28.07.2006., petak

Ovo je prije bilo objavljeno na Green Day Authority, ali napisano je stvarno super!! Tko još nije pročitao bolje mu je da to napraviburninmadsmijeh
Buried Deep With Your Identity: Are Green Day Punk?
June 17, 2006

The interview’s around the time of Insomniac. The guys are slouched up against a bathroom wall - how many photoshoots over the years, new look for every era, putting a mark on time, putting a mark on your skin, blood and ink of another rite of passage? So Billie Joe says ‘I have nothing really to be proud of, except for the fact that I happen to be a punk’. Ignore the screaming lack of self-worth in this statement - or maybe not, because ‘worthless’ is punk’s dictionary definition - this is what it comes down to for him, the essence of how he sees himself. Then remember that this guy saying these words is the guy with a ground-breaking mega-hit album called 'Dookie' under his belt, a string of hit singles, cool videos, never off MTV - nothing to be proud of? Not when it means that the thing he values more than all of that is being torn away from him - his identity, the right to say 'I happen to be a punk'. I didn’t get to hear if he had a definition of what punk is - I don’t think the guy is about definitions anyway. But to me, punk is whatever he is, and if anyone has a right to the name, it’s Green Day.

This argument rages on and on, as the ‘sell-out’ chorus loops its drone, and maybe it’s pointless to address it again. But this band’s integrity is what has been constantly attacked since Dookie, perversely because people know they care about it - and I think that to attack someone’s integrity is no small thing. That the broader community does it is a reflection of the fact that punk scares them - and here were some punks who had ventured out of their niche and were radio-friendly - in fact, pretty friendly generally. Easy game then, and appropriate for a society that is at its heart deeply conservative, to still somewhere resent the tattooed outsiders who crossed the tracks to shove their dicks in Billboard with Longview. If that’s not the case, why is it this song mentioned in every review and interview right up to today, and used ignorantly to trivialize them?

A radical point of view is a challenge to the comfortable norm, and it’s easier to attack those who expound ideals than to engage with the ideals themselves.
But to paraphrase ‘Reject’, who the hell are we to tell them who they are? Who even is uber-punk John Lydon to tell them? Johnny rightly expects that people should be familiar with his Punk culture and its origins in the desolation of Seventies Britain, hopeless, workless, bleak and futureless, kids taking that nothing - the badge of worthless - and making a revolution.

Johnny’s struggle blinds him to Green Day‘s, and he never bothered to discover their culture: for him, it never rains in California, and no-one is poor or degraded or disenfranchised. No need to ask what it’s like to be the underclass of a wealthy state in a wealthy nation, swept under the rug of national pride, your pain not even allowed to name itself.

No such thing as a refinery town built on landfill, no broken homes or exclusion, no trailer parks or dead-end schools, blue-collar, no-collar, drop out and fall down - this is America in the late 80s, for fuck’s sake, no such expression as ‘the slums of Oakland’ - welcome to paradise!

What if the bankruptcy of the American Dream is the barren place where your soul is seeking to be nourished - and what if in being rejected, you reject, and dare to want something different, what then?

Walk a mile in these guys’ shoes before you take away the badge of worthlessness that they blazon as a badge of pride, and tell me who’s more entitled to it, and to decide for themselves what it means to them.

So punk is indelibly their identity, but I don’t think they ever signed up to a set of rules that defined it - Billie Joe again: ‘We were never really into that whole PC punk clique’. The basic concept, yes; the rules and rigidity, no. He is first and last an artist, and whatever competes with that drive will lose - it’s rightly his higher law.

In their Gilman years, they were committed to DIY - it was a way of making possibilities where there were none, enabling themselves to go forward on the path they’d already chosen.

As kids who didn’t fit the school system and didn’t have a home life at that time, poor and disadvantaged, despite their artistic gifts - there they found a way to live with dignity, purpose and a sense of control over their lives and future - a toe-hold in American society ‘that don’t believe in me’.

They were also part of a community of artists, they got to make music and talk ideas and ideals; for Billie and Mike, who had to grow up too fast, too hard, there was structure for lives that had seen too much chaos, there was somewhere they could just be young guys hanging out. Gilman was a place where it was ok to be who they were, and it must have been such an amazing time for them.

When their needs changed and this system started to constrain them rather than free them, they moved on from it. They’ve said how they felt it was more honorable to leave the scene rather than stay and risk distorting it with their presence, but there’s no doubt they didn’t envision the painful parting that ensued. If you want the living document of that pain, it’s called Insomniac, and it echoed down the years till it was amplified again in American Idiot.

They most probably had harbored hopes that they could stay within the broader parameters of that community, continuing to contribute, which goes back to the idea of structure. Green Day’s rebellions are usually around changing situations rather than tearing them down - they want Bush out of the White House, but they don’t want to overthrow the government.

