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Kolovoz 2011 (20)


31.08.2011., srijeda

Small Engagement Ring

Small Engagement Ring. Celebrity Engagement Ring Pictures. Tanzanite Mens Rings.

small engagement ring

    engagement ring
  • A ring given by a man to a woman when they agree to marry

  • The Engagement Ring (B?xt Üzüyü) is a full-length Azerbaijani comedy film released in 1991. The film plot is based on the same-titled novel by Azerbaijani writer Vagif Samadoghlu.

  • Especially in Western cultures, an engagement ring is a ring indicating that the person wearing it is engaged to be married. In the United Kingdom, and North America, engagement rings are traditionally worn only by women, and rings can feature gemstones.

  • a ring given and worn as a sign of betrothal

  • Small items of clothing, esp. underwear

  • limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a little dining room"; "a little house"; "a small car"; "a little (or small) group"

  • on a small scale; "think small"

  • the slender part of the back

replacement ring

replacement ring

my other ring was too unwieldy and the setting was too high, so my new "engagement" ring is this sterling silver art deco-inspired piece that i am currently enjoying. it's so small and lightweight and pretty, and people know that i'm off the market, heh. :)

Engagement Ring

Engagement Ring

Yup, i'm getting engaged. So I have to make the ring/heart/bible shot to go along with it.

Strobist: Single snooted Canon 580exII on 1/64 on axis behind the ring. Small white board in front as fill light.

small engagement ring

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