mrzite rosseanne zajedno samnom

srijeda, 07.02.2007.

Klasifikacija mužjaka prema barenju

Pošto svi pišu neke klasifikacije i slične pizde materine,evo i da ja napišem koju...
imajte na umu da je ovo nasumičan popis i ako se tko sjeti neke klase koju nisam napisao nek mi napiše u komentaru da mogu editirati post i nadodati...hvala na razumjevanju

imajte na umu da neki ljudi se mogu strpat u više kategorija

1.)Ružni tatini sinovi- ružan ko zmaj...ovaj tip bari na nabrijani auto,mobitel koji vrijedi više od dvosobnog stana u ilici i sličnih stvari...poznati po tome što na izlazak spiskaju prosječnu hrvatsku plaču..
toliko su ružni i iskompleksirani da nikad neče prići curi nego čekaju da one priđu njima...
tipovi žena koje bare:-tipična sponzoruša/šminkerica
-siromašne krđanke koje dođu u grad sa 10 kuna i željne su koktela i ostalih
pizdi materini
- šminkerica/preseratorica osoba kojoj je jedini cilj hvaliti se cijeli tjedan kako ju je provozao u svom poršeu i potrošio par stotina eura na nju...pri tome ne spominje izgled
-Lokalna radodajka

2.)Zgodni tatini sinovi- ovi imaju sve što bi tipična flundra poželjela,imaju i para i auto i izgled...u biti sve...osim inteligencije...također ne uleću curama nego čekaju da cure priđu njima ali ne zbog kompleksa nego da im se ne povrjedi ponos...obično sa 20 imaju več 30 pojebanih žena iza sebe i cijeli život če im sve ići kao po loju
tipovi žena koje bare (njih):-sponzoruša/šminkerica
-Lokalna radodajka
-klinka željna frajera

3.)Šminker vulgaris-fura se na ove gore i s njima se vucara u ekipi da bi privukao bilo šta da liči na nešto i da ima rupu među nogama...kad stvari zaguste spreman je biti i sa ružnijom prijateljicom od ljepotica koje bare ovi gore....
tipovi žena koje bare:-u biti sve što hoda a da hoće njih

4.)Šminker umišljenko-nađu si neku jadnu ekipicu najčešče sastavljenu od ovih gore i njima izigravaju frajera...kada žene vide s kim se druži on odmah pada u bolje svjetlo i u biti bari možda čak i najviše od svih jer nema toliko snobizma kao broj 2...trud im je također minimalan jer čekaju da njima ulete žene
Tipovi žena koje bare :-samo natprosječno zgodne cure i pritom ne pitaju ni za IQ ni za broj jebača bivših,ni materijalno stanje a bogami ni ništa drugo...

5.)Alternativac ružni/alkos-zbog svoje ružnoče i konstantnog opijanja je shvatio da su mu šanse da dobije pičke jednake onima da KK smedarevo uđe u NBA ligu,odustaje od svega...nakon nekog vremena postaje skoro aseksualan i bari samo kad više nema cuge i nađe se neka klinka kojoj je on fora....a takvih se nađe na lopate najčešč je jedan od onih za koje se pitate kako da je on bio sa njom?
tipovi žena koje on bari:-sve šta hoće njega i pritom je izbirljiv ko etipoljanin kada uđe u mcdonalds ali samo kad nema flašu pokraj sebe ili dobar debeli joint

6)Alternativac Mistik/ne ružan-pošto nema zgodnih alternativnih mužjaka ovaj tip je tome najbliži.zbog svoje osamljenosti i odjebavanja svjeta oko sebe,uvjek se nađe grupica cura kojoj je zanimljiv...bari samo kada mu se da i onda oduševi curu sa svojim razogovorom i uvjek si ostavlja mogućnost da opet zbari...najčešče normalan čovjek koji pažljivo bira sve oko sebe i ima nešto u glavi
tipovi žena koje bari:-alternativke obavezno...a za ozbiljnu vezu trebala bi i imat nešto u glavi i shvaćat njegove ideje...
-šminkerice i ostali tipovi žena dolaze u obzir samo kad ocjeni da če lako doći do pičke ili zbog jako dobrog izgleda i to samo na jednu noć ili max. mjesec dana ko je pica vrjedna truda

