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nedjelja , 30.12.2018.

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Lajkaj ako si za www. TMG zadrzava pravo na temelju vlastite procjene i bez prethodne obavijesti ukloniti sadrzaj koji smatra neprikladnim ili koji nije u skladu s ovim Uvjetima koristenja. It is a common belief that the mantra is equally potent when spoken in either order. Svoja pitanja govornicima ovogodišnjeg TEDxMaksimira možete uputiti na , dok samu konferenciju možete pratiti u subotu putem live streama.

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Autorska prava Sadrzaj na Portalima i Uslugama zasticen je autorskim pravima. Beginning in New York City 1965, he encircled the globe fourteen times in the final eleven years of his life, thus making 'Hare Krishna' a well-known phrase in many parts of the world. U slučaju posjeta tim stranicama korisnicima se ne može jamčiti zaštita podataka jer webmasteri ovih stranica ne odgovaraju za njih.

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Usporedi - TMG osigurava besplatno koristenje e-mail adrese s domenom net. Svoja pitanja govornicima ovogodišnjeg TEDxMaksimira možete uputiti na , dok samu konferenciju možete pratiti u subotu putem live streama.

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According to theology, one's original consciousness and goal of life is pure love of the god. Hare K[cGa Hare K[cGa K[cGa K[cGa Hare Hare Hare Rma Hare Rma Rma Rma Hare Hare Sanskrit is a language and as such, this mantra has multiple interpretations all of which may be considered as correct. Another interpretation is as the vocative of Har, a name of , Krishna's eternal consort or His energy Krishna's. In the hymn spoken by in praise of Krishna after the , Krishna is also called Rama. The more common interpretation is that Rma refers to of the , an earlier avatar of Krishna. Bhaktivedanta Swami describes the process of chanting the Maha Mantra as follows: Krishna consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind; this is the original energy of the living entity. When we hear the transcendental vibration, this consciousness is revived... As such anyone can take part in the without any previous qualification. The mantra is first attested in the Kali Santarana , a Vaishnava Upanishad associated with the. In this , is instructed by in the translation of K. Aiyar : Hearken to that which all the keep secret and hidden, through which one may cross the mundane existence of. He shakes off the evil effects of Kali through the mere uttering of the name of Lord , who is the primeval. Narada asks to be told this name of , and Brahma replies: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare; These sixteen names are destructive of the evil effects of. No better means than this is to be seen in all the Vedas. The mantra was popularized by roughly around 1500 C. Some versions of the Kali Santarana Upanishad give the mantra with Hare Rama preceding Hare Krishna as quoted above , and others with Hare Krishna preceding Hare Rama, as in Navadvipa version of the manuscript. The latter format is by far the more common within the Vaishnava traditions. It is a common belief that the mantra is equally potent when spoken in either order. Beginning in New York City 1965, he encircled the globe fourteen times in the final eleven years of his life, thus making 'Hare Krishna' a well-known phrase in many parts of the world. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Hare Krishnas became confused with the. This was an erroneous association, as the ideals of these groups are quite different. Although Prabhupada was open to anyone becoming a member of the Hare Krishnas, they had to follow the four regulative principles, one of which is strict abstention from intoxicants, including marijuana. Elevation and joy were to be derived from chanting. Harrison put a Hare Krishna sticker on the back of the headstock of 's 1964 ; the sticker also appears on Gibson's 2005 reproduction of the guitar. The single was a commercial success, peaking at number 12 in the UK, and led to the Temple devotees appearing on the popular music show. The mantra also appears in ' Boots of Chinese Plastic. Less well-known but equally relevant to fans of pop music culture are recordings of the Hare Krishna mantra by on their 1968 album featuring poet , by , and by on their 1984 album. Hrishikesa: Krishna — A Natural Evolution. Parkland, Fla: Universal Publishers. Because of the rejection of these pleasures, Krishnas practice a strict vegetarian lifestyle.

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Oni čiji su se odnosi u vezama bili pokvarili, nadići će sva iskušenja i opet otvoriti svoje srce jedno drugome. Primijetite li neki problem sa uslugom koju vam pruza Iskon, nasa Tehnicka podrska za korisnike ce vam pomoci u svakom koraku. The mantra is first attested in the Kali Santarana , a Vaishnava Upanishad associated with the. Molimo da imate pripremljen novac prilikom dostave da se dostavljač ne mora naknadno vraćati na Vašu adresu. Koliko iznosi najveći popust koji mogu ostvariti? Another interpretation is as the vocative of Har, a name of , Krishna's eternal consort or His energy Krishna's. When we hear the transcendental vibration, this consciousness is revived... Promjene stupaju na snagu objavljivanjem na Portalima ili Uslugama TMG. Klikni na ulaz na chat 3 i razbucaj ekipu samo tako! Lajkaj ako si za www. Prema informacijama kolega iz Odjela tehnike, zbog stanja na infrastrukturi nismo u mogu? Prema Hakomu, Zakonu o obveznim odnosima i Zakonu o zastiti potrosaea imas pravo na raskid ugovora od 14 dana tek kada se ugovor poene primjenjivati odnosno dobijes uslugu.

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