07.11.2005., ponedjeljak

Ponedjeljak je ... početak svakog jebenog tjedna,a ja ne idem u školu...ajde to mi je uljepšalo znači da su mi preostala još "samo" 4 dana do vikenda...evo, ja se jutros ustanem,upalim laptop da malo pogledam DVD Live at Brixton Academy...kad ono DVD ne ja sam mislila bacit laptop s balkona...ja to gledam skoro svaki dan, nije mi jasno kako ću sada preživjet...jer dok ja to naručim,dok to dođe...svi će umrijet...mislim nije mi ni čudno što se to pokvarilo kad ga gledam skoro svaki dan,ali možda još proradi...ako ne onda ću gledat DVD VIDEO COLLECTON (isto od GC-a,naravno),a i nadam se da će danas doći poštar...jer sam prije 2-3 tjedna preko interneta naručila CD MAXIMUM (GOOD CHARLOTTE) i majicu MADE (to je marka obitelji MADdEn)...i tako...


Like the time in school when we got free lunch,
and the cool kids beat us up ( reduced lunch)
and the rich kids had convertibles
and we had to ride the bus ( 55)
like the time we made the baseball team,
but they still laughed at us ( you still suck)
like the time that girl broke up with me
cause I wasn't cool enough ( Trip)

The little things,
little things they always hang around
the little things
little things they try to break me down
the little things
little things they just wont go away
the littles things
little things made me who i am today

you wanna hate me now
but I wont stop now cause
I can't stop now...

verse 2:
like the time mom went to that institue
cause she was breaking down
( I just can't take it)
like the car we had that wouldn't start we had to walk to get around
( can I get a ride?)
and that same year on christmas eve
dad went to the store
(uhh..see you guys later)
we checked his room his things were gone
we didn't see him no more (dick)


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