7.)Običan čovjek/polu šminker-jedna od najgorih vrsta...prosječan po apsloutno svemu i nije nikome zanimljiv...najčešće tema sprdnje ostatka svjeta...uvjek se utrpavaju nekoj ekipi i pokušavaju biti face što im nejde...barenje?o tom je čuo od prijatelja ili roditelja a eventualno se i njemu to dogodi jedanput godišnje...ako bog da

tip žene koju bari:-sve...kriteriji 0 i stvarno nebira ništa

8.)običan čovjek/geek-ovaj sličaj je strašan ali ne ko ovaj gornji jer ovi znaju da nisu zanimljivi i da su ružni...kod ovih je prednost što znaju imat nešto u glavi i ugodni su u društvu najčešče za razliku od ovih gore pa na tu šemu i zbare...posotje legende o tome da zna biti žena kojima su i oni zanimljivi

tipovi žena koje bari:-isto ko i ovaj gore

9.)običan čovjek/alternativac-ovaj polu alternativac je čovjke koji sluša tu glazbu ali se oblači "normalno" i ne forsira ništa...najčešče normalni ljudi ali...karakterizora ih manjak interesantnosti na prvi pogled a bome i loš izgled...zbare rijetko kada...napaljenu ružnu ženu kada su na tulumu ili ženu koja hoće učiniti dečka ljubomornim...nije da oni nebi mogli kada bi se potrudili ali su ljeni ko zmija i rađe če se napiti dobrano nego potrošiti subotnji izlazak na ulizivnaje ljepšem spolu...tu se djele na 2 pod vrste

1.)iskompleksirani-ovaj čovjek je obično budala...uvjek... u muškom društvu je to zabavno i dobro ali ne i u ženskom,zbog toga naravno pičeke vide rjeđe od hajlijevog kometa...naravno zbog tog su iskomplesirani do bola i seru kako njih nitko neče...zbog depresije uvjek završe pod šankom (šakanović)

2.)zabrijao-čovejk koji je najčešče svia neki instrument po 6 sati dnevno (dabo i milka) a ono vremena šta provodi vani provodi na pivicu...žene ga ne opterećuju najčešče ali nebi se bunio da razliku od onih gore nije iskompleksiran i nabrijan na pičku...svaki vikend se napije i shvati da bi mu i fizički i psihički a i financijski bolje bilo da se malo potrudio da zbari... kune se svime i svaćime da če iduću subotu se potrudit ali ga duga šetnja do grada iscrpi pa si mora popit pivicu,a možete i sami zaključit kako to završi...slika i prilika milkovića thumbup

10.)alternatiac/fejker-najezda ovih se osječa u zadnjih godinu-dve...najčešče imaju potajnog uzora pod brojem 6 ali to nebi priznali ni pod razno...zbare?klinke s kojima njihov tajni uzor neč biti...
karakterizira ih veliki stupanj primitivizma i debilizma...

tipovi žena koje bare-samo čr00 alternativke da nebi pali u nemilost svom tajnom uzoru

11.) jebač vulgaris-nije bitno reper,metalac,šminker ili ormalan lik,ovaj čovjek živi da jebe i jebe da živi...nema nikakvih prioriteta osim pice u životu...ima ih ružnih,srednjih i manekena...nije bitno...dokaz da je svaki uspjeh 20% talenta a 80% truda...talenta nemaju ali se trude i po staroj poslovici za svaki lonac ima poklopac zbare nešto...i to dosta često zbare...i to sve što hoda...jebu sve čije ime završava sa a,sve što ima 2 rupe među nogama i sve čemu su počele nicat sise

to je to ...vjerojatno sam zaboravio koju tak da mi javite da popunim kolekciju

07.02.2007. u 22:43 • 26 KomentaraPrint#

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I was once a man before I transformed
into this molester, freshly deceased children
You have born, torn by my rape
The dead are not safe, the lifeless child corpse
I will violate

Pleasure from the dead, complete satisfaction
I open the coffin
Sick thoughts run through my head as I stare
At the dead, over and over, I can't escape
I begin the dead sex, licking her young, rotted orifice
I cum in her cold cunt, shivering with ecstasy
for nine days straight I do the same
She becomes by dead, decayed child sex slave
her neck I hack, cutting through the back
I use her mouth to eject

Here I cum, blood gushes from
bleeding black blood
her head disconnected
As I came, viciously I cut, through her jugular vein
She's already dead, I masturbate with her severed head
My lubrication, her decomposition
Spending my life molesting dead children

Intercourse with infants
Curing heads on top of spikes
boiling skulls
Skin sliding off of bones

The voices call
The voices are calling me
Buried dead I've spiritually infected
Call to me from beyond their graves

I now bleed pus
I bleed, the blood of the dead
I bleed on her livid skin
Thrusting myself within
Beginning to chop through her hairless crotch
Beyond what we know as death
It haunts me everyday
I hear the voice of every child
That lies next to me decayed
A fresh corpse, to fill with my infection
Tortured before death, no orifice left unfilled

Violated after death
Virgin hole I infest
Anal pore spewing cess
The sacred juice I injest
Your dead child I defile


Wrath, hate, pain and death
The code we live by
It's in our souls
Metal is the way

