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yEs oR nOo

mjesto za mene

ovdje je malo mjesto koje će biti podsjetnik na sve dobre i loše dane...
ovo je mjesto na kojemu su ljudi koje volim i cijenim i ljudi koji će tek doći...
mjesto na kojem svatko može reći svoje mišljenje...
mjesto za mene ...

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Nešto o meni :
Zovem se Ivona
Idem u treći razred gimnazije
obožavam glazbu, osobito Mansona
cijenim svoje iskrene frendove
volim vikende
volim crnu boju
Sve ostalo ćete saznati čitajući moje postove ...

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''Od novog jada stara bol će proći.''

''Moja čast je moj život, oboje su u jedno srasli,
Uzmete li moju čast, moj život niste spasili.''

''Smijem sve ono što dolikuje čovjeku;
Tko smije više od toga, nije čovjek.''

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adopt your own virtual pet!

Blogovi dragih mi ljudi

Spoiled bitch

Anonimna brineta
Silly thing
ludha mala
mala frčkava
Power Trip
Sophie Wolf
...to sam samo ja...
×silent scream×
the crow...

Moja ljubav

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If I Was Your Vampire

6 a.m. Christmas morning.
No shadows,
No reflections here.
Lying cheek to cheek
In your cold embrace.

So soft and so tragic
As a slaughterhouse.
You press the knife
Against your heart.
And say,
"I love you, so much you must kill me now."

I love you
So much
You must kill me now.

If I was your vampire,
Certain as the moon,
Instead of killing time,
We'll have each other
Until the sun.
If I was your vampire,
Death waits for no one.
Hold my hands
Across your face,
Because I think
Our time has come.

Digging your smile apart
With my spade-tounge.
The hole is where the heart is.
We built this tomb together,
And I won't fill it alone.
Beyond the pale
Everything is black,
No turning back.

If I was your vampire,
Certain as the moon,
Instead of killing time,
We'll have each other
Until the sun.

If I was your vampire,
Death waits for no one.
Hold my hands
Across your face,
Because I think
Our time has come

Blood-stained sheets
In the shape of your heart,
This is where it starts...
Blood-stained sheets
In the shape of your heart,
This is where it starts.
This is where it will end.
Here comes the moon again.

6:19 and I know I'm ready
Drive me off the mountain.
You'll burn,
I'll eat your ashes.
The impossible wheels seducing
Our corpse.

If I was your vampire,
Certain as the moon,
Instead of killing time,
We'll have each other
Until the sun.
If I was your vampire
Death waits for no one.
Hold my hands
Across your face
Because I think
Our time has come.

Beyond the pale
Everything is black
No turning back.
Beyond the pale
Everything's black
No turning back.

This is where it starts.
This is where it will end.
Here comes the moon again.

This is where it starts.
This is where it will end.
Here comes the moon again.

Here comes the moon again

Here comes the moon again

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"Angel With The Scabbed Wings"

He is the angel with the scabbed wings
Hard-drug face, want to powder his nose
He will deflower the freshest crop
Dry up all the wombswith his rock and roll sores

Is what he is, he does what he please
The things that he has you'll never want to see
What you're never gonna be now
Sketch a little keyholefor looking-glass people
You don't want to see him
You only want to be him
Mommy's got a scarecrow, gotta let the corn grow
Man can't always reap what he sow
"He is the maker"
(He is the taker)
"He is the saviour"
(He is the raper)

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Tainted Love

Sometimes I feel I've got to
Run away I've got to
Get away
From the pain you drive in the heart of me
The love we share
Seems to go nowhere
And I've lost my light
For I toss and turn I can't sleep at night

Once I ran to you (I ran)
Now I run from you
This tainted love you've given
I'll give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Tainted love... oh
Tainted love

Now I know I've got to
Run away I've got to
Get away
You don't really want any more from me
To make things right
Need someone to hold you tight
And you'll think love is to pray
But I'm sorry I don't pray that way

Once I ran to you (I ran)
Now I run from you
This tainted love you've given
I'll give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Tainted love... oh
Tainted love

Don't touch me please
I cannot stand the way you tease
I love you though you hurt me so
Now I'm going to pack my things and go

Touch me baby, tainted love


Down in a hole

Bury me softly in this womb
I give this part of me for you
Sand rains down and here I sit
Holding rare flowers
In a tomb...in bloom

Down in a hole and I dont know if I can be saved
See my heart I decorate it like a grave
You dont understand who they
Thought I was supposed to be
Look at me now a man
Who wont let himself be

Down in a hole, feelin so small
Down in a hole, losin my soul
Id like to fly,
But my wings have been so denied

Down in a hole and theyve put all
The stones in their place
Ive eaten the sun so my tongue
Has been burned of the taste
I have been guilty
Of kicking myself in the teeth
I will speak no more
Of my feelings beneath

Down in a hole, feelin so small
Down in a hole, losin my soul
Id like to fly but my
Wings have been so denied

Bury me softly in this womb
Oh I want to be inside of you
I give this part of me for you
Oh I want to be inside of you
Sand rains down and here I sit
Holding rare flowers (oh I want to be inside of you)
In a tomb...in bloom
Oh I want to be inside...

