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o meni, linkovi itd.

ovaj blog je vrlo dugo opstao, mijenjao je dizajne, a još više imena adrese,,mijenjalo se sve na njemu,,,ali on je još uvijek živ,,,

ja sam ja.samo ja i nitko drugi.

Riječi bole više od šamara,,

GLAZBA KOJU SLUŠAM...sve kaj mi se svidi...najviše metal

mrzila sam sebe,
a zašto?
mrzila sam život,
a zašto?
imam sve na svijetu
jest da ljubav baš ne šljaka
ali zaljubit ću se i ja jednog dana unekoga ko me voli
i valja živjeti do tog trenutka....


nešto osjećajno...

Tesica...ljubaf moja sestričinska...moja grejt frendica...jako ju volim...

Katica...dijete drago...poznajem ju od rođenja...doslovno...hoh

Katin i Martin zajednički blog...

Pepica...grejt girl...Tesina best frendica...

Pepin drugi blogek...

Klara...jedna cura iz mog razreda čiji me blog uvijek nasmiješi...lol

Karlica...zakon cura...prezakon...hehe...dugo se znamo...


Janče...hehe...zakon dečec iz škole...(moj je lijevi , pa reko sam ti da je moj desni(samo će on znat o čem pričam))

Astrid...curičak jedan...dobra cuica

Suka...evo opet i njegov blogek...(domaloprije sam mislila da je to petrin drugi blog...xD)

Lana...jedna curica..koja izgleda ko Astrid...isto je dobra cuica...(ima prezakon ime bloga)

Sara...jedna veoma super cura koju ja voljam

Petra...curičak jedan dobar...ima veoma zanimljive postove

Moja imenjakinja Eva...koja ide u London često...ja biii

klikni i postani častan


Molim vas, pomozite Zeki!!!
(> < )
Ovo je Gothik - Sado - Mazo Zeko. Kopirajte ga na svoj blog i tako mu pomognite na njegovom putu do

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Put him on your
(")_(") homepage and help him on his

This is Bunny’s friend Puppy. Puppy lost Bunny when they were traveling around the world. Help Puppy find Bunny by putting her on your homepaged

smijehR@zNo $@drŽaJn€ sL!kiCesmijeh

Goth ime

Necrotic freak, Razorblade kisses

Vampirsko ime

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Agnes Brown
Known in some parts of the world as:
Hero of The Horned One
The Great Archives Record:
Sworn to one more ancient than the devil.

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cerekLoVe p!kČrZicerek


To nije ljubav,to je

To nije ljubav,to je

To nije ljubav,to je

To nije ljubav,to je

To nije ljubav,to je

To nije ljubav,to je

To nije ljubav,to je

To nije ljubav,to je

To nije ljubav,to je

To nije ljubav,to je

Srce te boli i sve
se u tebi lomi
kad je on tužan??

Privlače te drugi,ali
ipaK ostaješ s njim bez
trunke kajanja??

Prihvačas njegove mane
jer su i one dio njega??

S njim si zbog te
neshvatljive mješavine
boli,sreće i uživanja??

Dala bi žvot za njega??

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Children of Bodom- COBHC BIOGRAFIJA

