Can Someone See My Internet History If I Use Their Wi-Fi?

utorak , 28.05.2024.

If you're using someone else's Wi-Fi, you might be concerned about your privacy and whether they can see your internet history. Here’s what you need to know:

Network Monitoring: When you connect to someone else's Wi-Fi, the network owner can potentially monitor your online activities. They can use various tools and software to capture and analyze network traffic.
Read more | Can WiFi Owner See What Sites I Visit on Phone?

Router Logs: Many modern routers have built-in logging capabilities that allow the Wi-Fi owner to see which websites are being visited. These logs can usually be accessed through the router's settings page.

Encrypted Traffic (HTTPS): Websites that use HTTPS encrypt the data transmitted between your device and the website. While the Wi-Fi owner can see the domains you visit (e.g.,, they cannot see the specific pages or content you view on those sites.

Using a VPN: To hide your internet activity from the Wi-Fi owner, you can use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN encrypts all traffic from your device and routes it through an external server, making it difficult for the Wi-Fi owner to see which websites you visit.

Incognito/Private Browsing: While using incognito or private browsing modes prevents your browsing history from being stored on your device, it does not prevent the Wi-Fi owner or your ISP from seeing your online activity.

DNS Requests: When you visit a website, your device makes a DNS (Domain Name System) request to translate the website name into an IP address. Wi-Fi owners can log these DNS requests, revealing the sites you visit.

Packet Sniffing: Advanced users might employ packet sniffing tools to capture and analyze network packets, providing detailed information about the traffic on their network.

ISP Monitoring: Even if the Wi-Fi owner cannot see your specific browsing activity, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can still log and monitor your online activities.

By understanding these aspects, you can better protect your privacy when using someone else's Wi-Fi. Consider using encrypted websites (HTTPS), a VPN, and being mindful of your browsing habits to safeguard your internet history.
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Optimal Wi-Fi Speed Test Outcomes: What You Need to Know

ponedjeljak , 27.05.2024.

Are you wondering if your Wi-Fi speeds are up to par? Understanding what constitutes optimal Wi-Fi speed test outcomes is essential for ensuring your internet connection meets your needs. Whether you're streaming, gaming, or working from home, knowing what speeds to expect can make all the difference.

Read more: Understanding Ideal Wi-Fi Speed Test Results: What You Need to Know

What is an Optimal Wi-Fi Speed Test Outcome?
Optimal Wi-Fi speed test outcomes can vary depending on your internet usage and the number of devices connected. However, there are general benchmarks that can guide you:

Basic Browsing and Email: 1-5 Mbps
Streaming Standard Definition Video: 3-4 Mbps
Streaming High Definition Video: 5-8 Mbps
Streaming 4K Video: 25 Mbps or higher
Online Gaming: 15-25 Mbps
Video Conferencing: 5-10 Mbps
How to Test Your Wi-Fi Speed
Choose a Reliable Speed Test Service: Websites like,, and Google’s internet speed test are popular choices.
Connect to Your Wi-Fi Network: Ensure your device is connected to the Wi-Fi network you want to test.
Run the Test: Follow the instructions on the speed test website or app.
Analyze the Results: Look at your download speed, upload speed, and ping. Compare these results to the benchmarks mentioned above.
Factors Affecting Wi-Fi Speed Test Outcomes
Several factors can influence your Wi-Fi speed test results:

Router Placement: Place your router in a central location to ensure even coverage.
Interference: Electronic devices and physical obstructions can interfere with your Wi-Fi signal.
Number of Devices: More devices connected to the network can slow down your speeds.
Bandwidth: Higher bandwidth plans from your ISP will typically offer faster speeds.
Tips for Improving Wi-Fi Speed Test Outcomes
Upgrade Your Router: Older routers may not support higher speeds.
Use Wired Connections: For critical tasks, a wired connection can provide more stable speeds.
Optimize Router Settings: Adjust your router settings for better performance.
Reduce Interference: Keep your router away from other electronic devices.
Upgrade Your Internet Plan: If you consistently need higher speeds, consider upgrading your plan with your ISP.
Achieving optimal Wi-Fi speed test outcomes is crucial for a seamless internet experience. By understanding the benchmarks for different activities and taking steps to improve your speeds, you can ensure your Wi-Fi network meets all your needs. Run regular speed tests and adjust your setup as necessary to keep your connection in top shape.

