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Relationship advice

10.06.2009., srijeda

Emotional abuse?

What about it, you say?
Generally it’s my opinion that when a physical abuse accrues in a relationship once,
Emotional abuse accrued at least five times more.
Let’s define emotional abuse as a term.

“Continuous insults, demands and harassment towards a partner with the intent to erode that person's self esteem. It may take place only in private, or it may be done publicly to increase the victim's humiliation. The victim is told, either directly or in various ways, that they cannot manage--their appearance, their sexuality, their finances, their emotions, their entire life. “

Alright…so let’s a approach this from a scientific point of view.

We have the abuser, and the victim.
Abuser in a way convinces the victim, that it’s worthless, and has no survival capabilities.
In a way abuser gets into the victims head, forcing her/him to believe that without him/her (abuser) the victims life, has no meaning.
Abusers(especially those that are more intelligent) usually wait to get to know you, to get into
your life…to find out your secrets, and with those secrets they attack.
Victim comes to a point, that it’s afraid of saying anything, in fear that it will be criticized.

So…many say that some abusers have “valid” reasons for abuse.
What is a valid reason?
What for example if you find your husband in bed with your best girlfriend?
Is it a good enough reason for you to throw a vase and a couple a punches?
Yes? No?
In general, people would say that it’s “normal” for you to react in a violent manner.

But if you are in a relationship, where you have to repress, and hold down your
violent emotions inside, and that accrues on a daily basis. Here’s a tip…..


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