- sto zapravo nitko nije mogao to izrealizirati u tolikom opsegu kao ja (bilo to financijski ili drugacije), iako se mnogim mojim prijateljima, napose bikerima, ideja i koncept cinili odlicnim :)
Ali i inace; da bi putovanje s vise; odnosno jednom osobom uz sebe samoga bilo uspjesno i bez trzavica, tada s tom osobom morate bita maximalno kompatibilni; ali i spremni na manje kompromise i dogovor kada se bas ne sklopi totalna istomisljenost :p
I da ne nabrajam dalje; jedina ne tako dobra okolnost oko ove velike odluke je ta da napustam obitelj i prijatelje; ali, barem se danas za kvalitetan kontakt ni ne moraju ulagati pretjerano velika sredstva i napor. Pa se onda uzdam u to da cu sa svima ostati u kontaktu da se ne zaboravimo do mog povratka ;) a i nije ovo zauvijek?? Ili...

Perhaps purely an introduction: I'm  starting this trip out thousands of reasons... Some of them are: the first and foremost is that I want to expirience something long, adventurous and uncertain like this while I  still can, while I'm still young and don't have responsibilities and obligations that keep me tied to a fixed place; next, the things I have left haven't fulfilled me and I didn't regret that they are waiving (primarily business and usual, routine way of life). Instead of regrets, the more I was followed by the feeling you have nothing to lose and confidence with each step closer to realization of the ideas and plans. It is therefore a trip around Europe (for now;) which would thereby include visits to as many people across Europe, who I met one way or another, mostly in student seminar arrangements (usually the area of sustainable development and renewable energy) and through other trips, or I got to know people in Croatia. Also, the idea is to visit as many interesting sites and cities... Plan of motion is not fixed, but will be within the framework of agreements with friends and a pinch of winter (then I will withdraw to the south, to Portugal / Spain), and then again in early spring to the north (France, UK, Benelux, Scandinavia) – the trip is funded independently from my own sources of savings, and for that reason the budget will be modest and the trip economical, and also I will be open for any options for assistance/work in places where I will spend more time and if the opportunity arises such a thing. Regardless of the outcome of that, I won't be hungry and I will try to go everywhere I think of... So how long it lasts! The fact is that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so I won't feel sorry for the money. On the contrary ;)
One of the most important and perhaps the most fundamental reason for these desires and ideas is the fact that I truly adore to travel and everything that is linked to it (I like everything, even those things most people hold that are negative about traveling). Exactly the theunpredictability and diversity of everyday life, in which we always hurry, but still don't arrive, are the things I search and appreciate. When I travel, I feel fulfilled and satisfied, most often without any worries in my head, and even if there are some, the motivation for their resolution is higher. Travelling alone has it's own sort of special charm, and a lot of advantages, and one of the main reasons to go alone is - that actually nobody can accomplish this in such a scope as I can (be it financial or otherwise), although many of my friends, especially the bikers, thought of the idea and concept as excellent:)
But otherwise, for the trip to be successful and without friction if you travel with more, or a person with yourself, then you have to be maximum compatible with him/her, but also be willing to compromise and reach an agreement when you aren't like-minded. :p
And not to mention further, the only not-so-good factor about this big decision was to leave my family and friends, but at least today, for good contact you don't need to invest excessively large resources and effort. So I have confidence in that I will stay with everyone in touch so we don't forget eachother until my return;) and this is not forever?? Or ...

24.09.2010. u 12:25 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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