Irudtravels d.o.o.

četvrtak, 30.09.2010.

Jednostavno ne mogu napustiti Austriju

Just can't leave Austria
The following: So, were did we stop. Yeah, IPS or Ybbs on the Danube river, a lovely place. I walked through the center and it's very cute. I already had a designated camping spot when I got into town (5 km before there was a nice solitary grove) but when I finished the pizza, I realized that it is too dark for any camping - I'll take a hotel ... So I decided to stay longer in the city (to steal unprotected wireless) that I accidentally caught before dinner, to connect with everyone and to look (online) for some good (maybe bikers welcome) hotel / motel. I found it, past it into the navigator and after 5 min I was there. Turned out to be not a cheap option (38 €), but a good, neat, nice, with a room in the attic (overlooking the sea (ups.. Motorbike);), a hydromassage shower- I showered 2 times, good breakfast and two Bosnians who buy you a Ottakringer beer when I teoreticaly haven't even checked in yet :) Well, that's probably standard in Austrian hotels :D thanks boys. All this next to the Danube, which flows only there, and wi-fi that you pay € 2 (presumably to circle round the figure at 40) and a woman writes you the password on a little paper. If anyone will go, the hotel is ybbshof and the code gastzugang ;) --- You can just steal it from them from the parking lot if you are passing by, it's working well :D
But here, where I am now, wi-fi is for free, all in the price 10,07 euros, which I have given for the camping in a beautiful place in the north of Austria near the city Zwetel on a vast lake. Details can be seen (presumably) on the map, and now I currently sit on the rocks by the lake and the old ruins of a fort ... The place is beautiful, and because of the fortress and the black water, and the autumn atmosphere and flora (and thanks to the green grass in the camp) everything reminds me of Loch Ness and the surrounding area where I was last year at a similar time (mid october) - - a loud sound as if something large fell into the water captures my attention and reminds me of Nessie and that the Austrians could think of a story with ... Lichtie (that's somehow the lake is called)
But yes, let's get back on yesterday morning: after breakfast, I packed my stuff, and just when I wanted to sit on my motorbike and take off, first dsprinkle and then downpour... Ah what can a man do, a little more free internet under the roof in front of the kitchen? And about 1 o'clock when it calmed down, I drowe towards Melk. I choose this direction because of the Danube, and because on this way is a huge old fortress on the Danube, but on a hill at some 600mnv - the idea gave me a brochure from the hotel room, a fortress called Aggstein ... Till Melk a drizzle accompanied me, but then it stopped so I could visit the fortress ... It is very likable. I saw a WOK inn where I thought to eat chinese for € 6.20 from the daily menu, but that didn't happen... I ate self-cooked evening meal in the camp. Meat sauce and  pasta :P Thank god on the campingaz and my mother's salt without which the pasta would not taste good :D
From Melk therefore I set off to Aggstein. The road is great (along the Danube) and everything is full of small Dorf's and all the hills are crowded with vines - some good native land .. I came in Aggsbach Dorf and then climbed to the fortress. It is huge and the view from there on the Danube and the hills on the other coast. Rocks are impressive and after 2-3 photos I've took I was sentenced to shoot with my iphone because I have managed to insufflate moist air between the first two external lenses trying to blow a tiny drop of rain from the lens. First I thought I accidentally pressed a button for some special effect on the screen because it looked like from a fairy tale - all blurry. Then I realise I'm a idiot x 2. But well, it dries and I put into my pocket and go on. I don't go into the fortress because of hunger and because it's getting late, and I don't know how much the ticket is - I think around 5 euros. I went down and came to Krems. Stop for the last time to take a photo of the Danube and ships. I drove to the north of Austria & searched the place to sleep - priorities: eat and sleep. However, I cross a bridge over the lake and see a sign for camping. Opaaa, I stop there. A great boss, he's got a girl-dog Berb and this morning he gave me. two pieces of bread for breakfast :) Danke. And he speaks English - the Austrians are generally zero for English. Dinner - super. Nowhere even a single soul to find - great. Camp closes today - meaning I caught the last night to spend here and it was the best camping night ever. It was quiet, warm (despite some 9degres out there. Once again, I thank the Norwegians for making and my father  for giving me the sleeping bag :) so the night passed and the morning came --- breakfast on the grass, hot tea and moms jam <3 and my little walk from which i'm returning right now. I have to pack, post this and continue on. I am not exactly sure where will i go. But idea are always coming up. Over & Out.