Down in a hole, feelin so small
Down in a hole, losin my soul
Down in a hole, feelin so small
Down in a hole, outta control
Id like to fly but my
Wings have been so denied

MySpace Layouts

Sweet dreams

Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused

Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused!

I wanna use you and abuse you
I wanna know what's inside you

Movin' on
Hold your head up
Movin' on
Keep your head up

Movin' on!

Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused

I'm gonna use you and abuse you
I'm gonna know what's inside
Gonna use you and abuse you
I'm gonna know what's inside you

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"Last Day On Earth"

Yesterday was a million years ago
In all my past lives I played an asshole
Now I found you, it's almost too late
And this earth seems obliviating
We are trembling in our crutches
High and dead our skin is glass
I'm so empty here without you
I crack my xerox hands

I know it's the last day on earth
We'll be together while the planet dies
I know it's the last day on earth
We'll never say goodbye

The dogs slaughter each other softly
Love burns it's casualties
We are damaged provider modules
Spill the seeds at our children's feet
I'm so empty here without you
I know they want me dead

I know it's the last day on earth

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Fear of the dark
I am a man who walks alone
And when Im walking a dark road
At night or strolling through the park

When the light begins to change
I sometimes feel a little strange
A little anxious when its dark

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that someones always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someones allways there

Have you run your fingers down the wall
And have you felt your neck skin crawl
When youre searching for the light?
Sometimes when youre scared to take a look
At the corner of the room
Youve sensed that somethings watching you

Have you ever been alone at night
Thought you heard footsteps behind
And turned around and no ones there?
And as you quicken up your pace
You find it hard to look again
Because youre sure theres someone there

Watching horror films the night before
Debating wiches and folklore
The unkown troubles on your mind
Maybe your mind is playing tricks
You sense and suddenly eyes fix
On dancing shadows from behind

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that someones always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someones allways there

When Im walking a dark road
I am a man who walkes alone

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Each time I make my mother cry an
angel dies and falls from heaven
when the boy is still a worm it's hard to
learn the number seven but when they get to you
it's the first thing that they do each time I look outside
my mother dies, I feel my back is changing shape
when the worm consumes the boy it's never
considered rape when they get to you
prick your finger it is done...
the moon has now eclipsed the sun...
the angel has spread its wings...
the time has come for bitter things...

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We are the thing of shapes to come
Your freedom’s not free and dumb
This Depression is great
The Deformation Age, they know my name
Waltz into scum and base and
Married to the pain

Bang, we want it
Bang, we want it
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!
You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn’t your scene
It’s better than a sex scene
and it’s so fucking obscene
Obscene, yeah.

You want commitment?
Put on your best suit; get your arms around me
Now we’re going down, down, down
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit; get your arms around me
Now we’re going down, down, down

Be obscene, be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard

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Heart- Shaped Glasses

She reminds me of the one in school
When I was cuttin'
She was dressed in white
And I couldn't take my eyes off her
But that's not what I took off that night

She'll never cover up what we did with her dress, no
She said kiss me
It'll heal
But it won't forget
Kiss me
It'll heal
But it won't forget

And I don't mind you keepin' me
On pins and needles
If I could stick to you
And you stick me too

Don't break
Don't break my heart
And I won't break your heart-shaped glasses
Little girl, little girl
You should close your eyes
That blue is getting me high

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They Said That Hell's Not Hot

I kill myself in small amounts
In each relationship it's not
About love.
Just another funeral and
Just another girl left in tears.
And I'm waiting
With the sound turned off
I'm waiting
Like a glass balloon
And I'm fading
Into the void and then
I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone...
They said that hell's not hot
They said that hell's not hot
I gave my soul to someone else
She must have known that
It was already sold.
It was never about her,
It was about the hurt.
I'm waiting
Like a glass balloon
And I'm fading
Into the void and then
I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone...
They said that hell's not hot
They said that hell's not hot
I kill myself in small amounts
In each relationship it's not
About love.
Just another funeral and
Just another girl left in tears.
And I'm waiting
With the sound turned off
I'm waiting
Like a glass balloon
And I'm fading
Into the void and then
I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone...
They said that hell's not hot
They said that hell's not hot

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ovo je jedan od prvih bandova čije sam cd-e dobila od starog i počela slušati...
stari me i usmjerio na pravi put, sada shvaćam kada mi je znao kao klinki govoriti da se prava glazba sluša zauvijek, nije prolazna kao današnja...

