oNCe moRe wiTh feEliNg...

23.03.2006., četvrtak

prvi post...again!!!!

...uf!!!!moj drugi blog!!!!a joooooj!!!!nikad neću prežalit stari!!!u k**** sam!!!neće da mi prihvati lozinku a ni korisničko ime!!!!a možda proradi nešt..a do tad ovaj će mu bit dostojna zamjena!!!nadam se!!!ništ još nije sređeno ali bit će!!!!neam pojma što bih pisao pa eto odoh ja!!!pozZ!!!
- 14:35 - Komentari (24) - Isprintaj - #

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...tu se piše o mom životu,zafrkancijama,i frendovima, bez kojih ničeg ovog nebi niti bilo!!! pozZ SVIMA...!!!!


Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody fucks

Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody sucks

Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody cries

Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody dies

It's a non-stop disco
Bet you it's Nabisco
Betcha didn't know

It's a non-stop disco
Bet you it's Nabisco
Betcha didn't know

It's a non-stop disco
Betcha didn't know
Betcha didn't know

It's a non-stop disco
Betcha didn't know
Betcha didn't know
Betcha didn't know

Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody fucks

Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody sucks

Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody dies

Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody cries

It's a non-stop disco
Bet you it's Nabisco
Betcha didn't know

It's a non-stop disco
Bet you it's Nabisco
Betcha didn't know

It's a non-stop disco
Betcha didn't know
Betcha didn't know

It's a non-stop disco
Betcha didn't know
Betcha didn't know
Betcha didn't know

It's a violent pornography
Choking chicks and sodomy
The kinda shit you get on your TV

It's a violent pornography
Choking chicks and sodomy
The kinda shit you get on your TV

Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody sucks

Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody fucks

Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody dies

Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now
Everybody, everybody, everybody dies

It's a non-stop disco
Bet you it's Nabisco
Betcha didn't know

It's a non-stop disco
Bet you it's Nabisco
Betcha didn't know

It's a non-stop disco
Betcha didn't know
Betcha didn't know

It's a non-stop disco
Betcha didn't know
Betcha didn't know
Betcha didn't know

It's a violent pornography
Choking chicks and sodomy
The kinda shit you get on your TV

It's a violent pornography
Choking chicks and sodomy
The kinda shit that's on your TV

It's a violent pornography
Choking chicks and sodomy
The kinda shit thatŐs on you TV

It's on the TV
Turn off you TV

Can you say "brainwashing?"

It's a non-stop disco

MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts

The Bitter End

Since we're feeling so anaesthetized
In our comfort zone
Reminds me of the second time
That I followed you home

We're running out of alibis
On the second of May
Reminds me of the summer time
On this winters day

See you at the bitter end
See you at the bitter end

Every step we take that's synchronized
Every broken bone
Reminds me of the second time
That I followed you home

You shower me with lullabies
As you're walking away
Reminds me that it's killing time
On this fateful day

See you at the bitter end
See you at the bitter end
See you at the bitter end
See you at the bitter end

From the time we intercepted
Feels alot like suicide
Slow and sad, going sadder
Arise a sitting mine

(See you at the bitter end)

I love to see you run around
And i can see you now
Running to me
Arms wide out

(See you at the bitter end)

Reach inside
Come on just gotta reach inside
Heard your cry
Six months time
Six months time
Prepare the end

(See you at the bitter end)