For more tips and guides on optimizing your internet connection, stay tuned to our blog!

How do I get unblocked from Wi-Fi?

utorak , 21.05.2024.

In a digitally-driven world, being blocked from Wi-Fi can feel like hitting a roadblock on the information highway. Whether you're at home, work, or a public hotspot, losing connectivity can disrupt productivity and leave you feeling frustrated. If you're wondering, "How do I get unblocked from Wi-Fi?" - fret not, as we've got you covered with effective solutions to troubleshoot and regain access swiftly.

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Check Router Settings: Start by ensuring that you're not inadvertently blocked by router settings. Access the router's admin panel through a web browser and review the list of blocked devices or restricted access settings. If your device is listed, simply remove it from the blocked list and restart the router.

Verify Wi-Fi Credentials: Double-check the Wi-Fi network name (SSID) and password you're using. Typos or outdated credentials can prevent you from connecting to the network. If unsure, ask the network administrator or refer to the router's documentation for the correct details.

Restart Your Device: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve connectivity issues. Turn off your device, wait for a few seconds, and then power it back on. This action can clear any temporary glitches or conflicts that may be causing the block.

Forget and Reconnect: If you've previously connected to the Wi-Fi network but are now blocked, try forgetting the network on your device and then reconnecting. Navigate to your device's Wi-Fi settings, select the network, and choose the option to forget it. Afterward, reconnect by entering the correct credentials.

Reset Network Settings: For persistent connectivity issues, resetting your device's network settings can be a viable solution. This action will revert network configurations to default settings, potentially eliminating any misconfigurations causing the block. Remember to re-enter Wi-Fi passwords after resetting network settings.

Contact Network Administrator: If you're unable to resolve the issue independently, reaching out to the network administrator or IT support team can provide assistance. They can diagnose the problem from their end, check for any network-wide restrictions, and guide you through the unblocking process.

Consider Alternative Networks: While troubleshooting, consider accessing alternative Wi-Fi networks if available. This could include using a mobile hotspot, connecting to a different Wi-Fi network, or utilizing cellular data as a temporary workaround until the issue is resolved.

Update Firmware and Drivers: Ensure that your device's firmware and Wi-Fi drivers are up-to-date. Outdated software can lead to compatibility issues and hinder connectivity. Check for updates through your device's settings or manufacturer's website and install any available updates.

By following these steps, you can navigate through common obstacles and potentially unblock yourself from Wi-Fi swiftly. Remember, patience and persistence are key when troubleshooting connectivity issues. If all else fails, seeking professional assistance ensures you're back online and productive in no time.

Should I get my stepmom a mother's Day card?

četvrtak , 25.04.2024.

Mother's Day often brings about the heartfelt tradition of expressing gratitude and love to mothers and mother figures. However, for those navigating the complex dynamics of blended families, such as having a stepmom, the question of whether to extend this gesture can be nuanced. "Should I get my stepmom a Mother's Day card?" emerges as a common query, reflecting the desire to honor and respect maternal roles within the family while acknowledging unique relationships.

See more:

The decision to give a Mother's Day card to a stepmom hinges on several factors, primarily the nature of the relationship and individual family dynamics. Firstly, consider the bond shared with your stepmom. If she plays a significant maternal role in your life, offering a card can be a meaningful gesture of appreciation for her support, love, and guidance.

Moreover, reflecting on the dynamics within your family is crucial. Assessing how your gesture might be received by both your stepmom and other family members can provide insight. Open communication with family members can help gauge expectations and ensure that your actions are respectful of everyone's feelings.

However, it's essential to acknowledge that not all stepmother-stepchild relationships are akin to the traditional parent-child bond. In some cases, the relationship might be distant or strained, making the gesture of giving a Mother's Day card uncomfortable or inappropriate. In such instances, alternative ways of showing appreciation, such as a thoughtful conversation or a small gift, might be more suitable.

Additionally, cultural and personal beliefs can influence one's approach to Mother's Day traditions. Some individuals may adhere strictly to traditional norms, while others may adopt a more flexible and inclusive perspective, embracing the opportunity to honor all maternal figures in their lives, including stepmothers.

Ultimately, the decision to give a stepmom a Mother's Day card is a personal one, shaped by individual circumstances, emotions, and familial dynamics. Regardless of the choice made, sincerity and thoughtfulness should guide the gesture, reflecting genuine appreciation for the role your stepmom plays in your life.

