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Ja sam Glupinickname a ovo je "Šund zabavnik" - trivijalni blog o trivijalnim temama. Njihov popis možete pronaći ovdje.

Čitamo se!


Fantastika - SF&F podforum IMF-a
AV Club - krasan način za gubit vrijeme
TV Tropes Wiki - Learn it. Love it. Live it.
Roger Ebert - zakon recenzije i zakon blog
Wrong Side of Art - stoljeće filmskog šunda
Good Show Sir - samo najgore SF naslovnice
Shorpy - fantastični skenovi starih fotografija
Modern Mechanix - vickasta znanost jučerašnjice
Tales of the Future Past - budućnost kakva je trebala biti.
Dark Roasted Blend - kul stvari iz znanosti, tehnologije i šunda

"Beware! The Blog!" - moj stari blog
At the Diner - patnje mladog Nighthawka
Blogov kolac - blog Darka Macana
Svijet u boci - odem pa čitam
Nefove kolumne - funny as Hell
Nepoznati Zagreb - "Ulicama moga grada..."
Dečko koji obečava - trash movies galore
Almighty Watashi - da ne postoji, trebalo bi ga izmislit

15.04.2009., srijeda

GNN-ovo internet mudroslovlje

Tijekom godina sam po netu, knjigama i kompjuterskim igrama nabasal na čitav niz citata koje sam, u ovom ili onom obliku iskoristio kao dio svog potpisa: u mejlovima, na njuzgrupama, na forumima., di god. Predstavljavam vam neke od bisera pučke mudrosti po GNN-u:


"here i sit, on the internet
a more current current i've yet not met
shelves of bound, pretty, and well-crafted books:
their content is the source of my most content looks
yet 12 hours a day i am here, not there - it's virulent
am i truly content unless the content of the current is current?"
--Trevor Boyer

"Vincent Malloy is seven years old,
He's always polite and does what he's told.
For a boy his age he's considerate and nice,
But he wants to be just like Vincent Price."
-- Tim Burton: "Vincent"

"Goblins chew and goblins bite,
Goblins cut and goblins fight,
Stab the dog and cut the horse,
Goblins eat and take by force!

Goblins race and goblins jump,
Goblins slash and goblins bump,
Burn the skin and mash the head,
Goblins here and you be dead!

Chase the baby, catch the pup,
Bonk the head to shut it up!
Bones be cracked, flesh be stewed,
We the goblins—you the food!"
-- Goblin Chant, Classic Monsters Revisited

Par citata iz prve i druge "Thief" igre:

"I've a simple job planned for this evening: break into a guarded mansion, steal another fat nobleman's priceless trinket and leave quietly."
-- Garrett, glavni lik igre, u "Thief: The Dark Project"

"Hammer, anvil, forge and fire,
Chase away the hoofed liar.
Roof and doorway, block and beams,
Chase the Trickster from our dreams."
-- religijski fanatici, "Thief: The Dark Project"

"I detest the tongue and abhorr the lips
for they can twist the truth into lies.
I am the Child of Karras
and no lips nor tongue have I."
-- Children of Karras, steampunk roboti koji recitiraju svete spise u igri "Thief 2: The Metal Age"

Filmovi i pisanje:

"A man goes to the movies. The critic must be honest enough to admit he is that man."
--Robert Warshow

"A great movie is a movie I cannot bear the thought of never seeing again."
-- Derek Malcolm Test

"The original "Shadow" novels were pounded out by Walter Gibson at a rate of 60,000 works a week, and consumed by magazine and radio audiences not because they were individually great, but because collectively they created a dream."
-- Roger Ebert, recenzija filma "The Shadow"

"The Shadow was created during the Depression, when the mean streets were dark and threatening, and it was comforting that there was a denizen of the night who fought for good, not evil. It still is.
-- Roger Ebert, ista recenzija

"Pisati ne znači drugo nego misliti. Nered u rečenicama je posljedica nereda u mislima, a nered u mislima je posljedica nereda u glavi, a nered u glavi je posljedica nereda u čovjeka, a nered u čovjeka je posljedica nereda u sredini i u stanju te sredine. Ako je netko odlučio vrsiti kritiku, a to znači da hoće od nereda u rečenicama, u mislima, u glavama, u ljudima i u sredinama stvarati red, onda takav subjekt ne smije biti neuredan ni u rečenicama ni u glavama ni u mislima."
-- Miroslav Krleža

Svakaj nekaj pametnog:

"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
-- Hanlon's Razor

"No matter what, I am sure the truth is a lot more lame and stupid than sinister or dramatic."
-- scutisorex shrewlord, CM

"Too much of a good thing is an awesome thing, but too much of an awesome thing is, um, really really dumb. And bad."
--Strong Bad, "Homestar Runner"

JOHNNY TANGENT: "This whole premise reminds me of every fantasy movie I have ever seen yet it reminds me of none of them."
ME: "That's D&D for you."

"On an arbitrary numerical scale of conversational oddness, ranging from one to ten, with ten being the oddest conversation I've ever had, and a seven being the oddest conversation I have in a typical day, this rates no better than five."
-- Neil Stephenson: "System of the World"

"A voice was heard to say, "Who dares disturb the Crypt Of the Immortal Space Bitches"
"I am Grimm Shado," said Grimm Shado, his triple wand claws extending. "And I am here to take it to the limit."
-- L.H. Franzibald: "The Song of the Sorcelator"

I na koncu, NINĐE!

"Metak izbačen iz cevi vatrenog oružja, pa makar to bila i najsavremenija automatska puška, ima svoju sopstvenu putanju određenu strogim zakonima spoljne balistike, i na njega se više ne može uticati. Čovek koji te zakone pozna i ima dovoljno refleksa i brzine, može lako izbeći hicu iz vatrenog oružja. Dovoljno je samo ukloniti se sa njegove putanje, pa čak i kad je čitav rafal u pitanju."
-- Derek Finegan: "Mržnja nindže je večna"

"-Volim te! - ponovila je gledajući ga pravo u oči, a niz obraze su joj se kotrljale krupne suze, kapale na grudi, ostavljajući tanke tragove vlage na njima. - Volim te, ludače!

Ispod kapuljače, ninđa se prigušeno nasmeja.

-A ja - reče - ja tebe MRZIM, Di Gunarsen!"
-- Derek Finegan: "Mržnja nindže je večna"


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