ja sam Fabrička Greška generacije...

prodaj sve i kreni...

Jablan by AzRa
Da li lažem kada kažem
Da je sreća u tri stvari
U dobroj ženi gitari i bogatom tati
Koji uvijek nešto radi
Pa ako sanjaš takvu sreću
Igraj rulet kocku karte
Ili prodaj sve osim blanje
I kreni drugom stranom jablane
Tvoji su dani proćerdani
Na vinjak tv i porno slike
Ženu nemaš i
Teško da ćeš je i steći
Pored takve stare majke
Ljubav je to za cime gineš
Do ljubavi se Teško stiže
I zato prodaj sve osim blanje
I kreni drugom stranom jablane
Volio bih da si nalik na one Bradate i silne momke
Da ćumez dižeš na noge
I da te nude cigaretom i alkoholom
Da nosiš šljivu ispod lijevog oka
I vičeš parole sto strasno zvuče
I da si bitnik i pravi anarhist
I zato kreni
drugom stranom jablane...

hvala na višku inspiracije,
u mom gradu je glupo voziti skejt
ja sam Fabrička Greška generacije..

19.09.2006. u 22:39 | 6 Komentara | Print | # | ^


željela sam gledati te u oči
pisala sam ti pjesme kradom
i bila naivna
čekala sam spas
nikog nije bilo
tako očekivano
opet sam ostala sama
možda previše sanjam
ali volim te kad pričaš
kad mi pričaš laži
volim te jer mi slamaš srce
volim te jer ne znam što bi drugo
volim te jer mi zagorčavaš život
volim te jer zbog tebe ne vidim ništa drugo
jer sam zbog tebe sama

13.09.2006. u 21:37 | 3 Komentara | Print | # | ^

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Komentari da/ne?

o čem se radi??

ovdje..pa..ko i obično..moje filozofije...

e-mail: girl-in-flames@net.hr
icq broj: 278-886-395

o meni:

upravo se pripremam za upis na faks,
volim čitati svašta, čak i lektiru,
volim filozofiju,
slušam većinom metal,
obožavam IN FLAMES,
inače jako volim zimu, zbog snijega,
više volim tišinu koju donosi zima, ljepota je neupitna,
volim i rijeke, jezera, inače me voda fascinira....
pišem pjesme,
volim i kišu jer me često inspirira...
hatšepsut zato jer je to bila egipatska kraljica...da..i povijest me fascinira...
nemam nikoga trenutno..dečka(ni curu).... ponekad osjećam potrebu za nekim...a mislim da jesam zaljubljena, jer .... to je ludo..ak je to ljubav...to je jebena privlačnost...
ponekad mislim da mi je samoća sudbina,
često me proganja pitanje smisla života i ponekad mi se sve čini tako beznadno, ali
shvatila sam da svatko za sebe treba naći svoj smisao i živjeti tako.
često se pitam što je moralno ispravno, a zabrinjava me ljudska glupost i nezainteresiranost za tuđe boli....
radije svi gledamo u pećinu...(tv)
rođena sam 11.12.1987., dakle, uskoro 19.
inače ne vjerujem u horoskop i ta sranja, ni u nikakave znakove ni niš takvog....
od pisaca mi se sviđa Baudelaire, Zola, Poe, Block, Tolkien, Dostojevski, Camus, Sartre, Marinković...
od filozofa najviše egzistencijalisti, iako su i Sokrat i Platon rekli mnoge pametne stvari...
ne mrzim nikoga, iz jednostavnog razloga što nemam koga....(Ha,ha...)

Even Flow by pearl jam

Freezin', rests his head on a pillow made of concrete, again.
Oh, feelin' maybe he'll see a little better set a days, ooh yeah
Oh hand out faces that he sees time again ain't that familiar, ooh yeah
Oh, dark grin he can't help when he's happy, looks insane ooh

Even flow, thoughts arrive like butterflies
Oh, he don't know so he chases them away-yeah
Oh, someday, yea, he'll begin his life again
Life again, Life again

Kneeling, looking through the paper though he doesn't know to read, ooh yeah
Oh, praying now to something that has never showed him anything
Oh, feeling understands the weather of the winters on its way
Oh, ceilings few and far between all the legal halls of shame, hey

Even flow, thoughts arrive like butterflies
Oh, he don't know so he chases them away-yeah
Oh, someday yet he'll begin his life again
Oh, whispering hands gently lead him away
Him away, him away
Woo, Ah Yeah, fuck your money

(Guitar Solo - Breakdown)

Even flow, thoughts arrive like butterflies
Oh, he don't know so he chases them away-yeah
Ah someday yet he'll begin his life again, yeah
Oh, whispering hands gently lead him away
Him away, him away
Woo, Uh huh yeah, yeah yeah, momma mommy


čeka prijatelja

Dead end by In Flames

Say all your prayers
I think we lost today
There's no morning after
No one's around today

I'm not afraid to bleed
But I will do it for you
We stand among hypocrites
The ability of our time

So say goodbye to the world
We are the

Scream your lounges out
Wait for laughter
You don't have to wait forever
Where's the next disaster

What decides when you lost the war
When the first man falls?
Or will they erase it all?

We're too numb to feel
The downfall starts right here
Hold your breath I swear
Swallow my lifes tears

In times of make believe
No one really seems to care
Maybe I should kill this
Cos' I will die too

What will it take for us to realize
The more we provoke
Winter will come twice


obrati pažnju na posljednju stvar
i legni tu kraj mene
zaboravi na sve što znaš
opusti se sad
ne trači svoje vrijeme
ja te volim
volim da ti pogađam sne
i ne razumijem zašto te smeta
ne mari za to

obrati pažnju na posljednju stvar
i sjećat ćeš se dugo
povuci još dim
udahni volju za put
i uzmi moju ruku
ja te volim
volim da ti pogađam sne
i ne razumijem zašto te smeta
ne mari za to

obrati pažnju na posljednju stvar
zadrži me u sebi
osjećam da lutam kroz terase svijesti
nešto se u meni dijeli
ja te volim
volim da ti pogađam sne
i ne razumijem zašto te smeta
ne mari za to

Sleepless by Cradle of filth

And I often sigh
I often wonder why
I'm still here and still I cry

And I often cry
I often spill a tear
Over those not here
But still they are so near

Please ease my burden
And I still remember
A memory and I weep
In my broken sleep
The scars they cut so deep

Please ease my burden
Please ease my pain

Surely without war there would be no loss
Hence no mourning, no grief, no pain, no misery
No sleepless nights missing the dead... Oh, no more
No more war

Dead Eternity

I bid you welcome to my world
They call me existence
You have just entered through the gate
to your journey towards eternity
This part I control
In the beginning you'll fear nothing
As I climb beside you
Time will be your master in this laborious part of
human subsistence
This part I control
Black clouds embraces your soul
Slowly passing through repeating lacunas of anguish
When time takes your life
I wil transfer you into the bare grip of thinking tranquillity
Voices frilling the emptiness of the dead floating
Seamless across the surface into chilling stillness
Nothing can help you now

You'll never be along again
You'll never die again
You'll never be born again
You'll forever be, stuck here in eternity