Poslovno dopisivanje na engleskom primjeri - Pravi datiranje

srijeda , 16.01.2019.

Dogovaranje sastanaka = Arranging Meetings

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poslovno dopisivanje na engleskom primjeri

September 10 20… September 10th 20... Pripazite da ime primatelja uvijek bude ispravno napisano. Ponekad se u pozivnim znakovima navode oznake spisa ili urudžbeni brojevi, koji se, međutim, u dopisivanju s upravnim tijelima državne ili gradske vlasti i velikim tvrtkama s brojnim odjelima moraju obvezno navesti.

poslovno dopisivanje na engleskom primjeri

Naučite pisati poslovni e-mail - KIM: Friday… let me see.

poslovno dopisivanje na engleskom primjeri

Mnogo toga odvisi i o tome na koji način se s određenom osobom ili poduzećem dogovaramo za poslovni sastanak. Tako vam u sljedećem poglavlju predstavljamo odgovarajuće izraze za dogovaranje sastanaka, koji će vam zajedno sa zadacima zasigurno biti od velike pomoći. Žao mi je, ali utorak neću moći. How about Monday instead? Kako bi bilo u ponedjeljak? SAMPLE DIALOGS Dialog 1 TOM: Hello. This call is in reference to your letter of 1 August 2014. JIM: Oh hi, so you got my letter then? In it you requested that we suggest possible dates for a meeting. So when could we sit down and have a chat? TOM: As soon as possible, if what you said in the letter is true. Those are serious allegations and we should clear up all misunderstandings immediately. JIM: That suite me just fine. I could come in as early as tomorrow. JIM: Ok, do you have a counter proposal? TOM: Sure, I do. Wednesday would fit my schedule much more nicely. TOM: Ok, so what do you propose? TOM: I guess so. My schedule is perfectly clear next week, so just tell me when you have time. Dialog 3 TOM: Hello. Someone from your office contacted us about a meeting next week. TOM: Ok good, just making sure. We will be there. Do you need any further information? TOM: Yes, what floor are you guys on and where can we park. Park in the garage next door and our receptionist will validate your parking ticket. Looking forward to it. Dialog 4 TOM: Can we go over briefly what we expect to cover at the meeting? JIM: Sure, we do have an outline sketched out already. TOM: Great, let me know, so I can prepare our team. TOM: Sounds like a good place to start. TOM: Everything checks out on our end. JIM: Is there anything your team would like to contribute? TOM: No that sounds perfect, see you there. JIM: Of course, I thought our secretary had already sent a message confirming that we would be there. JIM: Well, then, apologies. Of course we will be there. JIM: Yes, I see the change, too. Dialog 6 KIM: Mr. How may I help you? TOM: Hello, may I speak to Fred Vidmar, please? Can I take a message? Tell him that Tom Anderson called. KIM: Could you hold on for a minute, Mr. TOM: On Friday if possible. KIM: Friday… let me see. TOM: Two-thirty is not convenient for me. Is there any possibility for meeting after three? KIM: So shall we say three-thirty, then, this Friday in his office? TOM: That sounds great. Thank you very much. Dialog 7 FRED: Finance Department. Could I possibly speak to Tina, please? I would like to see her about the future investment project - towards the end of this month. FRED: All right, let me see … looks at her schedule How about Wednesday afternoon? But I am free in the morning. Can Tina do the morning? What about Thursday then? Sometime in the afternoon? ANDY: All right by me. Thank you for your help Fred, goodbye!

200 Engleski Riječi. Engleski za Početnike
Najbolje želje, Lijepi pozdravi, Ukoliko pišete članu obitelji, partneru ili bliskom prijatelju, možete završiti sa slijedećim: S ljubavlju, Potpišite svoje ime. TOM: Everything checks out on our end. S poštovanjem Prilog Katalog 1 Response to a request for an offer Rejection Dear Sir or Madam Many thanks for your letter of... Park in the garage next door and our receptionist will validate your parking ticket. TOM: Hello, may I speak to Fred Vidmar, please? Troškovi njegovog izdavanja uglavnom nisu veliki, gledajući na prosječnu vrijednost narudžbe, ali ponekad mogu biti neugodno iznenađenje. ANDY: All right by me.

[Upoznati samog sebe|Muvanje tekst ana|Nagradna igra kaufland 2018]

Oznake: poslovno, dopisivanje, naš, hrvatskom, i, engleskom

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