Children of Bodom su iz mjesta Espoo u Finskoj, koje je udaljeno 10 km od Helsinkija. CoB su počeli raditi kada im je pred kraj 1997. izdan prvi album "Something Wild". Prije toga su se zvali Inearthed. Osnovali su ih Alexi i Jaska 1993. Onda su se Alexi, Henkka i njihov bivši klavijaturist J. Pirisjoki pridružili grupi. Izdali su dva demoa, prvi se zvao "Ubiquitos Absence Of Remission" i bio je sastavljen od 4 pjesme. Snimljen je 1994. godine u Astia studios. Drugi se zvao "Shining" i također je imao 4 pjesme. Snimljen je 2 godine poslije. Zvuk na oba demoa je prilično dobar za demo iako Inearthed sviraju drugačiju vrstu metala od CoB. Inearthed svira čisti melodični death metal. Kad je Inearthed otpustio svog klavijaturista Janne se pridružio grupi. Prvo kao privremeni klavijaturist za snimanje "Something Wild", a onda je postao stalni član. Inearthedov "Something Wild" je prvobitno bio
planiran da ga izda mala belgijska kuća, ali Sami Tenetzdao je taj demo u ruke vodećeg čovjeka kuće Spinefarm. On ih je jako zavolio pa su potpisali ugovor. Ugovor je sadržavao tri albuma.
Kada su Inearthed saznali da ne izdaju za dotičnu belgijsku kuću, promijenili su ime u Children of Bodom. Priča koja se krije iza ovog naziva je vrlo krvava. Bodom je malo jezero u Finskoj, 20km sjeverno udaljeno od Helsinkija. 5. srpnja 1960. godine, to jezero je bilo mjesto masakra. Naime, 4 tinejdžera, 2 petnaestogodišnjakinje i 2 osamnaestogodišnjaka kampovalii su na jezeru uživajući u svojoj ignoranciji, sve dok se nije pojavio gospodin koji im je uživanje prekinuo nožem. Jedini koji je preživio masakr je još zadržan u psihijatrijskoj ustanovi zbog psihičkih problema. 1970. godine, jedan tip se prijavio drotovima govoreći da je on ubica, ali policija nije vijerovala, tako da krvnik sa jezera Bodom nikad nije pronađen.
Malo nakon što je "Something Wild" izdan u Finskoj, potpisali su ugovor sa Nuclear Blastom. CoB je snimo jednu novu pjesmu "Children of Bodom" i izdao je kao singl koji je bio na prvom mjestu u Finskoj 8 tjedana.
Onda su se stvari počele brzo događati.
Prva turneja (veljača 1998. zajedno sa Hypocrisy, Benediction i Covenant) bila je vrlo uspješna. Janne nije mogao na turneju jer je završavo zadnje ispite. Prijatelj grupe, Erna ga je zamijenio. Druga turneja je bila u rujnu zajedno sa Gorgoroth, Dismember, Agathodaimon i Raise Hell. Opet bez Janna.
Ovaj put ga je zamijnila Kimberly Goss. U međuvremenu neke pjesme su bile snimljene
za album "Hatebreeder". Malo prije nego što je album izdan, izašao je singl "Downfall",
koji je sadržavao obradu grupe Stone, No Commands. Onda je "Hatebreeder" izdan 1999, i za njim kojim je slijedilo još više uspjeha. CoB su otišli u Japan i imali tri nastupa, jedan u Osaki i dva u Tokiju. Sljedeća turneja je bila u rujnu sa In Flames, Dark Tranquility i Arch Enemy ali ovaj put sa Janneom. U svibnju 2000. godine izlazi novi singl "Hate Me!". Singl je otišao na prvo mjesto u Finskoj.
30. listopada izdan je novi album "Follow the Reaper" u Finskoj (inače, reaper tj. kosač se pojavljuje na svakom cover artu CoB albuma, u većini njihovih spotova, itd.. ukratko, Reaper kod Bodoma je nešto kao Eddie kod Maidena). Europsko izdanje je izašlo u siječnju, a u Americi u veljači. U prvom tjednu prodan je u više od 50000 primjeraka. CoB kreću na turneju sa Primal Fear i Sacred Steel. Američka turneja je otkazana.
2002. godine izlazi novi singl "You're Better Off Dead", a poslije njega izlazi album "Hate Crew Deathroll".
Na albumu "Hate Crew Deathroll" koji je izdan u siječnju 2003. CoB izražava više agresivnosti nego prije.
Ljeto 2003, Alexander Kuoppala je ostavio bend i zamijenio ga je Roope Latvala koji je već bio zvijezdana puno Finskih metal CD-a. Biti najpohvaljeniji metal gitarist u Finskoj ikad, Roope je fleksibilan svirati stil i čudan smisao harmonije na što je CoB jako utjecao na putu do njegovih ranih 90-ih speed metal bend Stone.
Godine 2004. bend je testirao novi stil na mini CD-u i posebnom DVD-u "Trashed, Lost & Strungout"
koji je dao malo ukusa za buduće alongside sa dvije cover pjesme.
Nakon izdanja uspješnog mini albuma, Children of Bodom zabarikadirao se u studio Hästholmen,
Helsinki, da bi snimili slijedeći album sa producentom Mikko Karmila. Rezultat je bio "Are you dead yet?", naslov četvrtog studio albuma od fantastične Finske metal grupe hate crew .
Children of Bodom je prošao dugačak put od njegovih malih početaka i danas stoji kao poznata ekstremna metal grupa.

INFO BOX [Children of Bodom]
Osnovani: 1993
Žanr: melodični black death
Zemlja: Finska
Web: http://www.cobhc.com/
Postava: Henkka Blacksmith - bass
Jaska Raatikainen - bubnjevi
Alexander Kuoppala - gitara
Janne Viljami Warman - klavijature
Alexi Laiho (Wildchild) - vokal, gitara

1. Living Dead Beat
2. Are You Dead Yet?
3. If You Want Peace... Prepare for War
4. Punch Me I Bleed
5. In Your Face
6. Next in Line
7. Bastards Of Bodom
8. Trashed, Lost & Strungout
9. We're Not Gonna Fall

BW&BK 9/10
Imperiumi.net 9/10 (in Finnish)


Buy at Universal
1. Trashed, Lost & Strungout
2. Knuckleduster
3. Bed Of Nails (Alice Cooper cover)
4. She Is Beautiful (Andrew W.K. cover)

Enhanced Part :
Trashed, Lost & Strungout music video
Trashed & Lost in Helsinki (Footage from Children Of Bodom's night out)


1. Trashed, Lost & Strungout video*
2. Knuckleduster*
3. Bed Of Nails (Alice Cooper cover)
4. She Is Beautiful (Andrew W.K. cover)
5. Andrew W.K. Greets COB
6. Angels Don't Kill*
7. Trashed & Lost in Helsinki
8. Sixpounder video
9. Downfall live at Tuska video*
10. Everytime I Die live at Tuska video*

