utorak, 25.07.2006.

Morala sam stavit ovu pjesmu od Traina, jer je odlična, the best i znam tko se može poistovjetiti s njom... Naravno osim mene... Posvjećujem ovo svima koji se ne boje biti drukčiji, znam da ih je puno, drago mi je zbog toga...


Whose eyes am I behind?
I don’t recognize anything that I see
Whose skin is this design?
I don’t want this to be the way that you see me

I don’t understand anything anymore
And this web that I’m tied up

Is taking me right up these walls
That I climb up
To get to your story
It’s anything but ordinary

And when the world is on its knees
With me, it’s fine
And when I come to the rescue
I get nothing but left behind

Everybody seems to be getting what they need
Where’s mine?

‘Cause you’re what I need so very
But I’m anything but ordinary

Can you save me from this world of mine
Before I get myself arrested with this expectation
You are the one
Look what you’ve done
What have you done?
This is not some kind of joke
You’re just a kid
You weren’t ready for what you did, no

And when the world is on its knees
With me, it’s fine
And when I come to the rescue
I do it for you
Time after time
Everybody seems to be getting what they need
Where’s mine?

Cause you’re what I need so very
But I’m anything but ordinary

I think I’m trying to save the world for you
You've been saving me, too.

We could just stay in and save each other
I’m anything but ordinary ...

Posebni dijelovi su podcrtani, pjesma je zakon!!

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