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također jedan od prvih bandova koje sam slušala... još ih i danas volim...
u ruke sam ih dobila od jedne frendice kojoj se baš i nisu sviđali! imala sam sreće! smijeh

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ovo je čovjek koji mi puno znači u životu... ne samo on, već njegova glazba... i molim, bilo kakve predrasude i mišljenja zadržite za sebe.

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Hendrix je za mene jedna velika legenda. način na koji svira, izražava svoj dar, pjesme... volim ga!

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Shot at 2007-07-05

Bend kojeg sam nedavno intenzivnije počela slušati, a i dosta mi znači zbog jedne osobe...

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obožavam njihove stvari... jednostavno njihove pjesme dođu do tebe, osjetiš ih... i like it...

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najsavršeniji čovjek na svijetu ...

eXTReMe Tracker

nedjelja, 04.03.2007.

Volim svoj život ali ne i svijet u kojem živim ...

Što me zapravo potaklo da napišem ovaj post??! Pa ponašanje mojih vršnjaka i ljudi u mojoj okolini. Nažalost još smo jako konzervativno društvo. Svi su zatvoreni, osobito ova starija generacija. Uspoređujući sebe i naše bake može se povući jedna vidljiva granica. Ta granica nas djeli u razmišljanju, načinu života. Sve se mijenja. Ali neke stvari ne. Iskreno, ovaj post posvećujem jednom frendu koji je biseksualac. Zašto baš njemu?? E pa zbog ovih otprije navedenih razloga. Neću reći –takvi- ljudi, jednostavno oni su po meni sasvim u redu. Bio ti gay, biseksualac, straight ili lezbijka – isto je. Mrzim predrasude u bilo kojem smislu pa tako i te. I kao što ja sada s sigurnošću i bez srama mogu reći da sam straight oni ne mogu. Ljudi koji nisu straight ne mogu reći da su drugo! Jer naše ih društvo ne podržava. I neće, bar još neko vrijeme. Ionako kasnimo za razvijenim zemljama kojih stotinjak godina, onda si mogu zamisliti kada će to kod nas postati normalno. Ako se i ne slažete s time bar možete djelomično podržati te osobe. Gledajući svog frenda, nije kriv. Uopće zašto bi trebao biti kriv?! Zar sam ja kriva što isključivo gledam suprotni spol?? I ta riječ -kriva- me definitivno živcira. I glupa pitanja kao da li su homoseksualci normalni ili kako se ponašaju su suvišna. Svatko ima svoje. Zato budi što jesi!! Ja osobno radije podržavam njih nego neke koji možda svaki vikend imaju drugoga. Ali pošto je to muškarac koji svaki vikend vodi drugu djevojku kući, to nije bed. To je ok. A po meni je pet puta gore nego biti kao moj frend i imati jednu osobu kraj sebe. Gotovo svačiji “najbolji prijatelj” je istog spola. Ali ništa od toga ne znači da si gay. Gledam to kao da na jednom kraju su ljudi koje privlači samo isti spol. na drugom kraju su ljudi koje privlači samo suprotni spol. U sredini su ljudi koje privlače oba spola.Stoga, gdje se god nalazili na toj liniji, imate mnogo društva. Neke procjene govore da je svaka deseta osoba gay.
evo nekih poznatih osoba :
Aleksandar Veliki (imperator), Pedro Almodovar (filmski redatelj), Sasha Alyson (izdavač), W.H. Auden (pisac), Sir Francis Bacon (pisac), Joan Baez (glazbenica), Josephine Baker (pjevačica), Poglavica Ludi Konj, Prva dama Eleanor Roosevelt, Sokrat (filozof. , Oscar Wilde (pisac), Frieda Kahlo (umjetnica), Michelangelo (umjetnik), Petar Čajkovski (kompozitor), Elton John (glazbenik), Platon (filozof), Martina Navratilova (tenisačica),

++++++++++++++++++++ Little edit +++++++++++++++++++
ovaj vikend je bilo super. Još jednom čestitam Anchie rođendan! Moje djevojke i ja smo imale babski faf kraj edisona, poslije smo svratile do zihera. Neki su bili tamo, neki ne. No neću sada ovdje iznositi stvari jer bi me pojedine osobe mogle ubiti sljedeći put.
Veliku pusu šaljem mojoj Dini, Luciji, Mariji,Aniti, Vanji,Loli i Elli! Naravno Ines, Andrei, Ivani, dragoj mi Matei, Anchie, Čohanu, Robiju, Vedranu, Berotu, mojim dragim dečkima- Velvetu, Josipu, Mrgiću, Saletu, Mađarcu koji me častio, Šojatici, Svenčiju, Matti i obavezno Matesu koji me uvijek spasi s pljugama, Božiću, Šuki, Kociperu kojeg već dugo nisam vidjela i svima koji izlaze u Ziher!!

Vaša Rudlava

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