*Available on 5.1 / Stereo


1. Needled 24/7
2. Sixpounder
3. Chokehold (Cocked'N'Loaded)
4. Bodom Beach Terror
5. Angels Don't Kill
6. Triple Corpse Hammerblow
7. You're Better Off Dead!
8. Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood
9. Hate Crew Deathroll


1. Follow The Reaper
2. Bodom After Midnight
3. Children Of Decadence
4. Everytime I Die
5. Mask Of Sanity
6. Taste Of My Scythe
7. Hate Me!
8. Northern Comfort
9. Kissing The Shadows


1. Intro
2. Silent Night, Bodom Night
3. Lake Bodom
4. Warheart
5. Bed Of Razors
6. War of Razors
7. Deadnight Warrior
8. Hatebreeder
9. Touch Like Angel Of Death
10. Downfall
11. Towards Dead End


1. Warheart
2. Silent Night, Bodom Night
3. Hatebreeder
4. Bed Of Razors
5. Towards Dead End
6. Black Widow
7. Wrath Within
8. Children Of Bodom
9. Downfall


1. Deadnight Warrior
2. In The Shadows
3. Red Light In My Eyes
4. Red Light In My Eyes
5. Lake Bodom
6. The Nail
7. Touch Like Angel Of Death

[ 1 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]

Koja si vrsta metalca???

Take the quiz:
What instrument should you play in your band (metal)? :::pics:::

Bass Guitar
You're the time keeper. You're the studs behind the drywall. You usually just back up the guitars but every now and then you bust out a solo of your own and everyone loves it. You're not really recognized enough and you don't get the credit you should. Oh well, shit happens.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

[ 0 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]

Lud test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Take the quiz:
How Metal Are You? ::pics::

You're the best of your breed.
You're my favorite. In fact, I love you. You have a great, widely-ranged taste in music but metal in your favorite. You're Unearth's advocate and you go to shows as often as possible. You probably love the likes of Avenged Sevenfold, As I Lay Dying, Demonhunter, and Remembering Never. Your life revolves around music. Are you in a band? It wouldn't surprise me because of your raw love for music. You kick ass.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

[ 0 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]

Potpuno se slažem sa ovime, prava istina.

Take the quiz:
What Kind of Music Are You? :::pics:::

You're about as hardcore as they come. Music is your passion and you listen to it for talent not because it's popular. You probably have a lot of respect for all artforms and you like classical piano. Slipknot definitely sucks in your eyes...and for good reason. Any band who takes the time to put on make-up and masks just isn't worth your respect.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Riješi ovaj testić!!!

[ 0 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]

Ja sam vampir, a ti???

Take the quiz:
Are you a skeleton, zombie, vampire, demon or dark angel? (pics aren't really working)

You are a vampire! kick ass! You love pain and blood!!!! You reigh terror at night and retreat to your coffin at day. Of course you kill other people and drink the blodd. Fear is struck into the people you make conntact with (witch doesnt happen very often) You happen to think that zombies and skeletons are gay and lame.. well compared to you thats no question! you are awesome and should be proud. But you need to learn to like day.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

[ 0 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]


Trenutačno preslušavam Apocalyptica "Cult-special version" kojisam za rođendan dobila od dede i bake iz Amerike.
Naravno brat mi još nije da preslušam Cradle-e.
Šta ćeš,


Ivi i Klari

[ 0 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]


Moj brat

Ponekad glup, ponekad super, ponekad idiot, ponekad dobar, ...
Uglavnom super!!!

Njegova slika:(doduše stara)

Sada ima dužu kosu.
Inače on je tako dobar prema meni da sam mu neki dan kupila CD "Cradle of filth-Cruelty and the Beast"

Još mi nije dao a ga preslušam, ali će mi dati jer je dobro.


[ 7 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]



Za njega je druga priča, još gora.
Ima ženu i djecu pa moj san o tome da sam njegova žena jako će se teško ostvariti.
Volim ga koliko i Perttua, ali sad kad sve to znam volim Perttua malo više, samo trunkicu!!!

Klara pogledaj i ovo jer znam da znaš sve moje patnje!!!

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[ 0 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]


Srce mi se para kada znam da nikad neću biti njegova žena.
Klara svakako ovo pogledaj!!! Volim ga više od svega, a nikad mi se snovi neće ostvariti!!!
Klara zna sve moje patnje!

Get this Code and See more Videos here

[ 0 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]



Danas mi je rođendan i naravno slavim ga sama uz zvuke Apocalypticinih CD-ova.
Naravno, kao i uvijek svi su na moru!!!!!!burninmadPoruku za rođendan sam jedino dobila od Tese, Ifke i
Vip-a. Al dobro cijeli je dan pred mnom.
Trenutačno slušam "Struggle" sa Culta.
Pozdrav i čestitajte mi rođendan!

