petak, 20.01.2006.

The long shadow

Well I'll tell you one thing that I know
You don't face your demons down
You gotta grapple 'em Jack and pin 'em to the ground
The devil may care, maybe god he won't
You better make sure you check on the do's and the don'ts

Crawl up a moutain
To reach where the eagles fly
To show you can glimpse from the mountian top
where the soul of the muse might ride

And if you put it all together
You won't have to look around
You know you cast a long shadow on the ground

Then one day I could tell my tracks
About the holes in the soles of my shoes
And thats the day I said I'm gonna make the news

And fallen back in the garden
The days so long ago
Somewhere in the memory
The sun shines on you boy

And playing in the Arroyo's
where the american rivers flow
From the Appalachians
Down to the Delta Roads

A man can think so long
His brain could well explode
The strings runnin' through the junctions
A king comes down the road

And if you put it all together
You won't have to look around
You know you cast a long shadow on the ground

Listen to the country
The night jar and the bell
Listen to the night stream lineup
Soundin' like the wolves of hell

Head for the water
The waters of the cleansing spell
It was always our destination
On the express of the ne'ver do wells

And we rocked through Madison's city
And we didn't even know she was there
And when we hit the bumpers in Memphis
Beale street didn't have no prayer

And I hear punks talk of anarchy
I hear hobo's on the railroads
I hear mutterings on the chain gangs
It was those men who built the roads

And if you put it all together
You didn't even once relent
You cast a long shadow
And that is your testament

Somewhere in my soul
There's always rock and roll

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Eto...necu brisat jucerasnji post jer nema smisla brisat
jucerasnje osjecaje...
Eto Igor me ostavia...
Cekala san taj dan...mora je doc...u zadnje vrime smo
se stalno svađali i nisan bila bas najbolja cura kakvu je
on zamišlja.Tia je ocito zenu koja ce stalno bit s njin i
samo ce joj on bit cili zivot.Niti ga osuđuje niti kritiziran
jer znan da svaki lik to želi...Volila san ga,a mislin da je na
kraju sve to prešlo u prijateljsku ljubav...
Sada sam opet sama sa svojin strahovima...
Neman nikakvu namjeru tugovat jer smo ostali dobri
prijatelji i nadam se da cemo ostat...I sad necu tugovat nego
dignit glavu i krenit dalje...
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Danas san popizdila na jednu kurvu zvanu Andrea.
To je takvo bice koje je za popizdit licemjerno...
Navikla san i ja u osnovnoj skoli bit vođa i sve to,ali
sad je malo drugacija situacija i ljudi su zreliji(bar se nadan)
i nema smisla nekoga okrecat protiv drugog...
Spominjen je jer sližbeno san joj u ovon trenutku objavila
rat.Znan da likuje zbog mog i Igorovog prekida i da je
sritna ka debelo prase u blatu(iako to i je) i sad misli da
ce me to njeno nesto povridit.
Zaj mi je samo sta je Igor tako slip i ne vidi sta mu ona
radi i da ga ogovara,a zeni je momak otisa u ZG na faks i
nju ostavia ode... hehehehehe kako je to lipi dokaz ljubavi...
Osveta ce bit pomno planirana i iznenadna...Najebala je...
Da mogu najrađe bi je ubila i zabila joj škare duboko u srce
da više nikad ne može osjetit kucanje srca...
Uništila bi je u roku odma ili bi je pošteno udavila...
Ono...preluda san...gorin za osveton....
Cula san se sa prikon maloprije i dolazi brzo u St...
jedva cekan da ga vidin...moran nesto napravit...
eh....bitke ce bit krvave i zavrsit ce mojon pobjedon i sad
se tu na ovon fakin blogu kunen!!!!
Osjetit ce cilo jebeno drustvo bijes jedne brutalne osobe...
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A danas je bas lip dan...steta ga upropastit stoga iden na
pice veceras smisljat planove....gustajte ljudi...i ako vam se
ko nađe na putu odma ga eliminirajte....

