izgubljena u vremenu & prostoru

08.12.2005., četvrtak

Postoje li vile?

Postoji mnogo prica! Jedna kaze da su nastale od livadne trave, odnosno od sline koja nastaje na travi za proljetnom rosom, druga govori da je Bog prokleo ohole djevojke, a jedna posebno zanimljiva ih povezuje s Bibljijom. Ta prica veli da su vile i vilenjaci neblagoslovljena djeca Bozja. Naime, Adam i Eva su imali mnogo djece, pa su se pred Bogom posramili i sakrili ih, tako, kada je Bog dijelio blagoslove, ta djeca nisu bila tu!
Mnogo je varijanata na ovu temu, ali se sve u jednom slazu; da je svijet bio lijepši, a ljudi sretniji,u doba kada su vile Svijetom hodale!

Proucavatelji govore da su vile dobri duhovi jadranske mitologije, djeve u bijelom, koje plešu na mjesečini i zavode mladice. Kadre su nestati, kada god to to pozele, ali ako bi se slucajno dogodilo da ih uhvati majka zavedenog mladica, bile bi primorane bespogovorno mu sluziti.

Nalazimo ih po planinama, spiljama, livadama, cak i u oblacima. Prema staništima i nazivima se razlikuju: postoje vile drvarice (one koje žive po krošnjama), zatim vile planinkinje, vile zagorkinje, diklice planinske, vile vodarice itd. Vole i more; odmorište im je otocic Jabuka, koji je ujedno i vrt velebitskih vila! Zanimljivo, planine u unutrašnjosti Hrvatske obicno nastanjuju drugi ženski mitski likovi, svakako mnogo strašniji i nažalost ružniji.

Kako izgledaju?
Lijepota bez kraja i konca. Sve se naše price slažu da su vrlo lijepe, prozracne i lagane. Tek, umjesto nogu imaju kozje papke ili konjska kopita. Kosa im je obicno zlatne boje, raspuštena cesto gotovo do zemlje. Ne smije ih se cupati: umrla bi kad bi joj netko išcupao tek i jednu vlast

cime se vile hrane?
Najviše vole med, maslac i janjetinu. Ne vole jesti uvijek na jednom mjestu, vec lutajuci planinom biraju glatke, kao nožem odrezane stijene, koje pozelene lišajevima nakon njihova blagovanja.
Još jedno upozorenje glede njihove prehrane: naša narodna predaja govori da se vile hrane "od nijeka", dakle putnicima uzimaju ono što netko zanijece, sakriva pred drugima, a ima. Zato ne budite sebicni! Zamjerit cete se i vilama.

Kakve su kao osobe?
Vole pomagati slabijima i ne vole nepravdu. Znaju usput planinom ostavljati hranu umornim putnicima. Predaja govori da se jedna vila na Bracu sažalila na najmanjeg pastira u planini koga su svi ostali tukli. Dade mu sisati svojega mlijeka i on postade najjaci. Ljudima su duboko zahvalne na pomoci i na dobrotu redovito odgovaraju dobrim. Ali, zle ljude, ili one koji im žele napakostiti nemilosrdno kažnjavaju. Vole se družiti s mladim momcima, ali se ljute i osvecuju kada mladići pričaju drugima da su ih upoznali i s njima vodili ljubav.
Postoje i vile posvađuše, koje uživaju svađati ljude, posebno muževe i žene. Da se zna: i za bračne su svađe cesto vile krive!
Vile cesto planinom idu same. Da ih ne prepoznamo pretvore se u zmiju, pticu, cak i staru babu. Obožavaju ples, pa se na određenim mjestima okupljaju i redovito plešu u kolu. Onoga tko ih za vrijeme plesa primijeti spremne su pretvoriti u stijenu ili drvo. Znaju ga i odvesti sa sobom i do smrti škakljati, to valjda i nije neka kazna. Na mjestima vilinskog kola izrastaju gljive i stvaraju one cudesne krugove gljiva po našim planinama.