[ 4 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]



Pjesma Repressed od Apocalyptice sa vokalima Max Cavalera/Soulfly i Matt Tuck/Bullet for my Valentine izdana je 19.o5. ove godine na dvostrukom Cd-u Amplified-the decade of reinventing the cello i Dvd-u The Life burns tour, kao što je izdana i na singlu Repressed

Eicca & Matt Tuck

[ 2 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]

Eiccina žena

Eiccina žena Kirsi Marja Ylijoki s njim živi (i kraljuje) već devet godina koliko su i zajedno. Imaju dvoje djece točnije dva sina, Eelis (1999) & Ilmari (2002).
Ova slika je pronađena na Eicca fansite-u.
Kirsi & Eicca na Lathi, 28. siječanj, 2006.

[ 0 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]


bože ubij ih!

Molim da obratite pažnju na blog usrano retardiranih glupača na ovoj adresi.


[ 2 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]

riješite i ovo!

Sada uzmi list papira i nesto za pisati i polako red po red inace ces
pokvariti igru. nemoj prerano pogledavati igru unaprijed jer ces je pokvariti

1.napisi u stupac brojeve od 1 do 11 & gt;.

2.ispred brojeva 1 i 2 napisi bilo koji broj

3.ispred brojeva 3 i 7 napisi imena osoba suprotnog spola Nemoj varati i gledati igru unaprijed

4.ispred brojeva 4, 5 i 6 napisi neka imena( npr. clanova obitelji, prijatelje.)

5.napisi 4 naslova pjesama ispred brojeva 8, 9, 10 i 11

6. i sad pozeli nesto. sad slijedi objasnjenje.


1. ovu igru moras poslati broju osoba koji je jednak broju koji si napisao iza broja 2

2. osoba iza broja 3 je osoba koju volis

3. osoba iza broja 7 je osoba koja ti je draga ali nesto vise od prijateljstva jednostavno nije moguce.

4. na broju 4 je osoba s kojom si jako povezan

5. na broju 5 je osoba koju jako dobro poznajes

6. osoba na broju 6 je tvoj sreconosa (luckystar)

7.pjesma n broju 8 se odnosi na osobu na broju 3

8. pjesma pod brojem 9 se odnosi na osobu pod brojem 7

9. pjesma pod brojem 10 te najbolje opisuje

10.pjesma pod brojem 11 najbolje opisuje tvoje osjecaje, tvoja razmisljanja o zivotu. Posalji u slijedecih nekoliko minuta ovu igru desetak osoba i tvoja ce se zelja ispuniti, ako to ne ucinis dogodit ce se upravo suprotno, 10 ce te godina pratiti peh. Dakle kopiraj, salji, i uzivaj!

[ 0 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]

riješite ovaj testić!

Uzmi olovku i papir i piši odgovore. Nemoj gledati u rješenja jer onda test neće biti ispravan:

1.) napiši ime osobe suprotnog spola od tvog !
2.)koja ti je od ovih najomiljenija boja: crvena , crna ,plava , zelena ili žuta?
3.)koji ti je prvi inicijal?
4.)tvoj mjesec rođenja?
5.)crna il bjela boja?
6.)ime osobe istog spola ko i ti
7.)omiljen broj
8.) jezero il ocean?
9.) napiši želju (realnu)

1.)potpuno si zaljubljen u tu osobu !
2.) crvena- oprezan si a život ti je pun ljubav
crna-konzervativan si
zelena-duša ti je smirena
plava-spontan si i pun poljubaca od osobe koju volite
žuta-vesela si osoba koja uvijek ima savjet za druge
3.) A-K -mnogo ljubavi ulažeš u prijateljstvo u svom životu
L-R -pokušavaš živjeti svim plučima a ljubavni život ti cvjeta
S-Z -voliš pomagati drugima a ljubavni život ti je dobar
4.) SJEČANJ-OŽUJAK- ova godina ti je dobra zaljubit češ se u osobu a nisi očekivala to
TRAVANJ-LIPANJ-imaš češ snažnu ljubavnu vezu
SRPANJ- RUJAN- odlična godina s mnogo novih doživljaja
LISTOPAD-PROSINAC- ljubavni život ti neče biti baš dobar al češ s vremenom nači srodnu dušu
5.) crna- tvoj život če skrenuti s normalne putanje ali če te promjena usrečiti
bijela-jedna osoba bi sve učinila za tebe i u tebi vidila sve
6.) ta osoba je tvoj najbolji prijatelj
7.)toliki broj češ imat bliskih prijatelja u životu
8.)jezero- lojalan si u tvojim prijateljima ali i u ljubavi
ocean-spontan si i voliš udovoljavati ljudima
9.) tvoja če se želja ostvariti ako u roku od sat vremena pošalješ 5 ljudi ovu kako da to nazovem , a ako to njima 10 pošalješ ta želja če ti se ispunitit prije tvog rođendana

[ 0 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]