We fight the world
With glowing metal
Now the falses will pay

Our fight has just begun
We're sent from hall of gold
Messengers of death

We're coming after you
You can't escape us
We'll take away your breath

See us ride for vengeance
Friends of the suncross
We are born of steel

See us ride down
The Amon Amarth
The last sight you'll ever see

So as you stand there
Under grayclouded skies
Abandoned by your god
You know you're gonna die

You feel a sorrow
Surrounding you
As of the nine worlds
Screaming pain you feel
Your soul vaporizes
As your hearts burst

We charge without fear
Your time has come
Your Fimbul winter's arrived

A chilling wind of ice
Whirls through your heart
Pierces your bones and spine

We are all
Gazing to the skies
We'll make the false hammer fall
And we'll make Thor arise

Our quest is done
Your creation burns
Now we return to Oden's hall

Our dragon's fly
Across the waves
As twilight begins to fall

In victory we ride
We enter the mighty doors
Of the spear-god's hall

As Ygg salutes us
We raise our beers
And drink in honor of our cause

We are all
Greeted by the Gods
We made the false hammer fall
And Thor arose in blood


I hear the first sets going by
Watching myself slowly die
Sharp pain impaling through my heart
Slowly tearing me apart

One minute, you're an angel fallen from grace
Next, the fears that I hate
Picked me up from the gutter with a gentle kiss
Then rips from my heart have shown me how black it is!

Yet again
It feels so cold
Yet how I've turned black
I'm dying now

I hear the footsteps walking by
Watching myself slowly die
Sharpening, impaling through my heart
Slowly tearing me apart

When he appeared as an angel
Knocking me down, ruining my world
Did you ever kill the pain in my heart?
Even though they say angels don't kill, yeah!

Yet again
It feels so cold
Yet how I've turned black
I'm dying now
Yet again (yeah!)
It feels so cold
Yet how I've turned black (inside!))
I've died away


Immune To Emotion

All I see is tragedy
Reality and agony
There's got to be some good left in the world
Hidden away from all this darkness
Leaving death behind
My soul and open wound
See it bleeding through
I'd cry if I could
But I'm immune to emotion
The end injected into desolate hearts
Corrupted bodies not afraid of the dark
Forgotten children of a sickening world
Bleeding from sickening wounds
There's got to be some good left in the world
Hidden away from all this torture
Leaving death behind


Mother north - how can they sleep while their beds are burning?
Mother north - your fields are bleeding

Memories... The invisible wounds
Pictures that enshrine your throne (gone?)

A Future benighted still they are blind
Pigeonhearted beings of flesh and blood
Keeps closing their eyes for the dangers that threat... ourselves and our nature
And that is why
They all enrage me

Sometimes in the dead of the night I mesmerize my soul
Sights and visions prophecies and horror
They all come in one

Mother north - united we stand (together we walk)
Phantom north - I'll be there when you hunt them down

Black Metal

Black is the night, metal we fight
Power amps set to explode
Energy screams, magic and dreams
Satan records the first note.
We chime the bell, chaos and hell
Metal for maniacs pure.
Fast melting steel, fortune on wheels
Brain haemorrhage is the cure
lay down your soul to the gods rock `n' roll

Freaking so wild, nobody's mild
Giving it all that you've got.
Wild is so right, metal tonight
Faster than over the top.
Open the door, enter hells core
Black is the code for tonight
Atomic force, feel no remorse
Trunk up the amps now it's night
lay down your soul to the gods rock `n' roll
metal ten fold through the deadly black hole
riding hells stallions bareback and free
faking our chances with raw energy

Come ride the night with us
Rock hard and fight
United my legions we stand
Freak hard and wild for us
Give up your souls
Live for the guest satans band

Against the adds, black metal gods
Fight to achieve our goal
Tasting a spell, leather and hell
Black metal gods rock `n' roll
Building up steam, nuclear screams
War-heads are ready to fight
Black leather hounds, faster than sound
Metal our purpose in life.
lay down your soul to the gods rock `n' roll
black metal

3. To Hell And Back

I have been to Hell and back - kissed satanic Queen
Traveling at the speed of light - saw thing never seen
Arm in arm with Lucifer - Belial on my back
I have swam the lake of flames - walked forbidden tracks
To Hell - - and back
To Hell - - and back

I've made love to Lilleth fair - danced the zombies dance
I have shook the reapers hand - broke his deathly trance
Present at ungodly births - mutants writhe in pain
I'm possessed by Hell itself - I'm the man insane
To Hell - - and back
To Hell - - and back
Ride with me
To Hell - - and back

You can take a trip with me - Hell's my final home
If you wish to live at night - watch the demons room
Holding high the Southern Cross - watch the mortals bleed
Drink the blood and feel my wrath - watch the mutants breed
To Hell - - and back
To Hell - - and back