Who's that team they call the Arsenal?
Who's that team we all adore?
They're the boys in red and white,
And where fucking dynomite,
'cos Georgy Grahams mother is a
yeah she's a whore, yeah shes a

yes bright
skin back tight
bollocks to the front
we're the boys that make more noise
when we're on the cunt
we're the riders of the night
and we rather fuck than fight
we're the riders of the clockend highbury

Go down the field again
Just one more goal
No other team can fight
like the boys in Red and White
Never let their Glory fade
Long may they reign
So let us all give out with
Up the Gunners, Up the Gunners Goal!

Drink, Drink....
Drink, drink, wherever you may be,
We are the drunk and disorderly,
but we don't give a shit, and we don't give a fuck,
Coz we came home with the Cup Winners' Cup!"

Roll out the Arsenal
Roll out the Arsenal
Lets have a barrel of fun
Roll out the Arsenal
We've got them all on the run
Just one more goal now
Then how we all will cheer 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,
The Gang's all here

You are my Arsenal
You are my Arsenal,
My only Arsenal,
You make me happy,
When skies are grey,
You'll never know just,
How much I love you,
So please don't take,
My Arsenal...Away
Na na na na na (ooh)
Na na na na na (ooh ooh)
na na na na na...

Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way;
Santa is an Arsenal fan
And at Highbury today - oh!
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way;
Oh what fun it is to see
the Arsenal win away

Bergkamp's fuckin magic
He wears a magic hat
And when he saw the Arsenal
He said I fancy that
He didn't sign for Villa
Or Chelsea cause they're shite
He signed for the Arsenal
Cause they're fuckin dynamite.
Only one Dennis Bergkamp,
One Dennis Bergkamp,
Going along, singing a song,
Walking in a Bergkamp wonderland!

Fuck 'em, fuck em all!
United, West Ham, Liverpool,
We are the Arsenal, we are the best,
We are the Arsenal, fuck the rest

Who the fuck are Man United?
Who the fuck are Man United?
Who the fuck are Man United?
As the Reds go marching on, on, on

Went down the Lane the other night,
To tell the yid scum
We got the new Ian Wright, they said to me,
How can that be
I said to them,
We got Thierry Henry, Thierry Henry,
Thierry Henry, Thierry Henry,
Thierry Henry ..........

dnevnik jednog navijača

30.06.2005., četvrtak


Logaritam-riječ koju sam izrekao i čuo jedno 678 654 puta u ovi zadnjih 5 dana.Evo ovako idem na popravak iz matematike kod mog prekrasnog profesora Ž.Ž. poznatiji kao "majku ti jebem" ili "ubit ću te" (tako mu svi dovikuju), svako jutro ovaj tjedan sam morao(i još moram) ići na instrukcije u 8 A.M. iliti ujutro dok svi ljudi zdravog razuma (čast iznimkama) spavaju i sanjaju svoje erotske snove ili snove u kojima su preljepi i presavršeni,a ja računam eksponencijalne (ili kako već) jednadžbe i kupam se u vlastitom znoju.Popravak je 5.7. u 8 sati zato molim sve ljude dobre volje da se prije spavanja pomole bogu (ili u kog već vjerujete)da mi se nesjebe olovka dok budem pisao popravak. Unaprjed hvala.
Dosta o tome.

E da AJMO ŽUTI od 2.7. igraju da ljetnom malonogometnom turnir pod organizacijom G.Š.S.

Malo o Arsenalu, iako su svi očekivali sezona nije propala- bili su drugi u premiershipu i osvojili F.A. cup. u Finalu su pobijedili Manchester na penale,nije bilo zasluženo ali jebiga,manchester se tako cijelu sezonu provlačio.