In conclusion, "Should I get my stepmom a Mother's Day card?" is a question that prompts reflection on the complexities of familial relationships. By considering the nature of the bond, family dynamics, and personal beliefs, individuals can navigate this decision with sensitivity and respect, ensuring that expressions of gratitude on Mother's Day are heartfelt and meaningful, regardless of the form they take.

This To LOWER Your Ping In Fortnite! - PC

utorak , 30.08.2022.

If your Fortnite ping test result is low, your builds will complete sooner, your editing will be faster.
Also, you are able to hit more shots in the game.
In other words, lowering your latency will raise your overall gaming experience in online games.
Indeed, winning a low latency is a competitive advantage.
Click here: how to get better ping in fortnite

Low ping is necessary in online gaming
Ping spikes on wifi?
If you have a high rate, there are some reasons leading to this situation.
You can find out more here: how to improve ping in games
To sum up, reducing high latency is really important, especially for gamers.
Let’s move the next part to find effective Fortnite ping reducers.
How to see your ping in Fortnite?
Aside from performing ping test Fortnite using Myspeed - a ping test online tool, the game also allows users to see that speed in the playing screen as default.
How to show ping in Fortnite?
Follow these steps below:
Step 1: Open the Fortnite menu

Open Fortnite menu
Step 2: Scroll down to click the “Setting”

Choose Settings
Step 3: Click the Game UI icon

Choose the Game UI icon
Step 4: Choose Net Debug Stats and enable it

Enable Net Debug Stats
Now, when you play Fortnite, your ping will now be shown in the upper left corner of your screen, near your player name.
Isn’t it easy?


Professional ping: 10ms (0.01 seconds)

srijeda , 24.08.2022.

For competitive gamers in battles and tournaments, the slightest mistake could be game over for you and your teammates. You’ll want the lowest possible ping, so you’re not dropping points or shots because of lag or glitches.

You could be the best player in the world, but a problematic ping will have lesser gamers out-manoeuvring and out-ranking you, unless you find a way to level up your internet connection.

What is a ping?It’s Mike Muuss’ invention. His way of measuring lag time in milliseconds (ms), inspired by submarines. Data packets, from your computer or console, are pinged to the gaming server and back to you. The quicker your ping, the smoother and more competitively you can play online games, and the bigger the advantage you’ll have – players with higher pings than you will struggle to keep tabs on you and you’ll seem to hop around their screen.

What is lag?It’s the time delay measured by the ping. The longer it takes to send and receive messages, the less they make sense. Lag can cause your character to jerk about while moving (fighting, driving, jumping) and your gameplay could freeze or rollback, if you haven’t already been disconnected from your online game because of lag. Perhaps you’ve heard gamers complain about latency? Well, this is what most people mean.

With practice and saint-like patience, you could get used to a lag. But it’s better to try to improve it so you can level up faster and have more fun. You’ll react quicker to what’s happening and land your skill shots on target when you’re seeing the most recent, live gameplay. You can also game on instinct, as you’ll see where you are on the map and what players are up to in real-time without having to imagine it all in advance.

For slower, turn-based games, lag isn’t the worst thing in the world because your moves can be less precise and perfect timing isn’t crucial. But high ping is a real killjoy for first person shooters (Call of Duty, Battlefield) where a delay could stop you getting the headshots you need to win the game. It also sucks the fun out of questing on multiplayer online battle arenas (League of Legends), playing real-time strategy games (Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Northgard) or massively multiplayer online games (World of Warcraft, RuneScape).

See more: ping rate

How many users and devices will be using the network?

srijeda , 28.04.2021.

The more users and devices using your internet connection at once, the slower it’ll be for everyone. So it’s also important to determine how many users and devices will be using the network.

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Internet plans for home: The more users and devices using your internet connection at once, the slower it’ll be for everyone
If you’re a solo user using just one device at once, and you belong to the category of “Light user” or, well, even “Moderate user”, then a basic, low-cost service package is something you could probably go for.
But if you have 4 users and even more or multiple devices using the network at a time, or you or someone in your household frequently transfer large files or stream 4K videos, an advanced service or even an unlimited package with high speeds might be what you want to do carefully consider.
What’s about the prices and your budget?
It’s true that we need to choose what we can afford, right? So, the price is another important factor to consider. But, just looking at the prices of internet plans for home and making the decision only based on the price might potentially be a mistake.
So, it’s always best to make sure that you look at all the features of available internet packages first, then compare to find out one that suits your needs the most, and, of course, comes with the best price.