VRATILA SE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eto ljudi moji, danas sam vam se ja vratila da vas davim i pilim o Apocalyptici (kao i uvijek). No, današnji post je više prepričavanje, obožavanje i posvečeno jednoj jako posebnoj osobi!
Dakle...bila ja u Puli...kao što pretpostavljam svi već sve znate...svi bi pomislili da mi je bilo savršeno...ali nije...savršeni trenutci su bili...kada sam išla na pretpremijeru Pirata s Kariba:Mrtvačeva škrinja...druženje s Vali...aquaghan...kupanje s trenericom Petrom...odlazak u grad...i................ništa više u svi14 prokletih dana...........ali dosta o tome...počnimo s obožavanjem...hmmmmm..........šta mislite o kome se radi... ah...da vas ne mučimtoliko...bolje da odmah prijeđem na stvar...dakle...riječ je o...Apocalyptici...što smo svi već znali...ali...dobro...koga briga...moje obožavanje prema ne može se opistati ni ...riječima...ni...slikama...a znamo slika govori tisuću riječi...ne mogu to nikako opisati...da ne dosađujem...ko svaki dan o Apocalyptici... govorit ću o toj posebnoj prijateljici...tako posebnoj...
dobroj...duhovitoj...smiješnoj...osoba koja je vrijedna divljenja...koja zrači takvim veseljem...koja me nasmiješi kada plačem... koja nađe barem neko dobro u najcrnjem danu moga života...koja me razveseli kad sam tužna...koja je moje rame za plakanje...koja je moj najtvrđi oslonac...osoba s kojom mi nikad nije dosadno...koja je tu kad je trebam...koja mi toliko nedostaje...da ne mogu ni opisati...toliko mi nedostaje...fali mi...nedostaje...bez koje je jedan dio menenamoguće upotpuniti...koju već nisam vidjela O HO HO!... koja me neće vidjeti na moj rođendan...koja neće biti tu 28.7. TOČNIJE U PETAK NA MOJ RIĐENDAN...koja se vraća u nedjelju...sada neka samo ona zna...samo ta osoba...zna na koga je mislim...svaki dan...svaku noć...svaki san...svaki trenutak...svaki tjedan...svaki FUCKING glupi dan koji nema smisla bez nje...te...mjoe...drage...prijateljice...zvane...........................................................
ha ha ha *horror-movie laugh* neću vam reći

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novi post

Svi vi znate kak ja obožavam Apocalypticu, mislim to je prava ljubav.

Evo samo pišem pozdrave.

Ivi i Dori.

I Apocalyptici!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ 3 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]


maj pjesme




sick of crying...
tired of trying...
yeah, i'm smiling...
but inside i'm



Someone says:

"Pretty in pink!"

I say:

Pretty in black!"



POZZ Dori i Ivi tj. i Apocalyptici

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mrzim, volim

5 stvari koje mrzim

1.Britney Spears, Paris Hilton,Lindsay Lohan,...
2. forsanje
4. rozu boju
5. meso

5 stvari koje volim

2. metal glazbu
3. životinje
4. svog brata, moj uzor
5. svoju frendicu Ivu i najdražeg

[ 1 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]



kad ćeš crknut??? aaa???
želiš li crknut??? Ja želim umrijeti. Tj. ubit ću se ne baš tako skoro,ali ubrzo!!!!


saznaj kad ćeš umrijeti!!!!

[ 1 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]


Sve je tako retardirano glupo...osim naravno metal glazbe, njihovih izvođača, APOCALYPTICE i cella.
Naravno i moje naj frendice Ive koja me podržava u svemu...ona je ta koja mi uli barem malo nade da će sve biti ok...malo me ohrabri...nasmije me kad sam pokisla...ta koja me odgovara od samoubojstva(makar i sama to ponekad pomisli kad joj je dosta svega)...ta koja je uvijek tu da ...koju nikad neću mrziti... koja nme jednostavno razumije...koja jednostavno zna da sam u bedu kad jesam(a to je skoro uvijek)...koja je trenutno na moru... i fali mi...a stara ju ne pusti da ide sa mnom na more...fakat shitno...kojoj je najdraža pjesma od Apocalyptice "Farewell" koju je napisao moj najdraži... koja je sretna kad sam i ja... koja je fakat THE BEST frendica...JOŠ JEDNOM..JAKO MI FALI...koja je ona koja je tu da me podrži u mojim besmislicama...koja je moja best frendica...
Dobro tu je i Dora...koja je super no mather what...
U čemu je uopće smisao živjeti kad ćemo svi mi jednog dana umrijeti, možda baš sutra u prometnoj nesreći...ili...od šoka...a možda za pedeset godina...nikad ne znaš...

POZZ Ivi koja je na Krku i Dori

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Imalo slikica Arch enemya

[ 2 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]

Evo i biografije Arch enemya

Metal titans ARCH ENEMY - whose dynamic cocktail of melody and aggression has earned them massive critical acclaim, a rabid worldwide fanbase and a slot on this summer’s Ozzfest in the US - triumphantly return with Doomsday Machine, their most stunning and dynamic release yet.

Formed by guitarist Michael Amott after his departure from the now legendary Carcass, ARCH ENEMY first garnered praise with the metal milestones Black Earth (1997), Stigmata (1998) and Burning Bridges (1999). These albums were propelled by flawlessly technical dual guitars and a previously unheard of mixture of melody and aggression, which helped them to quickly solidify their reputation as one of the genre’s elite.