Alexander Hleb potpisao za Arsenal

Full name: Alexander Hleb
Nationality: Belarussian
Born: 1st May 1981. Minsk, Belarus.
Age: 24
Height / Weight: 182cm / 72kg
Previous Clubs: FC BATE Borisov (Belarus)
June 1998 — July 2000
40 Appearances, 10 Goals
VfB Stuttgart (Germany)
July 2000 — June 2005
137 Appearances, 13 Goals
Transfer details: Long term contract, in a deal which could rise to approximately €15 million.
Position: Midfielder
International Honours: Belarus (2002 - Present)
18 Appearances, 1 Goal
International Debut: v Wales
6 October 2001
World Cup Qualifier, Cardiff
(Lost 0-1).


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Opis bloga
nogomet,nogomet i malo stvarnog života

LIMP BIZKIT-Lonely World
When i reminisce ignorance was bliss,
Back in the days where the magic exist
Never be the same as it was, 'cuz the way it was
Just another day in the maze of a myth
Had a lot of fun living life on the run,
Never had a chance to pause to get a better glance
Everything was free and everything was fast
Never even thought it wouldn't last
When you go the mind of a man in the middle
Life is just a big fat riddle, so figure it out
Always thinking that you know
Everything little thing there is to know
But you don't really know, ya know?
It's like love, some people get it
For some it's just a glove that just never fitted
For me it's just a pain in the ass
But i'm addicted to the taste of hopin' it could last
Another day another night inside a lonely world
Another game another fight inside a lonely world
Another wrong another right inside a lonely world
Such a lonely world, such a lonely world
Who's the man (the man in the middle) x4
Maybe i'm a target for people that are bitter
At least i can say that i've never been a quitter
I remember high school, man i hated high school
It was like prison with bullies always putting me down
Just a little skater boy they could pick on
I learned to forgive'em, now i got the balls they can lick on
I loved sneakin' out when my mom was asleep
With my gothic girlfriend makin' love in the creek
With the mind of a man in the middle
It could be the end of the world as we know it
Still i never want it all, and i never want it now
I just want to cruise, if i loose then i'll figure it out
How the times flies, even with the blink of an eye
When you're young you absorb like a sponge in disguise
Then you get a little older and gather your thoughts
It's amazing what you learn
When you've never been taught, ya know?
No matter how hard i can try inside a lonely world
No one can hear me when i cry inside a lonely world
I'll never know the reasons why inside a lonely world
Such a lonely world (such a lonely world)

PEARL JAM-Crazy Mary

She lived on a curve in the road,
in an old tar-paper shack
On the south side of the town,
on the wrong side of the tracks
Sometimes on the way into town we’d say:
Mama, can we stop and give her a ride?
Sometimes we did
but her hands flew from her side
Wild eyed, crazy mary

Down along the road,
past the parson’s place
The old blue car
we used to race
Little country store
with a sign tacked to the side
Said no l-o-i-t-e-r-i-n-g allowed
Underneath that sign
always congregated quite a crowd

Take a bottle, drink it down, pass it around
Take a bottle, drink it down, pass it around
Take a bottle, drink it down, pass it around

One night thunder cracked
mercy backed outside her windowsill
Dreamed I was flying
high above the trees, over the hills
Looked down into the house of mary
Bare bulb on, newspaper-covered walls,
and mary rising up above it all

Next morning on the way into town
Saw some skid marks, and followed them around
Over the curve,through the fields,
into the house of mary

That what you fear the most, could meet you halfway
That what you fear the most, could meet you halfway
Take a bottle, drink it down, pass it around
Take a bottle, drink it down, pass it around
Take a bottle, drink it down, pass it around

Ten Years After -I'd Love To Change The World

Everywhere is freaks and hairies
Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity
Tax the rich, feed the poor
Till there are no rich no more

I’d love to change the world
But I don’t know what to do
So I’ll leave it up to you

Population keeps on breeding
Nation bleeding, still more feeding economy
Life is funny, skies are sunny
Bees make honey, who needs money, monopoly

I’d love to change the world
But I don’t know what to do
So I’ll leave it up to you

World pollution, there’s no solution
Institution, electrocution
Just black and white, rich or poor
Them and us, stop the war

I’d love to change the world
But I don’t know what to do
So I’ll leave it up to you