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četvrtak, 02.10.2008.


Sjedim sama... okruzena ljudima... ali sama... osjecam kako me prijetelji gledaju... ispituju druge sta mi je... a mene nije briga... samo gledam u pod... sa tim tupim pogledom.. s ocima punim suza... osjecam se kao da cu puknuti... nemogu vise izdrzati... no moram... ne smijem otkriti svoju slabost.. nesmiju me vidjeti kakva sam.. ne smiju... moram sve svoje slabosti, sve sto me cini svojom... sve sto otkriva moje pravo lice... sve to trebam sakriti.. maknuti od njih.. jer inace... svi bi me odbacili... a bez njih nemogu nista... s njima provodim vrijeme... svoj jadan zivot... s njima dozivljavam te trenutke srece... zapravo zabave... ali smijati se ne znaci biti sretan... ja se smijem... ali placem iznutra.. ja zivim... ali umirem... ja disem, no gusim se u beskrajnosti ovog mucenja... no nitko to ne smije znati...nikada... sjedim sama... vjecito cu sjediti sama.. uvijek sama...
u mislima odlazim u svoj svijet... gdje sam svoja... gdje nisam sama... no znam da taj svijet ne postoji... znam da sam uvijek sama.. nitko me ne poznaje.. niti ne zelim da me upoznaju... znam, da na bilokakav znak slabosti... oni bi reagirali krivo.. mislili bi da sam glupa... da nije sve tako crno... da nema razloga da sam uvijek tako potistena... no to je samo dobra namjera... da me oraspoloze.. no to se nece dogoditi.. ne moze mi nitko reci da ce biti bolje... dok nije zivio bar sekundu u mojoj kozi... dok nije osjecao sto ja osjecam...
mrzim se... zbog toga sto osjecam... zbog svoje depresivnosti... tuge... zbog mene.. neznam zato uopce zivim... koji mi je cilj.. znam da sam jos mlada... ali sto cu.. zivjeti jos godinama, dok se osjecam ovako... a tek onda saznati sto znacim ovdje.. u ovom svijetu.. okrutnom.. nepravednom...
osjecam kako placem.. no iznutra... izvana se to nesmije vidjti.. lomim se... padam.. sve vise u taj labirint... labirint mojih misli... svega okrutnog... u tu tamu... nistavilo... uvijek sam sama... uvijek cu biti sama... makar bila okruzena milijunima ljudi...

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02.10.2008. u 18:13 • 12 KomentaraPrint#

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† EvErYoNe SeEmS dEaD tO mE
To ThEm, I'm ThE oNe
WhO iS dEaD
It'S LiKe NoBoDy CaReS
WiTh SaDnEsS I'm FeD †

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† YoUr PrOmIsEs,
ThEy LoOk LiKe LiEs
YoUr HoNeStY,
LiKe A bAcK tHaT hIdEs A kNiFe †

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Is it really that bad?
You can't accept the fact
That I get a little sad?
That I am a little mad?
So I favor black
And I don't like pink
You use those as reasons
To make my soul sink
So some of us cut
And some of us don't
We can smile
Laugh love and live
We're just not like the rest
Sure we cry
We want to die
But none of you understand
It's not like we had planned
To live life like this
To spend our days
Depressed and amiss
We're not bad people
We dont worship satan
We're not out to kill anyone
We just dont like the world
As much as everyone else
And we dont like ourselves
As much as we could
But we're ok with that
You can call us ugly
You can call us fat
But you can't change who we are
We are emo
What's so wrong with that?

Don't ask me how I'm feeling
Because I'll just say "ok"
But really it say nothing
On just how I feel today
Don't ask me what I'm thinking
On what's going through my brain
If only you got a taste
You'd think I was insane
Don't ask me what I'm saying
Or why I talk at all
I'm just reminding myelf I can speak
As I walk through the empy hall
Don't ask me what I'm seeing
Because you could see it too
If you'd only open your eyes
But right now you havn't got a clue
Don't ask me what I'm doing
You wouldn't understand
I'm just waiting for 'The End'
Seeing all the chaos at hand

This is it
I'm giving in
I feel so helpless
I just can't win
I've tired my hardest
To win his heart
But it's completely useless
I had lost from the start
So really this is it
My ultamate surrender
It was all just a dream
For I'll never have him
I'll fade away
An just let him go
How I feel now
He'll never know
I told him once
It cause only confusion
Any hope of us together
Was just a simple delusion


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