Nakon što sam tekst svog predhodnog posta postavio na službenu stranicu sir Stephen Hawking-a, na taj tekst je reagirala (očito) jedna jedina dovoljno inteligentna osoba koja je imala kapacitet razumjeti značaj mog teksta a na način da je kliknula na "LIKE".
Potpuno isti tekst sam nakon nekog vremena postavio i na službenu stranicu Facebooka, drugog vodećeg fizičara u svijetu Dr. Michio Kaku-a (sa svojom slikom koja objašnjava međuodnose kreativnih sila Univerzuma) i tu se (naravno) pojavila samo jedna jedina dovoljno inteligentna osoba (od desetina tisuća i stotina tisuća posjetitelja i komentatora), koja je imala dovoljno mozga za shvatiti značaj i veličinu mog teksta.
Reagirala je na način da klikne na "LIKE", plus je ostavila svoj komentar na moj tekst a isti slijedi u nastavnku:
Ammara Tulip:
Respectable Mr Ja Jesum ,your research point are spirtually strong, and indicates the voice of nature. but in seven point in which you wrote to understand the universe as whole is not possible by scientists as they performed experiments to understand one true reality or discover any takes alot of years,similarly as study of humman body ,one researcher research on heart other in brain etc :…like other subjects. but a saint can do this by meditation and find reality. sorry my native language is not english. best of luck .
Obraćanje na "Ja Jesam", odnosi se na mene jer to je moj nick na Facebooku.
Nakon što sam pročitao komentar, odgovorio sam slijedećim tekstom u nastavku:
I fully understand the scientific view of things. They will see in my text only spiritual philosophy of the New Age but it will not change the fact that I actually write only about the elementary laws of physics basis.
They still do not have a clear idea of what it is space or what is dimensions (even do not understand a concept of "dimensions" because of this they mix various fruits in the same basket, as for example that time is the "fourth dimension" ???!), They do not understand gravity, They do not understand vacuum, They do not understand electricity, They do not understand magnetizam, They do not understand the nature of light (They say that light can be sometimes particles and sometimes wave ???! Of course that it can not be both, ar or a particle or a wave ?!) and so on.
You are comparing science with the study of the human body and say that it took years and years until people learned something about the heart or brain. But the comparison is completely wrong. Doctors in medicine began at the sight of a fully human body, and then they began to observe his mechanics, anatomy then its physiology and so on, until the blood cells and cells of the body. Science has completely missed because of these differences, because science is trying to learn about the body of the universe by studying its smallest components such as cells (particles, atoms, molecules). Medicine spent to tens of thousands of years to understand small parts of what they stood before the eyes of the in an intelligible form as fully visible form.
What do you think how many trillion years would need to science until the perceived shape of the universe and understand how it works, using completely reverse the procedure of medical studies ???
They are working on a "unified theory of All" and do not have half the required information about the creative forces of the Cosmos.
They are connected magnetism and electricity in a unique force because they do not understand that they are related but are two separate forces. At the same time they put gravity in a separate category of force and do not understand that gravity has a a force that is associated with it (like electricity and magnetism) and is called vacuum. They separated the weak and strong nuclear force as a separate form of force and do not understand that these are two ends of the same stick just like electricity-magnetism as gravity-vacuum ...
And they do not understand nor the basics of physics, for example, that each of these enumerated powers has two characters in the form of opposed polarity.
In this completely the wrong way of access to scientific Discoveries, no one will ever understand single thinks.
And they will never reveal anything important until they self-proclaimed geniuses were living in the conviction that only they know everything and that their way of scientific knowledge is the only possible way.
That stupid narcisisti game of autistic scientist costs taxpayers around the world, enormous amounts of money. Money that can be used in far more useful ways, such as to feed the hungry or homeless people get their home and so on.
I am for example wrote about the phenomenon of "black holes" 14-15 years before any of these so-called genius. And their "expert" knowledge are fully coincided with mine. The only difference was that I had far more knowledge about the "black holes" of them all. A most beautiful part in all this was that this knowledge did not cost me a single penny.
So to get to the very same knowledge as they do, I did not needed money, nor their enormously expensive education, their Fensi the lab and institutes nor their "high technology" and neither their mathematical expertise.
So I gave to them this basic but essential knowledge in the form of images (because one picture speaks a thousand words) that they can understand where they make mistakes and where are the links that they are missing.
But they are too arrogant and stupid that they would want to take advantage of this gift for the benefit of all mankind.
Ista osoba je i na ovaj moj komentar ponovo reagirala sa klikom na "LIKE".
Drugi niko nije reagirao. Tako da je u stvari prosto fascinantno koliko malo na ovom planetu ima inteligentnih ljudi.
Naravno niti sami slavni fizičari ne reagiraju niti na jedan jedini komentar od strane miliona posjetitelja na njihovim službenim stranicama.
To opet samo po sebi govori apsolutno sve o njima samima i razlogu zašto su kreirali svoje službene stranice na Facebooku. Razlog je isključivo u funkciji samo promocije i hranjenja sopstvenog Ega, ni u kom slućaju nije u funkciji promicanja znanosti, približavanje iste širokom puku, njihovom obrazovanju ili informiranju.
A to je ko suza čista Tragedija za komplet ljudsku vrstu i za samu znanost. I dok autistični znanstvenici, ovjenčani Nobelima samodostatno provode svoje živote, trošeći na stotine milijardi dolara poreznih obveznika u ništa i za ništa, široki puk dobrohotno pjeva epove i hvalopoljke istima, zahvaljujući im se ozarena lica za to što "Oni", takvi "geniji" uopće i postoje na ovom svijetu.
I sve bi to još, da nije isuviše Tragično, sasvim sigurno bilo pre smiješno.
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Samo glasno razmišljanje, osobni stavovi o životu, vremenu u kojem živimo, civilizaciji i vrsti kojoj pripadamo. Osobne spoznaje o Univerzumu, duhovnim istinama, parapsihologiji, zdravlju i liječenju. Osobni pogledi na umjetnost, recenzije i komentari knjiga i filmova, komentari i osvrti na slavne osobe ali i one većini anonimne, kao i crtice iz moga života. Poezija i priče. Bez ikakvih ambicija da se ikome svidim, bez iole želje da ikome udovoljim, brza uma, britka jezika, sa puno cinizma i ironije, duhovitosti ali i bijesa (uvijek opravdanoga). Flagellum Dei, bez dlake na jeziku o svemu o čemu se licemjeri, duhovni siromasi i kvazi-intelektualci ne usuđuju niti započeti razmišljati. Jer jednostavno Ja Jesam.
Molim sve zalutale nesretnike na ovaj Blog, da na istome ne ostavljaju svoje "Ode Radosti", "Elegije", ekstatične izljeve oduševljenja i hvale jer me ne zanimaju. Njih čuvajte za duhovne imbecile koji su robovi vlastitih Ega i koji su ne formirane osobnosti, prožete uz duž i poprijeko nesigurnošću, dakle za mjesta kao što je Facebook. Ja Znam Tko sam i Što sam, stoga vaše hvale ili kritike nemaju nikakvu funkciju. Ali me zanimaju vaši stavovi i mišljenja po pitanju tematika koje obrađujem, dakle ako imate potrebu ili želju da se osvrnete na ono o čemu pišem, tekstove pišite u vezi tematike na koju sam se osvrnuo a ne u vezi samoga mog teksta ili mojih stavova. Hvala.
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