People look at them now, since American Idiot went seismic, and decry their punk status without ever knowing where these guys came from, how hard their journey has been, how they questioned all their decisions and suffered for many of them, and how a fierce artistic integrity burns in everything they do.

But ‘question everything’ means that your philosophy has to be up for grabs too - it has to be evaluated on an ongoing basis. Ask yourself in all honesty - would you let a set of rules you embraced in your teens dictate what you do for the rest of your life, no matter what else you learn or what else changes thereafter?

What if you ‘wanna be an omnivore’, a rock star, a pretty boy, all of the above instead of none of the above - would you let it stop you? That’s not punk, that’s sublimating yourself instead of expressing yourself: it’s not any kind of philosophy - it’s dogma! Would you let dogma stop you from achieving what you want to achieve in your one and only life?
Mortality is a big theme for Green Day, overtly in songs from J.A.R. to Wake Me Up When September Ends, but implicit also in almost every song that talks about time and how you use it. These guys have known loss and exclusion, they know what it is to lose your faith and have people lose their faith in you, and how important it is ‘to find what to believe’.

So there’s this fucking great band whose music has always been about truth. Music that’s never deviated from a standard, never sold an audience short, never given less than 100%, given till it hurts. They’re down-to-earth, unpretentious, still connected to their roots, still socially active and concerned, still kicking ass. Fuck the merch, fuck the ringtones, fuck the crappy covers of September - fuck everything extraneous that they don’t concern themselves with.
Who they are is what punk is; no one can take away from them what they owned for themselves.

- 17:14 - Kad si već tu... (4) - Ako nemaš boljeg posla... - #

Malo o članovima benda

Billie Joe

  • PUNO IME: Billie Joe Armstrong
  • DATUM ROĐENJA: 17. 2. 1972. (34)
  • RODNI GRAD: Rodeo, Kalifornia, SAD
  • BOJA OČIJU: Zelena
  • PRIRODNA BOJA KOSE: Crvenkasto smeđa
  • VISINA: oko 175 cm
  • BRAČNO STANJE: oženjen Adrienne Nesser(2. 7. 1994.)
  • DJECA: Joseph Marciano; rođen u ožujku 1995, i Jacob Danger; rođen u rujnu 1998
  • OBITELJ: Billijev tata, Andy, umro je od raka kad je Billiju bilo 10 godina(u rujnu). Njegova ga je majka, Ollie, odgajala dalje. Imao je ukupno pet braće i sestara (David, Allen, Marcy, Holly i Anna), a on je bio najmlađe dijete.
  • AUTO: crni BMW kabriolet
  • INSTRUMENTI: gitara, harmonika, mandolina, bubnjevi, piano i veoma rijetko saksofon
  • IZDAVAČKA KUĆA: Billie i njegova žena su vlasnici izdavačke kuće Adeline Records
  • DRUGI BENDOVI: On također svira s Pinhead Gunpowdersima, a prije je svirao s The Influents, Corrupted Morals, Rancid, The Lookouts, Goodbye Harry i Blatz.

Mike Dirnt

  • PUNO IME: Michael Ryan Pritchard (Dirnt)
  • DATUM ROĐENJA: 4. 5. 1972. (34)
  • RODNI GRAD: Berkeley, Kalifornia, SAD
  • BOJA OČIJU: Plava
  • VISINA: oko 178 cm
  • BRAČNO STANJE: Mike se oženio 2004. ali su se ubrzo rastali zato jer je njegova žena tvrdila da provodi previše vremena u studiju. Sada valjda ima curu.
  • DJECA: Ima kćer Estelle Desiree (Stella); rođenu u travnju 1997, s bivšom ženom Anastasiom
  • OBITELJ: Mike je bio posvojen. Njegovi su se posvojitelji rastavili kad mu je bilo 7, i oboje su sada ponovo vjenčani. Mike ima najmanje jednu polusestru Mylu...
  • RESTORAN: Rudy's Can't Fall Cafe, u Emeryvillieu, Kalifornia
  • INSTRUMENTI: bas gitara, gitara, bubnjevi i još neki
  • DRUGI BENDOVI: Mike također svira s The Frustratorsima, a prije je svirao i s Screeching Weasel, Crummy Musicians i Squirtgun.

Tre Cool

  • PUNO IME: Frank Edwin Wright III
  • DATUM ROĐENJA: 9. 12. 1972. (33)
  • RODNI GRAD: Willits, Kalifornia, SAD
  • BOJA OČIJU: Plava
  • VISINA: oko 175 cm
  • BRAČNO STANJE: Oženio se s Liseom Lyons 1995., ali su se ubrzo rastavili. 2000. se oženio Claudiom ali je brak također završio razvodom.
  • DJECA: Ramona (rođena u siječnju s njegovom prvom ženom) i Frankito(rođen 2001 s njegovom drugom ženom).
  • OBITELJ: Odrastao je s ocem i dvoje braće. Sada živi u Oaklandu (CA)sa svojom bivšom ženom Claudiom i sinom Frankitom.
  • INSTRUMENTI: bubnjevi, harmonika i gitara
  • DRUGI BENDOVI: Svirao je s The Lookouts i Samiam.

