Cannibal Corpse
''Knives cutting into me
Scalpels rip me
Screaming into deaf ears
Now they stop and see my tears ''
''I come alive in the darkness
Left murdered and nameless
Dead unburied and rotten
Half eaten by insects ''
''She was so beautiful
I had to kill her
Tied her up
And taped her mouth shut
Couldn't scream
Raped violently
Rope tight, around her throat
Her body twitches
As she chokes ''
''One month in the grave
twisted and half decayed
She turned a putrid yellow
I pissed in her maggot filled asshole
Fucking the rotting
My semen is bleeding''
''I came blood inside of her
choking on the clot
gagging on the snot
gushing blood, from her mouth
bloody gel leaking out''
''The mutilated bodies I leave rotting after I
Have fucked them with my knife''
''Butchery my meat hooks sharpened to penetrate
Emasculate, gouging crotches I will eat''
''Razor sharp hooks implanted in your rectum
Splitting bodies, spilling guts on the ground
Sodomizing living beings with my utensils
Stabbing on your life stripped of all your skin''
''The child, screams of pain, no one hears
Blood splotches now appear, esctasy through
Each cut, now the body twiches the gutted
Little torso ready to be cooked''
''The guts, internal extraction
The entire body bleeding
The heart stops pumping ''
''The killer chops the body
With a scalpel and an axe
The parts are then drained
And put into sacks''
''Macabe fuckfest, inside her cunt, the brute's erection''
''With hacksaws I decapitated them all
Blood covers the groud, my feet are saturated
Rotting flesh scattered around, I feel no remorse
I don't remember my name
Or when blood of the dead flowed so relentlessly
Extracting the brains from the skulls
My anger evolves with the more heads I deform
Sawing the neck I am engulfed in fantasy
Chew the esophagus, cannibal delicacy
Utterly execerbated, forver deleterious
Slicing through skin, sundered larynx, veins spraying blood
Tattered windpipe, facial carvings, another head to abhore ''
''Stick it in
Rip the skin
Carve and twist
Torn flesh
From behind
I cut her crotch
In her ass I stuck my cock
Killing as I cum''
''Oral sex
With broken glass
Ruptured flesh
Ripped through the neck
Pulsing veins
Sliced windpipe''
''Bodies hang dead
Drained of all their blood
Pieces sewn on backwards
Neck with no heads
Mutilated, dead''
''Fucking the zombie whore
Unite the dead
Fucking the zombie whore
''I was fuckin her in her rotted anus''
''Maggots Crawl' On Their Rotting Cocks''
Čitajući ove stihove vjerojatno vam je jasno o kakvom se bendu ovdje radi
Cannibal Corpsi su prvi album izdali "Eaten Back To Life" (1990),sljede "Butchered At Birth" (1991),"Tomb Of The Mutilated" (1992),"Hammer Smashed Face" (1993 EP),"The Bleeding" (1994),"Vile" (1996),"Gallery Of Suicide" (1998),"Bloodthirst" (1999),"Live Cannibalism" (2000),"Gore Obsessed" (2002)...
Sve odreda zanimljiva imena naslova...hehehe...
Oni su pravi predstavnici Death-Metala
Teško da se može reći da se ovakvu glazbu može slušati svakodnevno,ali s vremena na vrijeme se može poslušati(i malo nasmijati)
Ako pred sobom nemate lyrics od njihovih pjesama teško da ćete razumijeti jedne riječi koje oni kažu...
Textovi su im o klanju,silovanju,mrcvarenju,unakazivanju,sodomiziranju,pilenju,kasapljenju,vađenju crijeva,jebanju zombija,rezanju ruku,nogu,sisa i dr...
Iako se to možda čini čudno čitajući te riječi morate se smijati
Vidi se da imaju puno mašte ali i znanja o ljudskom tijelu jer za nešto tako napisati morate biti ''doktor medicine'' hehehe...
Pojavili su se u filmu Ace Ventura:Pet Detective sa pjesmom ''Hammer Smashed Face''
Prvi pjevač im je bio Chris Barnes(kasnije prešao u Six Feet Under),kasnije ga je zamjenio Greg''Corpsegrinder''Fisher.
Imali su dosta problema na koncertima jer im nije bilo dozvoljeno svirati neke pjesme zbog nekih glupih zakona u tim državama,u Njemačkoj im je bilo zabranjeno čak 70% pjesama
Kako i Greg kaže u prvim albumima su se bazirali na klanje žena ,a kasnije su prešli na obitelj :)))...,zamislite kakav veliki korak?! hahaha
Ovakvu glazbu se nemože shvaćati ozbiljno nego ju zamislite kao horror film pa ispadne zanimljivo čak vam se onda i riječi čine smješnima...
Jednom sam gledao na TV-u da su neke budale u U.S.A. što slušaju cannibal corpse,six feet under,deicide...itd...zaklali neku trgovkinju i onda je policija okrivila izdavača tih grupa,te je on morao platiti višemilijunsku odštetu toj obitelji...
Ti što se užive u tu glazbu su ništa drugo nego psihopatski majmuni!!!
Pa glazba je da se sluša,a ne da se po njoj mora živjeti...joj kakve gluposti...
Sve u svemu Death Metal---Ko voli nek izvoli
Ja ću se zadržat na Nu-Metal-u...