Dating viewmaster reels - Vukovar
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Dating Site: Dating viewmaster reels
I think it was our distribution manager who came up with the idea of calling the model J a model 10 since J is the 10th letter of the alphabet. In some cases these reels were stand-alone titles, such as B6551, Vanguard Launching at Cape Canaveral. List of Talking ViewMaster Reels.
It came in two colors, rose and blue, each with a bright yellow push button. If you have any questions about anything that is written or pictured here, please let us know. However, it does not list reel variants.
Your Etsy Privacy Settings - Many variations exist of this viewer because of its long production run.
Double Vision! View-Master Review
I can't even imagine trying to make your own 'personal' Viewmaster. In some cases these reels were stand-alone titles, such as B6551, Vanguard Launching at Cape Canaveral. As backstock was eliminated, reels bearing the newer packet taxonomy were manufactured to replace them. Two different versions of this viewer exist. Model A 1938-1944 Prototype Production This round viewer is made of Kodak Tenite a special black plastic of the era.
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