- 10:37 - Kad si već tu... (2) - Ako nemaš boljeg posla... - #

27.07.2006., četvrtak

evo par spotova

za gledanje spotova samo kliknite play!

Good Riddance(Time of Your Life)
-ovaj spot mi je baš nekako fora, a jednostavan

-isto zakon spot

Macy's Day Parade
-ma zapravo i ovaj je zakon

-ako malo bolje gledate spot vidjet ćete da tip u spotu radi sve što se protivi zdravom životu i pravilima

i evo još jedan spot
Nice Guys Finish Last
-GD je na nekom stadionu i pjeva, al stvarno je drukčiji spot i naravno SUPER

have fun
pozz & ki$$

- 20:34 - Kad si već tu... (1) - Ako nemaš boljeg posla... - #

Nešto malo o Green Dayu

Green Day

Billie Joe Armstrong i Mike Dirnt su stvarni osnivatelji benda Sweet Children, koji danas znamo kao Green Day. Kada su bili stari 10 godina (1982.), sreli su se u kavani više škole John Sweet u Crockettu, Kaliforniji. Za vrijeme boravaka jedan kod drugoga, svirali su pjesme od starih heavy metal "borbenih konja" poput Ozzy Osbourna, Def Lepparda i Van Halena. Billie Joe je prvu pjesmu napisao kad mu je bilo 14, a zvala se "Why Do You Want Him?(Billie Joe-u je umro otac kada mu je bilo 10 god, a njegova se mama kroz neko vrijeme udala za bogatog assholea, kojeg su i Billie Joe i njegova braća i sestre MRZILI ). 1987., Billie Joe i Mike prigrlili su novog člana bendu, bubnjara Johna Kriftmeyera (poznatog pod nazivom Al Sobrante) i osnovali bend Sweet Children. Prvi debi album izdali su 1990. i nazvali ga "1039/ Smooted Out Slappy Hours." Uskoro nakon toga John je odlučio napustiti bend i otići studirati, a BJ i Mike uzeli su novog bubnjara, Tre Coola. Tre je bio član benda The Lookouts! još od svoje 12. godine. Prvi album Tre-a u Green Dayu i drugi od Green Daya izdan je 1991., nazvan "Kerplunk." Prije nego su se stvari zakuhale s većom izdavačkom kućom, uspjeli su zaraditi nešto novca na staromodni način i završiti 5 nacionalnih turneja(na turneje ih je vozio Tre-ov tata u kombiju). Kad su privukli pažnju producera Roba Cavalla iz Reprise Recordsa, suočeni s teškim izborom, dečki su odlučili prijeći u Reprise i počeli snimati album "Dookie", koji su izdali 1994. Dookie je imao toliki uspjeh da su uskoro njihove pjesme postale neslužbena nacionalna himna. Dookie se prodao u više od 10 milijuna kopija (zakooooooon) i to samo u SAD-u!!! Green Day je za taj album osvojio i Grammy za "Najbolje alternativno izvođenje glazbe". Na njihova sljedeća dva albuma "Insomniac" i "Nimrod" Green Day je uspio ostati vjeran punk držanju dokazujući da oni nisu samo trik ponići ili čak tri majmuna u zboru. U vrijeme Nimroda počeli su osnivati obitelji i postajalo je očigledno da sazrijevaju kao individualci i kao bend. I tako su nakon uspjeha pjesme Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) uzeli dvogodišnju pauzu. 2000. je Green Day pogodio glazbenu scenu s albumom "Warning". To je bio drugačiji zvuk za bend i više slabiji punk. Nažalost, album nije dobro prihvaćen od fanova, a i dobio je loše kritike(ne znam zašto, meni je album legenda). Najveći hit s tog CD-a je pjesma Minority. Nakon još 4 godine i par kompilacija (International Superhitsa u 2001. i Shenanigansa u 2002.), bili su još bez novog materijala. Fanovi su bili pogođeni(al pozitivno) kada je 2004. izdan album "American Idiot", album koji govori protiv američke vlade i američkih medija. American Idiot je bio prvi debi album koji je zauzeo #1 mjesto na Billboard Chartsu, i drugim glazbenim chartsovima diljem svijeta. Najavna pjesma za album bio je brzi uspjeh. Sljedeći singl bila je pjesma "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams". Taj je album bio nominiran za 7 Grammy nagrada i ponio kući jednu, onu za najbolji rock album.
- 19:04 - Kad si već tu... (1) - Ako nemaš boljeg posla... - #

