mE iS cOmPlIcAtEd... LoL...

Ime: Maya
Prezime: ???
wHaT I lIkE : dečki, muzika, serije, filmovi, shopping, knjige i čitanje i sl....
I dOn'T LiKe: prenapuhane idiote!!!

Naj serije: Heroji, Uvod u anatomiju, OTH, Dr. House, Gilmore Girls...
Filmovi: Dirty Deeds, Spiderman 1,2,3...

MuZiKa: The Beatles, Avril, Fall Out Boy, RHCP, malo Rolling Stonse, Floyde i sl...

The Hottest guys (by me): Milo Ventimiglia, Kaka', C. Ronaldo, Chad M. M.....


Peter Petrelli...

Milo... Mmmmm.....

  travanj, 2008 >
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Svibanj 2008 (2)
Travanj 2008 (9)

KomeNtari ..Visish/Nevidish

Opis bloga

Malo o svemu, a posebno o mojoj fav seriji Herojima... Heroje obožavam od prve epizode, a posebno Petera Petrellia kojeg glumi moj najdraži Milo ventimiglia!!!! Serija je zakon!!! Jedino mi je glupo što je malo kasno, ali nije to nikakav problem... Pa ovo mi je već neznam koji blog... Eto, bilo mi je dosadno, pa sam ga napravila... I tak... Pa nadam se da je dobar...

Video news portal Nove TV
Blog servis


ponedjeljak, 28.04.2008.

Oh, Happy Day!!!!!!

Danas mi je rođendan!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uglavnom sam danas bila na facebooku i youtubeu, ali sam morala i povijest učiti.... Ufffff...... ali na youtubeu sam našla baš dobar video...

Pa evo:

A ovo je tekst pjesme:

"What If"

Here I stand alone
With this weight upon my heart
And it will not go away
In my head I keep on looking back
Right back to the start
Wondering what it was that made you change

Well I tried
But I had to draw the line
And still this question keeps on spinning in my mind

What if I had never let you go
Would you be the man I used to know
If I'd stayed
If you'd tried
If we could only turn back time
But I guess we'll never know

Many roads to take
Some to joy
Some to heart-ache
Anyone can lose their way
And if I said that we could turn it back
Right back to the start
Would you take the chance and make the change

Do you think how it would have been sometimes
Do you pray that I'd never left your side

What if I had never let you go
Would you be the man I used to know
If I'd stayed
If you'd tried
If we could only turn back time
But I guess we'll never know

If only we could turn the hands of time
If I could take you back would you still be mine

'Cos I tried
But I had to draw the line
And still this question keep on spinning in my mind

What if I had never let you go
Would you be the man I used to know
What if I had never walked away
'Cos I still love you more than I can say
If I'd stayed
If you'd tried
If we could only turn back time
But I guess we'll never know
We'll never know

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