The price is another important factor to consider
How to choose the right broadband Internet plans for home?
As there are a lot of options on the internet package for us to choose from, it’s not easy to pick the right Internet plans for home. It’s obvious that we need to consider various factors, such as speeds, bandwidth, data allowances, the numbers of users and devices using your connection, and more.
But out of all factors to consider, well, the first thing you need to think about is what type of user you are. By determining the type of user you are, you will be able to pick the right package for your home with ease. But how to know what type of internet user you are? Let’s take a look at things to consider when choosing the broadband internet package listed below here and you will have the answer.

Are you a ligher user, moderate user, or heavy user?
What type of user are you?
Different types of users have different demands on internet bandwidth as well as upload and download speeds. That depends on the specific online activities that you and other ones in your household want to engage in, the amount of time using the internet, and more. Now, let’s see you are a light user, moderate user, or heavy user!
Light user. You can be considered a light user if you primarily spend time on the internet for basic activities like reading news, surfing webs, sending emails, using social media sites, streaming music, watching videos occasionally, and more. For light users, an unlimited plan is not a good option. But, please notice that watching too many Facebook, or Youtube, … consumes a lot of data, and you need to be wary about that.
Moderate user. Those doing all the things in the Light user category like mentioned recently plus one of the activities like online gaming, streaming video, telecommuting, … can be considered as moderate users. For moderate users, the internet plans for home offering average speeds in the 12 to 25 Mpbs range are good to consider.
Heavy user. Those doing all the things included in the “Light user” category and more than one activities mentioned in the “Moderate user” category can be considered as heavy users. So if you enjoy fast-faced online gameplays, downloading movies, and/or streaming entire series of TV shows, you can be classed as a heavy user. For heavy users, it’s necessary to consider internet services that offer powerful connections with high speeds and bandwidth.
Along with things to consider when choosing internet plans for home as mentioned above, there are other factors that you should also think about like kinds of broadband available in your area, whether or not you need a home phone package and extra services, … Well, that’s all for this article. Hope that it provided you with useful information.

How works?

srijeda , 17.03.2021.

The test will automatically choose the nearest server in your location and download the file from it to give you an incredible result. But this is not the speed of your connection in the real world.
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Sometimes our files are downloading from servers located in other countries. Thus, you need to change the server before testing for a very accurate result.
Here are the main elements that should be looked at when it comes to how speed test works:
A speed check internet measures the amount of time taken for the server to respond to the request from the user's client. To be more specific, the client sends a request to the closest server, When receiving that request, the server sends a reply back. The round-trip time is measured in ms (milliseconds).
This test is conducted multiple times and the final result will be determined by the lowest value.

How Speed Test Works? Answered

How speed test works to get dowload speed?
The client establishes as many connections as possible with the server. The client requests initial files from the server.
The client calculates the speed of the transfers. Next, based on this calculation, the client will adjust the chunk size and buffer size to maximize the usage of the network.
As receiving the chunks, the client will request more chunks throughout the testing process.
During the first half of the test, if there are additional threads, the client will establish extra connections to the server to measure the download speed more accurately.
The test finished when the client determines the correct connections to test your internet service and measures the amount of data downloaded in the time allotted.
The upload test process is the same as the download test but in reverse. Instead of getting data from the server to your device, the client sends data from your PC to the server and measure the time.
How Speed Test Works? Answered
You’ve probably heard a lot about tools to speed check for internet connection. But have you ever thought how speed test works and how accurate it is? If not, this is the article for you! is one of the most popular internet speed testing services on the market. With hundreds of servers worldwide, they allow you to test your Internet speed anytime, anywhere at your convenience.

Learn how speed test works
When the speed test starts, the router will download a piece of data from the speed test server. The size of this download file may differ with your internet speed. Now let’s discuss it in more detail.

In short, it’s pretty easy to understand how speed test works. To put it simply, a speed test tells you how fast your connection is by measuring internet performance metrics: Download speed, upload speed, and Ping. The accuracy of the test depends on various factors. Therefore, to get a more accurate result, you should take a look at some common mistakes to avoid while running a test.