14.07.2006., petak

Hi ljudovi

moram priznati da nisam već dugo objavljivala ništa. Al ne znam ni šta bi posebno objavljivala budući da nema ništa novo u svijetu GreenDayanono

Sad me opet neće biti tjedan dana jer idem na more sa svojima na otok Ugljan u neko mjesto Kukljicazujo Tamo smo išli i pred dvije godine pa ono kao idemo sad opet. Uglavnom, sad opet tjedan dana neće biti postova. Poželite mi sretan put...mah
- 19:29 - Kad si već tu... (1) - Ako nemaš boljeg posla... - #

07.07.2006., petak

Važno! Please help!

meni su se već stvarno digli živci!!! koji god da komentar želim poslati kompjuter mi kaže kao da ne može poslati zato jer je spam!!! a da ja uopće znam objasniti šta je spam ne bi ništa rekla ali ovo...Šta god pokušam poslati kaže da je spam!!! Jedva sam jučer ostavila jedan komentar, a danas neće ništa!! jel tko zna zašto mi to uopće radi???????
- 09:50 - Kad si već tu... (5) - Ako nemaš boljeg posla... - #

06.07.2006., četvrtak

Mislim da nešto nije u redu s nekim ljudima

Ovo je pismo jedna ljuta mamica poslala Green Dayu. Valjda znate engleski.Morate pročitati kako ju je Billie Joe i ostatak Green Daya skurio......ha ha who's laughing now??!!
pismo ljute mamice:

odgovor Green Daya:

- 18:01 - Kad si već tu... (3) - Ako nemaš boljeg posla... - #

05.07.2006., srijeda


Evo jedan slideshow sa GD-ovog DVDa Bullet In A Bible. uskoro ću objaviti i slike s tog DvDa!!!

- 22:22 - Kad si već tu... (2) - Ako nemaš boljeg posla... - #

04.07.2006., utorak

Popis pjesama

Kroz sljedećih ću nekoliko dana pokušati napisati popis svih pjesama s albuma od Green Daya. Pa evo... za sada 1039/Smooted Out Slappy Hours i Kerplunk. Ako vas zanimaju riječi određenih pjesama sa ta dva albuma jednostavno kliknite na ime te pjesme. Uživajte!!
- 14:49 - Kad si već tu... (5) - Ako nemaš boljeg posla... - #

03.07.2006., ponedjeljak

Čestitam; Bravo news

>Jučer je bila godišnjica braka Billie Joea i njegove žene Adrienne. Tko bi rekao da će jedna obožavateljica Green Daya postati ženom frontmena grupe? Pa.. s upornošću se svašta može postići, a taj brak traje već punih 12 godina!

za vise slika kliknite na link:

>Moram spomenuti i da se u novom Bravo časopisu koji je izašao pred tjedan dana nalazi jedan kviz o Green Dayu s otprilike 20 pitanja.
- 09:10 - Kad si već tu... (4) - Ako nemaš boljeg posla... - #

02.07.2006., nedjelja

Prvi post

Bok svima! Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti moj blog i da vam neće biti samo usputna stanica u pregledavanju blogova.

- 16:45 - Kad si već tu... (3) - Ako nemaš boljeg posla... - #

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Komentari: sakrij/pokaži

Ova je stranica namijenjena Green Day fanovima i onima koji će to tek postati. Ovdje ćete moći pronaći razne zanimljivosti o članovima Green Daya. Have fun!!

Mesothelioma Symptoms
Mesothelioma Symptoms


smokingreen day i cool blogovismokin
Green Girlz-zakon cure, cool blog, obavezno ih posjetite
fallen angel-zakon ženska i blog-zaista
Shangai motel(bordel) sucks-anti th udruženje
masha-ona je mene stavila u linkove pa i ja moram nju(šala)-iskreno, mislim da joj je blog......suuper
~punkerica~-girl rocks
sukica-moje priznanje za super blog
luna-cura je došla iz NY a i blog joj je super

ime: Ana Maria
prezime: imam ga
starost: 14 godina
mjesto: Sisak
slušam: GREEN DAY,Nirvana, Avril, Good Charlotte, Red Hot Chilli Peppers(ali samo neke pjesme), uglavnom rock
ne slušam: cajke, tokio hotel
najdraže pjesme: Macy's Day Parade, Poprocks & Coke, Warning, Christie Road, Waiting, Wake Me Up When September Ends, Jesus Of Suburbia, King For A Day, Smells Like Teen Spirit....(ima ih puno)
ako mi hoćeš poslati e-mail klikni ovdje

I rock, you rock, we rock

Zar nije sladak?