However, ARCH ENEMY really began to develop their true potential once outstanding new vocalist Angela Gossow joined the fold on 2001/2002’s critically acclaimed Wages of Sin album (produced by Fredrik Nordström and mixed by Andy Sneap), marking the first time a band of this calibre and ferocity was fronted by a woman. The album was showered with universal praise, from front cover press in worldwide metal magazines to national daily newspapers alike. Naturally, Wages Of Sin proudly claimed a position in all the end-of-the-year “Best Of...” lists, whilst the metal underground had found a new band to champion, and one that would soon show on the live stage that it had even more to offer with Angela bringing a hitherto unseen level of growling and glamour to extreme metal.

It began with a sold-out UK-tour with Opeth and festival appearances across Europe. They then headed over to North America for a 6 week tour supporting Nile, followed 2 months later by another tour in the US, this time headlining with amongst others God Forbid supporting. By the end of 2002, ARCH ENEMY were back in Europe playing their first headlining club shows in several countries before heading back to Japan to take a major slot at the Beast Feast festival with Slayer and Motorhead. On the way back from Japan they briefly stopped on US soil for a number of West Coast headline shows before Christmas, and then took to the road once again for their debut headline shows in Scandinavia at the end of January 2003.

The band’s 2003 album, Anthems of Rebellion, was immediately hailed as a metal masterpiece. Produced and mixed by Andy Sneap, the record proved to be a landmark release for Century Media, as it delivered the label its then-highest first-week U.S. SoundScan sales ever, on the way to becoming one of its 10 best-selling albums of all time. Worldwide press raves continued to pour in - Anthems for example scored an unprecedented 5/5 in both Alternative Press and Kerrang!, Rock Hard Germany made it their “album of the month”, and Metal Hammer Germany stated it to be „melodic, grasping, delicately built but nevertheless a massive hit in your face.”

On the back of such a great response the band headed back out on the road and completed high-profile U.S. tours over the next year with Slayer, Hatebreed, Cradle Of Filth and Iron Maiden, a European Tour with Nevermore, a 2nd European headline tour as well as playing huge European festivals like Download, Rock Hard, Fields Of Rock, Graspop and Tuska, among others.

Late in 2004 ARCH ENEMY returned with the “Dead Eyes See No Future EP” - more than 30 minutes of highest quality metal, including exclusive live tracks recorded in Paris, three fantastic cover songs by Megadeth, Manowar and Carcass, as well as an enhanced version of their amazing “We Will Rise” video clip.

Now in 2005 we have Doomsday Machine and ARCH ENEMY have delivered without doubt the album of their career and are about to redefine the genre that they helped to create.

Founding guitarist and songwriter Michael Amott describes his thoughts on the group’s highly anticipated new album: “I think all great metal needs that killer mix of classic riffs and ripping solos, something that has been a bit of a dying art recently. We are doing our best to recreate that mix on this new album, and one thing I can guarantee is that there will be tons of guitar for fans to headbang to. All in all, I am really happy with the songs and I believe we have found the right balance of melody and brutality - the Arch Enemy trademark!”

The album artwork was created by German multimedia artist Joachim Luetke (Dimmu Borgir, Kreator). Michael Amott comments: “We are all extremely pleased with the artwork for the new album! I had a few ideas initially that I discussed with Joachim on the phone, and when he started sending over images we were seriously blown away – when you work with creative people of this calibre you just let them do what they do, so we just let him get on with it really! He’s a very productive guy, very sharp. He expanded on the Doomsday Machine concept and took it to some really interesting (albeit very dark!) places. It’s one of those great situations when the artwork totally works with the music.”

[ 0 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]

Children of bodom- biografija grupe

Danas je na engleskom, a 26.7. će biti na hrvatskom!!!


In the last eight or so years, Children Of Bodom that darted to international fame with their debut, 1997’s "Something Wild", has gone from being "this amazing band from Finland" to a household name in the metalscene. And that, of course, is obvious given the intensity, sheer quality of their material and the flawless execution.

Formed in 1993 and hailing from the city of Espoo, Finland, this young Finnish group took their name from one of the biggest murder mysteries in the history of their home town and Finnish crime: the murders at the Lake Bodom. After starting out as a thrash-metal combo, the founding members Alexi Laiho (guitars and vocals), Jaska Raatikainen (drums), Henkka Seppälä (bass) and Alexander Kuoppala (guitars) soon found elements of classic heavy metal creeping into their music. After taking in keyboardist Janne Wirman to complete their line-up, they honed their combination of old schoold black metal, classic heavy, and death metal vocals into the sharpest instrument of its kind and headed out to a studio record a demo tape.

After Spinefarm Records received Children Of Bodom’s demo, it didn’t take long for the company to figure out what they had in their hands back in late 1996. Soon the band was signed and ready to knock a few heads off.

The self-titled debut single "Children Of Bodom" went straight to number 1 on the Finnish charts and sold platinum. The debut full-length album "Something Wild" was released in Finland in 1997. The Bodoms supported Dimmu Borgir at the band's Helsinki show in November and were hailed as the new kings of Finnish underground metal by the press. Licensing deal with Nuclear Blast for central Europe was inked quickly and soon after Middle Europe the album was also released in Japan and Thailand.