Postoje li vile,vjerujete li u njih i da li smo mi zbilja sami ili.....
ima mnogo vrsta vila,al o tome sljedeći put.......

mislim da ne bi bilo u redu da najboljem prijetelju ne čestitam rođendan,pa zato: DENISE SRETAN ROĐENDAN I NEKA TI SE SVE ŽELJE OSTVARE,VIDIMO SE ZA VIKEND.....

Polete li anđeli poput ptica,
dotaknu li predivan osmjeh tvoga lica,
neka ti prenesu poruke,
na krilima bijelim
da ti sve najljepše za

I eto prošo gotovini izlet i mali put oko svijeta,jadnom čovjeku već dosadilo,ma izvući će se on opet......
Ante ti si zakon,mi smo uz tebe

- 21:15 - Komentari (18) - Isprintaj - #

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Opis....bbbloga mogaaa

sve o svemu vidjet će te i sami.

ljudovi koje posjećujem

nešto o......sebi ili meni

kao ovo bi trebalo biti da se nešto napiše o sebi,a malo morgen.......meni je to jadno pisat o sebi.....šta-imam lijepo žensko ime koje je jako rijetko,nadimak mi je sale,pa sad vi pogađajte i idem u prvi A opće gimnazije- ........i tak to je to.....slušam- vidite i sami,sve je napisano tamo dolje i naravno no cajke-toliko o meni.......

to dolje slušam,al to nije naravno sve.......

onda sam ja najveća

Ne vjeruj svi lažu,
ne bacaj se u ljubav,
jer ćeš se kajati.
Živi brzo,
umri mlad,
boli te kurac
gdje i kad.
Puši travu,
kupaj se u pivi
i zapamti

Over The Hills And Far Away

They came for him one winter's night.
Arrested, he was bound.
They said there'd been a robbery,
his pistol had been found.

They marched him to the station house,
he waited for the dawn.
And as they led him to the dock,
he knew that he'd been wronged.
"You stand accused of robbery,"
he heard the bailiff say.
He knew without an alibi,
tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom.

Over the hills and far away,
for ten long years he'll count the days.
Over the mountains and the seas,
a prisoner's life for him there'll be.

He knew that it would cost him dear,
but yet he dare not say.
Where he had been that fateful night,
a secret it must stay.
He had to fight back tears of rage.
His heart beat like a drum.
For with the wife of his best friend,
he spent his final night of freedom.

Over the hills and far away,
he swears he will return one day.
Far from the mountains and the seas,
back in her arms he swears he'll be.
Over the hills and far away.

Over the hills and,
over the hills and,
over the hills and far away.

Each night within his prison cell,
he looks out through the bars.
He reads the letters that she wrote.
One day he'll know the taste of freedom.

Over the hills and far away,
she prays he will return one day.
As sure as the rivers reach the seas,
back in his arms he swears she'll be.

Over the hills and far away,
he swears he will return one day.
Far from the mountains and the seas,
back in her arms he swears he'll be.

Over the hills and far away,
she prays he will return one day.
As sure as the rivers reach the seas,
back in his arms is where she'll be.

System of a down
Sad statute

Conquest to the lover
And your love to the fire
Permanence unfolding in the absolute
Forgiveness is the ultimate sacrifice
Eloquence belongs to the conqueror

The pictures of time and space are rearranged
In this little piece of typical tragedy
Justified candy
Brandy for the nerves
Eloquence belongs to the conqueror

You and me
We'll all go down in history
With a sad Statue of Liberty
And a generation that didn't agree

You and me
We'll all go down in history
With a sad Statue of Liberty
And a generation that didn't agree

I forgot to
I forgot to let you know that
Justified candy
Brandy for the nerves
Eloquence belongs to the conqueror

Conquest to the lover
And your love to the fire
Permanence unfolding in the absolute
Forgiveness is the ultimate sacrifice
Eloquence belongs to the conqueror

