Budapest <3

16 travanj 2013

Last week on Friday we went to Budapest.
We had a great time :) We first saw Budim,and than Pesta.At the end of the day we went to Arena plaza and there we got a drink from Starbucks and we bought some clothes.While we were at H&M at cash register I asked teller to put my clothes at separate bag,but as he didn't understand me he only put it in bigger bag.The funny thing was the whole time he was pretending to understand me.But he was cute so we will forgive him ;)
Here are some pictures :) :) :)

Summer/Sommer 2012 <3 <3 :)

07 rujan 2012

Obstsalat :D

01 lipanj 2012

Zutaten für 4 Portionen:
2 Banane(n)
2 Stück Äpfel
20 Erdbeere(n)
20 Sauere Kirche(n)
1/2 Ananas
3 Pfirsuch(e)
1/2 Orange
5 g Zucker

Das Obst schälen und in mundgerechte Stücke schneiden. Die Äpfel und Bananen sofort mit Orange beträufeln, da diese sonst braun werden.

Den Obstsalat mit Zucker abschmecken.

Guten Appetit

Das ist unsere Obstsalat :D

Understanding cultural differences

11 svibanj 2012

Every nation has its own culture and things that they think are fine but also rude or insulting.

Communication is an area that can be especially challenging for those uninformed about cultural differences. A simple nod of the head or smile may be interpreted as something you had not intended.

For example, around the world a smile can relay many emotions, not just happiness or pleasure as in the U.S. In Japan, people smile when they are sad, angry, confused, and happy. Asians smile to show disagreement, anger, confusion, and frustration. Some people from Japan and Asia will not smile for official photos, such as passport photos, because these are considered serious occasions and they do not want to look as though they are not taking the situation seriously.

Eye contact varies around the world as well. If a staff member will not look you in the eye when speaking, do not take it as an insult. People from many Asian and Latin American cultures avoid direct eye contact as a sign of respect.

Many people have perceptions and prejudices about others.

Some Perceptions of Americans:

Europe & especially England. "Americans are stupid and unsubtle. And they are fat and bad dressers."

Finland. "Americans always want to say your name: 'That's a nice tie, Mikko. Hi Mikko, how are you Mikko'

Indian. "Americans are always in a hurry. Just watch the way they walk down the street."

Kenyan. "Americans are distant. They are not really close to other people -- even other Americans."

Turkey. "Once we were out in a rural area in the middle of nowhere and saw an American come to a stop sign. Though he could see in both directions for miles, and there was no traffic, he still stopped!"

Colombia. "In the United States, they think that life is only work."

Indonesia. "In the United States everything has to be talked about and analyzed. Even the littlest thing has to be 'Why, why why?'."

Ethiopia. "The American is very explicit. He wants a 'yes' or 'no'. If someone tries to speak figuratively, the American is confused."

Iran. "The first time my American professor told me 'I don't know, I will have to look it up', I was shocked. I asked myself 'Why is he teaching me?'"

We should try to understand and learn something from each other.

Thinking about the future !?

02 svibanj 2012

Do you ever think about the future?

Of course you do.Everyone does.Everyone has plans for future.Some people want to buy a new car,get a baby,get a new flat,go to university.But in reality that are all just wishes. We don't know what will actually happen.We could try to impact on future,with every our decision we are changing and making our tomorrow.

Have you ever watched this movie? ? I thinks it's great.
When I started thinking about this subject I immediately remembered it. In the beginning you can see some pupils painting their images of future.

What would you paint?
I think there would be some robots,of course.I think we would have a better cars,planes,and railway.I think that we won't use fossil fuels and stuff like that.We could use wind and Sun.

Maybe our cities would look like this?

I think that would be a perfect scenario.But nothing is perfect.

But what if Sun shuts down?What if war starts? Would it then look like this?

What if..?What if...?What if...?

We just can't know that.It will happen.We should live in present and take care of nature.It is out future.Everything we give to her,she will charge us.

Abraham Lincoln said : The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.

im Geschäft

24 travanj 2012

Verkäauferin : Grüß Gott,kann ich Ihnen helfen?
Petra : Grüß Gott.Ja,ich suche ein Kleid.
V: Welche Größe brauchen Sie?
P: Ich trage S.
V:Also brauchen Sie 36.In 36 haben wir diese zwei Modelle.Welches möchten Sie?
P:Ich möchte dieses daaus dem Schaufenster.
V:Welche Farbe hätten Sie gern?
P: Ich trage gerne Schwarz
V: Dieses Modell haben wir leider nur in Rot und Rosa.
P: Dann nehme ich bitte in Rot.
V:Möchten Sie das Kleid anprobieren?
P: Ja,gerne.Wo sind die Umkleidekabinen?
V:Die Umkleidekabinen sind links gleich neben der Kasse.


V:Und,wie passt das Kleid?
P:Est passt jetzt prima.
Was kostet das Kleid?
V: Das Kleid ist 19,99 €.
P: Super! Das ist ein Schnäppchen!Ich nehme das Kleid.
V:Schön! Ich bringe est gleich zur Kasse.

die Kleidung

23 travanj 2012

Bernarda trägt eine graue Mütze und eine Sonnenbrille.Sie trägt eine Krawatte und eine weiße Bluse und eine blaue Tasche.Sie trägt eine blaue Hose und eine gelbe Jacke.

Matej trägt ein blaues Hemd und ein graues T-shirt.Er trägt ein Kleid und ein graues Sweatshirt.Er trägt ein Top.

Ante trägt einen weißen Hat und einen Schal.Er trägt einen blauen Pulli und einen Sacco.Er trägt einen weißen und schwarzen Rock und einen Gürtel.Er trägt einen BH und einen Mantel und einen Anzus.

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