Dota 2: Ramzess666 is no longer a part of EG

četvrtak , 18.02.2021.

2020 was a really strange year for Dota 2. Due to the global pandemic, every LAN tournament was canceled, which is why we got to see loads of online events. Sadly, RAMEZS66 was unable to show his full potential during those tournaments. Due to the fact his team-mates were in NA, he had to play with high ping. To make matters worse, the hour-difference was also difficult to deal with.
Virtus.Pro used to have one of the best Dota 2 rosters in the world, at least until TI 9. However, following their poor performance, the team decided to make drastic roster changes. As a result, Roman joined EG in the post-TI-9 shuffle.
Besides joining a new team, RAMZES666 also changed CIS for NA. As if that was not enough, the talented player had to change his role to offlane because Artour “Arteezy” Babaev was (and still is) EG’s carry.
Before COVID-19 changed the world, RAMZESS played in both Majors. In fact, he and his teammates even managed to reach second place at DreamLeague Season 13. Unfortunately, once the lockdowns started happening, the CIS player was unable to play alongside his teammates.
Since there weren’t that many tournaments, EG decided to take a break around mid-2020. As a result, Ramzess was moved to inactive status. He tried to team up with some of his former colleagues and formed a team called Just Error. Although it had loads of potential on paper, the team was unable to live up to the expectations.
Now that he is a free agent, it will be really interesting to see whether he will team up with Vladimir “No[o]ne” Minenko and Pavel “9pasha” Khvastunov. Both of them also missed out on the start of the new DPC. so there is a pretty good chance that they might team-up with Ramzess once more.
Be sure to follow ESTNN for all the latest Dota 2 news and info!
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How to Improve customer satisfaction

srijeda , 06.01.2021.

In fact, poor customer service is one of the major causes for customers to switch to your competitors. But by having a solid website with a good web support system, you and your business can offer your customers much better support.
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Things like video tutorials, written guides, written guides, FAQs, live chat, and chatbots when created on your website will provide your customers and visitors with considerable assistance. Thanks to them, your customers will be able to get your support and immediate assistance whenever they need it. Well, as a result, they will not suffer any lengthy delay in contacting you, and their satisfaction will also be improved as well. That’s the very significant importance of a website for your business, right?
Things like video tutorials, written guides, FAQs, live chat, and chatbots when created on your website will help improve your customer satisfaction
Set yourself apart from the competition
Not only do the websites allow your company and business to build trust and a good way to improve customer service, but they also help set you apart from the competition. The content on your business website is unique. Providing your customers with information and useful content is a good way to differentiate your business from those who offer similar products. In other words, your website is nothing but an ideal place to tell your customers how different you are and what makes you stand out from the crowd.
Well, think of this example. In case your competitors have their websites while you don’t, it seems like your very big disadvantage, right? But if you have a website and your competitions don’t, it means that you’re staying ahead of the competition. Well, the importance of a website for a business is not overstated at all, is it?
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Want to know the importance of a website for business? Here it is!
Nowadays, it’s really, really common for companies and businesses to have a website. Do you know even the small local businesses have their own websites? That’s true. This is because websites, in general, and business websites, in particular, offer many advantageous benefits that can help leverage a business in some ways. Keep reading on to know the importance of a website and its great benefits listed right below here.

Nowadays, it’s really, really common for companies and businesses to have a website
Building trust and credibility with the customers
Well, when it comes to the importance of a website and its benefits for business success, building trust and establishing credibility with the customers must be one of the most important advantages.
We all know that the website of a company contains a lot of basic information and details about its business, including the history, vision, missions, contact information, images of products or services, and many others more. It lets the customers know what your business is all about and it’s also a good place to introduce your best past works, your best testimonials, and your noticeable achievements as well.
Your customers, clients, and any associates will want to visit your website first when they need to learn more about your business or buy something from you. By helping them get to know about your business, you are working so well to build trust and establish credibility with them.
By helping them get to know about your business, you are working so well to build trust and establish credibility with them
Other benefits
Besides, having a website might also help you generate more sales and revenue. It will allow you to put your online presence 24/7 and make all your digital marketing efforts a lot more effective and easier. That’s so great!
Recently, we learned about the major benefits of having a website for a business. After all, we know that it’s essential to have a business website, right? In the end, we hope that this article “Want to know the importance of a website for business? Here it is!” brought you useful information and details!

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