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Sljedece: daklem, di smo ono stali. Aha, Ips ili Ybbs na Dunav Rijeci bas je zgodno mjesto. Prosetao sam strogim centrom i ful je simpaticno. Vec sam imao designated camping spot kada sam ulazio u mjesto (5 km prije bio je zgodan osamljeni sumarak) ali kad sam zavrsio s pizzom, skontao sam da je premracno za ikakav kamping - uzet cu neki hotel... Zato sam odlucio dulje ostati u gradu (krasti nezasticeni wireless) koji sam slucajno ulovio jos prije vecere, javiti se svima i pogledati (na netu) za neki dobar (mozda bikers welcome) houtel/motel. Nasao sam ga, ukucao u navigator i za 5 min bio tamo. Ispala je ne bas jeftina opcija (38€) ali dobar, uredan, lijep, sa zgodnom sobom u potkrovlju (s pogledom na more (ups.. motor) ;) hidromasaznom tus-kabinom -tusirah se 2 puta, dobrim doruckom, i dva Bosanca koja te pocaste Ottakringerom, a jos se fakticki nisam ni chek-innao ;) no dobro, to je valjda standard austrijskih hotela :D deckima hvala. Sve to jos uz Dunav koji tamo samo tece i wi-fi koji platis 2 € (valjda da zaokruze cifru na 40 okruglo) pa ti zena da na papireku napisanu sifru. Ako ce tko ici hotel je ybbshof a sifra gastzugang ;) --- mozete im ga i samo maznuti ako ste u prolazu sa parkinga -radi dobro :D
Zato ovdje gdje sam sada wi-fi je dzabe, a sve u cijeni 10.o7 ojra koliji sam dao za kamping plac na nekom predivnom mjestu na sjeveru Austrije kod grada Zwetela i na nekom ogromnom jezeru. Detalji se vide (valjda) na karti, a ja sad trenutno sjedim na stijenama uz jezero i uz stare rusevine neke tvrdave... Mjesto je predivno; a zbog tvrdave i crne boje vode, te zbog prilozenog jesenskog ugodaja i flore (te zbog izrazito zelene trave u kampu) podsjeca me na Loch Ness i okolicu gdeje sam bio prosle godine u slicno doba (polovicom 10mj.) --- bucan zvuk kao da je nesto veliko palo u vodu ili se samo bucnulo cima me i podsjeca na Nessie i to da bi i Austrijaneri mogli smislit svoju pricu sa... Lichtie (tako se nekako zove jezero!
No da, vratimo se na jucerasnje jutro: nakon dorucka sam se spremio, i bas kad sam vani htio sjest na motor i krenuti prvo kisica, pa onda i pljusak... A nista, jos malo interneta pod krovom ispred kuhinje? I oko jedan kad se smirilo krecem prema Melku. Odabrao sam taj smjer zbog toka Dunava i zbog toga sto je na putu neka stara ogromna tvrdava na obali Dunava ali na brdu na nekih 600mnv - ideju mi je dao prospekt iz hotelske sobe, a tvrdava se zove Aggstein... Do Melka me pratila kisica, ali onda je stala pa sam ga mogao razgledati... Vrlo je simpatican. Vidio sam odmah i neki WOK inn gdje sam mislio da cu jesti kinesku za 6,20€ sa dnevnog menua no od toga kasnije nista... Jeo sam tek navecer samostalno skuhan obrok u kampu. Ragu i tjesteninu :P fala bogu na kuhalu i na maminoj soli bez koje tijesto ne bi tako prijalo :D
Iz Melka se dakle zaputih do Aggsteina. Put je super (uz Dunav) i sve je puno malih Dorf-ova i svi brezuljci krcati lozom - neka dobra rodna zemlja.. Dolazim u Aggsbach Dorf i onda se penjem do tvrdave. Ona je ogromna  i pogled odande puca na Dunav i na brda s druge strane obale. Kamenje je impresivno a nakon 2-3 fotke osuden sam na slikanje ajfonom jer sam si foticu uspio upuhat valazan zrak izmedu prve dvije vanjske lece pokusavajuci otpuhati jednu sicusnu kapljicu kise sa objektiva. Prvo kontam da sam slucajno okinuo neki posebni efekt jer ono na zaslonu izgleda ko iz neke bajke -- sve zamuceno. Onda ipak kontam da sam debil x 2. Al dobro, susi se pa stavljam u dzep i idem dalje. Ne ulazim u tvrdavu zbog gladi i toga sto je vec dosta sati, pa ne znam koliko je upad - mislim nekih 5 evra. Spustam se dolje i dolazim do Kremsa. Zaustavljam se da bih po posljednji put slikao Dunav i brodove. Picim prema sjeveru i mislim do Ceske pa cu kampirati - prioriteti: jesti pa spavati. Ipak, prelazim mostom preko jednog dijela jezera i ugledam znak za kamp. Opaaa, tu stajemo. Super gazda, ima kujicu Berb i jutros mi je dao dva peciva :) Danke. I zna engleski - generalno su Austrijanci nule za engleski. Vecera - super. Nigdje zive duse - super. Kamp se zatvara danas - znaci ulovio sam zadnju noc za provesti tu i bila je najbolja satoraska noc ikada.   Bilo je tiho, toplo ( unatoc nekoj devetki celzijevih vani. Jos jednom zahvaljujem Norvezanima na izradi i ocu mome sto mi ju dade vrecu za spavanje :) i eto prosla noc doslo jutro --- dorucak na travi i caj topli i mamin pekmez <3 i moja setnjica s koje se upravo vracam. Moram se spremiti, ovo post-ati i juris dalje. Jos nisam ziher kud cu tocno. Ali ideje mi stalno naviru. Over & out.

Ja i Melk
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smijesan par
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smijesne tikve
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smesni deda - bajker
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Aggstein Ruine - nad Dunavom
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i brod - na Dunavu (Krems)... i vinogradi
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stigao u kamp
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30.09.2010. u 10:58 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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