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Iden u 2. razred MIOCA
slusat punk i ska,a nekad
rock i grunge
citat knjige
ic na koncerte
izac sa ekipon
svoje prijatelje
svirat bubnjeve
zapalit sa ekipon

The long shadow
Well I'll tell you one thing that I know
You don't face your demons down
You gotta grapple 'em Jack and pin 'em to the ground
The devil may care, maybe god he won't
You better make sure you check on the do's and the don'ts

Crawl up a moutain
To reach where the eagles fly
To show you can glimpse from the mountian top
where the soul of the muse might ride

And if you put it all together
You won't have to look around
You know you cast a long shadow on the ground

Then one day I could tell my tracks
About the holes in the soles of my shoes
And thats the day I said I'm gonna make the news

And fallen back in the garden
The days so long ago
Somewhere in the memory
The sun shines on you boy

And playing in the Arroyo's
where the american rivers flow
From the Appalachians
Down to the Delta Roads

A man can think so long
His brain could well explode
The strings runnin' through the junctions
A king comes down the road

And if you put it all together
You won't have to look around
You know you cast a long shadow on the ground

Listen to the country
The night jar and the bell
Listen to the night stream lineup
Soundin' like the wolves of hell

Head for the water
The waters of the cleansing spell
It was always our destination
On the express of the ne'ver do wells

And we rocked through Madison's city
And we didn't even know she was there
And when we hit the bumpers in Memphis
Beale street didn't have no prayer

And I hear punks talk of anarchy
I hear hobo's on the railroads
I hear mutterings on the chain gangs
It was those men who built the roads

And if you put it all together
You didn't even once relent
You cast a long shadow
And that is your testament

Somewhere in my soul
There's always rock and roll

Redemption song
Old pirates, yes, they rob I;
Sold I to the merchant ships,
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit.
But my hand was made strong
By the hand of the all mighty.
We forward in this generation
Won't you help to sing
these songs of freedom
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs
Redemption songs
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look
Some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fulfill de book.
Won't you help to sing
the songs of freedom
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs
Redemption songs
Redemption songs
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our mind.
Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look?
Some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fulfil the book.
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever had:
Redemption songs -
All I ever had:
Redemption songs:
These songs of freedom,
Songs of freedom.

Silver and gold
I'm gonna go out dancin' every night,
I'm gonna see all the city lights,
And do everything silver and gold,
I got to hurry up before I grow too old.
I'm gonna take a trip around the world,
I'm gonna kiss all the pretty girls,
And do everything silver and gold
And I got to hurry up before I grow too old.

Oh, I do alotta things I know is wrong,
Hope I'm forgiven before I'm gone,
It'll take alotta prayers to save my soul,
But I got to hurry up before I grow too old.
I'm gonna take a trip around the world,
Gonna kiss all the pretty girls,
Who do everything silver and gold,
And I got to hurry up before I grow too old, whhoooo.

Yea, I gonna go out dancin' every night,
I'm gonna see all your city lights,
I'm gonna do everything silver and gold,
And I've got to hurry up before I grow too old


Promenicu svet do kraja pesme.
Igracu pijani ples u ritmu vetra
Pusticu sunce da topi ljubav,
izmedju sveta daleko od nas.

Dosao sam da te nosim,
da se ne bojis,
da ne govoris nema me,
da zatvoris oci,
da ne zaboravis rec po rec.

Dosao sam da te nosim
u kuce mojih predaka,
da ti pricam da noci nema,
da odustanes,
da zelja je glad je vatra.

Promenicu jezik, pokret, telo.
Govoricu reci tudje pesme.
Dosao sam da ti kazem cuvaj me.
Moj korak je moje ime,
Cuvaj me!

Dosao sam da te nosim,
da se ne bojis..

Dosao sam da te nosim
u kuce mojih predaka..

Dosao sam da te nosim,
da se ne bojis..