Soon Children Of Bodom was flying all over Europe and writing new material that would become the "Hatebreeder" album, which was released in February 1999. On "Hatebreeder" their music had found its true shape: the album was faster, heavier and more versatile than "Something Wild". The single "Downfall" went gold and ruled the Finnish charts.

During the summer 99 Children Of Bodom toured Finland and Europe. In June they did three sold out gigs in Japan with Dark Tranquillity and Sinergy and recorded the live CD: "Tokyo Warhearts-Live in Japan". "Tokyo Warhearts" came out as a limited digibook-edition in Europe in October and all the 20.000 copies of it were almost immediately sold out. The buzz around the band was reaching new heights.

In 2000 the single "Hate Me!" went #1 at the Finnish charts and sold gold in Finland in just a couple of weeks. Platinum sales soon followed. While the single was topping the charts, Children Of Bodom finished their studio sessions at Peter Tägtgren's Abyss Studio, and the third album "Follow the Reaper" saw the light of day on the 30th of October 2000.

"Follow the Reaper" was a glorious mixture of their debut album's heavy riffing raw sound, combined with "Hatebreeder" monstrous technical metal acrobatics. The most noticable thing however was how much the band had improved as a unit and in bringing the personal levels of musicianship to a new high.

On "Hate Crew Deathroll", which was released in January 2003, not only did the band take their songwriting into new levels of aggressivity and heaviness but the way the songs were carried out pummeled everything they -or anyone, for that matter- had done into dust.

On "Hate Crew Deathroll" Alexi Laiho spits out his lyrics with vitriolic hate, the guitars (courtesy of Alexi and Alexander Kuoppala) shred everything in their wake with razorsharp precision while the rhythmsection (the demolition duo of Henkka T. Blacksmith & Jaska W. Raatikainen) pounds away like the world is about to end. As a final coup de gracé come the keyboards of Janne Warman, making sure the path of destruction is complete with the fervour and precision of a seasoned executioner on a killing spree.

In the Summer of 2003, Alexander Kuoppala left the band and was replaced by Roope Latvala, whose stellar playing had already graced countless of Finnish metal records. Being perhaps the most widely acclaimed metal guitarist in Finland ever, Roope’s flexible playing style and strange sense of harmony was a strong influence on CoB by the way of his early nineties speed metal band Stone.

In 2004 the band tested their new line-up on a four-track EP and a separate DVD-EP "Trashed, Lost & Strungout" that gave a little taster of the future alongside with two great cover songs. The EP was an introduction to a new-found drive, a rougher edge, still sounding definitely and unmistakeably very CoB.

After the relase of the successful mini-album, Children of Bodom barricaded themselves into studio Hästholmen, Helsinki, to record their next full-length album together with producer / mixer / engineer guru Mikko Karmila. The result was "Are You Dead Yet?", title of which is merely rhetorical: the fourth studio album from the trailblazing Finnish metal hate crew is killer stuff throughout.

Children of Bodom have come a long way since their humble beginnings, and today stand tall in the all time extreme metal hall of fame, commanding the respect and awe of both fans and colleagues alike. Children of Bodom have been hugely influential, but still, eight years down the road east and west alike, remain the leaders of the genre. "Are You Dead Yet?" is all the proof you need.


[ 0 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]



Sutra ću vam pisat neš o njima, sad moram ić!!!!


[ 23 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]


Paavo Lötjönen

Rođen 25.07.1968. u Helsinkiju točnije Kuopiju u finskoj.
Stalni član "Apocalyptice", išao na Siblius akademiju, ...
Također je i cello učitelj instruktor skijanja.
Svira na Gumbrandt Enger cellu(1882) sa R.Wainio gudalom i Larsen A&D I Spirocore Tingsten G&C žicama.
Najdraži film mu je od Akira Kurosava: DERZU USALA; a knjiga Mika Waltari.
Hobiji su mu alpine-skijanje,telemark-skijanje, scuba-ronjenje, windsurfing, planinska vožnja biciklom, orijentiranje, planinarenje, trčanje i pucanje iz pištolja na metu.
Najdraža hrana mu je ljuta tajlandska hrana i bakine palačinke.

[ 3 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]

Perttu Kivilaakso

Perttu Kivlaakso točnije Perttu Killervo Kivilaakso rođen je 11.05.1978. uHelsinkiju u finskoj.
Visok 1,80 i težak 62 kg.
Hobiji su mu slušanje muzike, piti pivo i playstation.
Stalni je član i skladatelj "Apocalyptice" i "Helsinki Philfarmonic Orchestra".
Svira cello od pete godine i učio ga je njegov otac Juhani Kivilaakso.
Pohađao je Siblius akademiju u Helsinkiju.
Najviše svira na "Luis and Clark" carbon fibre cello napravljen 2004. i na njemačkom 19.st. cellu koji je po njemu dobio nadimak "Der Herbrecher".
Po horoskopu je bik.
Najdraži film mu je James Bond i Lord of the rings (također i najdraža knjia).