You and me
We'll all go down in history
With a sad Statue of Liberty
And a generation that didn't agree

You and me
We'll all go down in history
With a sad Statue of Liberty
And a generation that didn't agree

What is in us that turns a deaf ear to the cries of human suffering
Suffering, suffering now

You and me
We'll all go down in history
With a sad Statue of Liberty
And a generation that didn't agree

You and me
We'll all go down in history
With a sad Statue of Liberty
And a generation that didn't agree

Him-Join me

Baby, join me in death
Baby, join me in death

We are so young, our lives have just begun
But already we are considering escape from this world
And we?e waited for so long for this moment to come
Was so anxious to be together, together in death, woh woh-oh

Would you die tonight for love (baby, join me in death)
Would you die (baby, join me in death)
Would you die tonight for love (baby, join me in death)

This world is so cruel, placing were here only to lose
So before life tears us apart let death bless me with you, woh woh-oh

Would you die tonight for love (baby, join me in death)
So will you die (baby, join me in death)
Would you die tonight for love (baby, join me in death)
Join me in death, woh woh-oh oh

This life ain? worth living
This life, it ain? worth living
(Join me, join me) this life (join me), it ain? worth living (join me)
(Join me, join me) this life ain? worth living

Would you die tonight for love (baby, join me in death)
So would you die (baby, join me in death)
Would you die tonight for love (baby, join me in death)
Baby, join me in death

Metallica-Die,die my darling

Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty mouth

I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you... in Hell
Don't cry to me oh baby
Your future's in an oblong box, yeah
Don't cry to me oh baby
Should have seen it a-coming on
Don't cry to me oh baby
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end girl for a dead-end guy
Don't cry to me oh baby
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty mouth

I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell
Don't cry to me oh baby
Your future is in an oblong box
Don't cry to me oh baby
Should have seen the end a-coming on, a-coming
Don't cry to me oh baby
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end girl for a dead-end guy
Don't cry to me oh baby
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh baby

System of a down-

Sweet berries ready for two ghosts are no different than you.
Ghosts are now waiting for you.
Are you...
Sweet berries ready for two ghosts are no different than you.
Ghosts are now waiting for you.
Are you...
Dreaming! Dreaming the night! Dreaming all right!

Do we! Do we know, when we FLY?
When we, when we go
Do we die?

Sweet berries ready for two ghosts are no different than you.
Ghosts are now waiting for you.
Are you...
Sweet berries ready for two ghosts are no different than you.
Ghosts are now waiting for you.
Are you...
Dreaming! Dreaming the night! Dreaming all right!

Do we! Do we know, when we FLY?
When we, when we go
Do we die

Do we, do we know
When we fly
When we, when we go
Do we die


stvari se polako vraćaju na mjesto
onako nešto se ne događa ćesto
premda,priznajem ponekad pretjerujem
i nekud otplovim sam
i tad slike izblijede
i tad zatvaram se u sebe
i tad nisi mi potrebna
kazaljke i dalje krugove crtaju
umjesto zvijetda kišne kapi
na grad padaju
prazno mjesto u mom krevetu sjeća me
bila si tu
tko zna,kuda si otišla
tko zna,zbog ćega se ne vraćaš
tko zna,sve piše u zvijezdama
još jućer poljupcima mi smo se borili
i dodirom smo jedno drugom tajne otkrivali
što se dogodilo i gdje je ta kap
što je prelila ćašu,što te natjerala da odnese
sve što sam volio,a tebe sam volio
sve što sam sanjao,a tebe sam sanjao
ma zar sam pogriješio što sam se smijao
kad su mi govorili da SVI SU MUŠKARCI SVINJE.
kad bi zauvijek zaspao ovaj grad
kao u bajci prekriven trnjem i travama
sve dok se ti ne vratiš,a vratit ćeš se znam
i sve dok tvoja ruka ne dotakne moj dlan
dok me ne zagrliš
dok me ne poljubiš
dok me ne zagrijr tvoj dah.....