[ 1 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]

Eicca Toppinen

Eicca Toppinen se zapravo zove Eino Matti Toppinen.
On je osnivač i glavni skladatelj finske metal cello grupe "Apocalyptica".
Prije "Apocalyptice" svirao je u bendu "Cello Sextet" sa prijateljima sa Siblius akademije.
Dvoje tih pijatelja Paavo Lötjönen i Antero Manninen je i sada u "Apocalyptici" (Paavo je stalni član, a Antero samo pomaže pri scenskim nastupima).
Ima trideset godina i rođen je 05.08.1974. u gradu Vantaa u finskoj.
Po horoskopskom znaku je lav (kao i ja).
Najdraži dan u tjednu mu je nedjelja, cvijet suncokret i mimoza, boja je crvena, žuta i narančasta; najdraža životinja mu je pas, pantera i kanarinac; a metal mu je zlato.
Najdraži film mu je od Luca Bessona: LEON; knjiga od Fjodora Dostojevskog: ZLOČIN I KAZNA; ...
Svira na Terzi Antivarius cellu (2.5 75) i na Benedikt Lang cellu (1984) sa dva gudala Wilson/Benedek (1988) i Tourte.

[ 2 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]


Perttu, najdraži

[ 1 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]


Dobila sam Apocalyptica DVD "The Life burns tour" iupravo ga gledam. Odličan je. Nemožete ni zamisliti kako je dobar. Po prvi puta pjesmu je najavio Perttu (inače najavljuje Eicca). Moram nastaviti gledat.


[ 2 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]


Mikko´s Tourreport 05/25-06/04/06

Sitting on the back stage in Zagreb, bit tired but otherwise just fine. At the moment it's raining, but we had a chance to walk in the old town earlier on this day. I have to say this is one amazingly beautiful town! We've done quite a trip again. Just one week ago we were in Turkey, great food, great people, great shows, maybe not always the greatest working conditions, but thanks to our magnificent crew we pulled it thru. What we learned there was if somebody says "It'll be only ten minutes", then you can go for a coffee. Sometimes ten minutes is so long that you can go for a coffee to a different town, or even to a different country. Anyway I enjoyed it a lot, not the coffee but the gigs. Got to see towns that I'd never visited before, to meet people I'd never met before. Mageeta.

So far we've had one off day. We spent it in northern part of Greek on the way from Turkey to Macedonia. That was a holiday!!! Swimming, sun bathing, great food again (we're so FAT) maybe even a couple drinks, and maybe a couple more later in the evening. Even some elephants were found on our way. Partyparty...

In Macedonia it was amazingly hot. 42°celsius is quite a lot for a drummer from Kerava. Venue was an open air place so we got our share of the heat. There were closer to 3000 people in the audience, we were quite thrilled. We drove over night through Bulgaria to Romania. James who is our production manager and takes care of tons of things when we're touring could write a book about borders and customs. It wouldn't be exactly a block buster I'd say, but it'd be anyway a sad story of a lonely and tired young man spending every night couple hours just watching officers drinking tea, waiting for a single stamp for ages which they refuse to give you in the end after they've finished their teas. Those guys... well, they're different. We love James.

Shows in Romania and Bulgaria were tremendous, except for a huge technical problem in Sofia, which caused major delay for the show start. We're truly sorry we couldn't start at the right time and that we had to keep the fans waiting, but that was due to problems which weren't in any way our fault. And again our superb crew saved the day. Without them the show would have been cancelled. And thanks to the patience of the fans the show ended up being perfect.

Yesterday we were in Belgrade. Whole day was so funny. We had great local people working there, promoter, catering, everybody...
James, our hero (yeah, the block buster guy) sang songs for catering people because he was so happy, of course I played spoons to support him. Though there wasn't a dog back stage which was promised to us (next time Janaa, we need Neptune), everything was perfect. And the show itself was fantastic. About 1500 people screaming their voices hoarse and cheering so loud that our sound engineer had difficulties to hear us playing. Thank you all !!!

We've laughed our asses off during this tour. Such a great time, such a great shows!! So many crazy things has happened. Thanks to all people we've met and worked with. All the support bands, nice party we had in Kavarna. We have still a couple more to go and I'd guess it'll be as fun as it has been all the way.


[ 1 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]


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[ 2 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]


Izašo je novi DVD od Apocalyptice- "The Life burns tour".
Možete mi zamisliti sjaj u očima kad sam ga vidjela (bila sam prva).Čitala sve te božanske skladbe.
Razmišljala kako ih svira jedna božanska grupa, onda me shvaćate kad kažem da to moram imati.

[ 1 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]



uSKORO MI JE ROĐENDAN. P.S. Jedva čekam.
Od dede i bake iz Amerike ću dobit Reflections Revision;
od tete DVD Apocalyptica LIVE;
od mame i tate Apocalyptica majicu s turneje, majicu na cifršlus, privjesak za ključeve i Apocalyptica DVD"The Life burns tour"(sve Apocalyptica);
od ujka i ujne Inquistic symphony;
od bake Cult- special version;
od 2. ujka i ujne Plays Metallica i to je to.

he he he

(*horror-movie laugh*)

[ 2 siluj tipkovnicu ][ubi drvo ][neki K ]