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Komentari YeP/No

by *plawushadizz*

OPIS BLOGA: sve moje budalastine, zabava, izlasci, dosada..


**jedna dobra stranica za skidanje rijeci pjesama**
**cool stranica za skidanje pjesama**



..o meni..

JA: barbara

GOD: 15


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Zašto ulazim u život kad iz njega nitko živ nije izašao..

Ništa na svijetu ne čini tako sretnim kao sanjarenje..

Najsretniji je onaj čovjek koji je učinio sretnima najviše drugih ljudi..

Nije sreća u tome da se čini ono što se želi činiti, već u tome da se voli ono što se mora činiti..

Love isn't a decision. It's a feeling. If we could decide who we loved, it would be much simpler, but much less magic..

To die is nothing; but it is terrible not to live..

Ain't it funny how a moment could just change your life, and you don't want to face what's wrong or right. Ain't it strange how fate can play a part, in the story of your heart..

And once in a moment, it all comes to you. As soon as you get it, you want something new..

Close your eyes and you will see, that you are all you really need...

u raju je lijepo ali u paklu je ekipa..

Alkohol je čovjekov najveci neprijatelj.. samo kukavice bježe od neprijatelja..

ako se ucimo na tudjim greskama, ja se fantasticno educiram..

wc je najstrasnije mjesto na svijetu, tamo su se i najstrasniji usrali..

jedini nacin za izbjeci pogreske je stjeci iskustvo.. jedini nacin za stjeci iskustvo je ciniti pogreske..



Šalju momke jake s nuklearnim gun-om
Da tamane divljake tamo po Iraku
Na trusnome Balkanu na dalekom Uralu
Gdje god se preko bare naziru neke pare

Oni kikaju esove maderfakersima
Oni siju ljesove iz plavih visina

S očiju im brišu mulj da bolje vide
Širok i sjajan put u katodni svijet
Brze hrane za usta i glave
Gdje svaki psihopat ima strani akcenat

Oni kikaju esove maderfakersima
Oni siju ljesove iz plavih visina
Pružaju ruku da izvuku iz blata
Zvijeri što se tuku iz nekog inata


I never thought about the universe, it made me feel small
Never thought about the problems of this planet at all
Global warming, radio-active sites
Imperialistic wrongs and animal rights! no!

Why think of all the bad things when life is so good?
Why help with an am when theres always a could?
Let the whales worry about the poisons in the sea
Outside of california, its foreign policy

I dont want changes, I have no reactions
Your dilemmas are my distractions

Thats no way to go, franco un-american
No way to go, franco un-american
No way to go, franco un-american
No way to go, franco, franco un-american

I never looked around, never second-guessed
Then I read some howard zinn now Im always depressed
And now I cant sleep from years of apathy
All because I read a little noam chomsky

Im eating vegetation, cause of fast food nation
Im wearing a couple of shoes cause of globalization
Im watching michael moore expose the awful truth
Im listening to public enemy and reagan youth

I see no world peace cause of zealous armed forces
I eat no breath-mints cause their from de-hoofed horses
Now I cant believe; what an absolute failure
The presidents laughing cause we voted for nader

Thats no way to go, franco un-american
No way to go, franco un-american
No way to go, franco un-american
Where can we go, franco un-american

I want to move north and be a canadian
Or hang down low with the nice australians
I dont want to be another i-dont-care-ican
What are we gonna do franco, franco un-american


This is the place where all
The junkies go
Where time gets fast
But everything gets slow

Can I get some vaseline
Step into a modern scene
Take a chance of that
Which seems to be
The making of a dream

I dont want to do it
Like my daddy did
I dont want to give it
To my babys kid

This is my calling...

This is the place where all
The devils plead
Their case to take from you
What they need
Can I isolate your gene
Can I kiss your dopamine
In a way I wonder
If shes living in a magazine

I dont want to say it
If it isnt so
I dont want to weigh it
But Ive got to know

This is my calling...

I saw you out there yesterday
What did you want to say
A perfect piece of dna
Caught in a flashing ray
I caught you out there in the fray
What did you want to say
A master piece of dna
Caught in a flashing ray

Can I smell your gasoline
Can I pet your wolverine
On the day my best friend died
I could not get my copper clean

I dont want to take it up
With little joe
I dont want to fake it
But Ive gotta know

This is my calling...

I am a misfit
Im born with all of it
The fucking ultimate
Of love inside the atom split

Im in a flash ray
A mash of dna
Another poppin jay
Who thinks hes got
Something to say


Godine provedene, zakopani ispod zemlje
Postali smo skupina svirajucih zombija.
U birtiji poslije trece, Tedy rezigniran rece:
"Momci, ne zelim dovijek' biti podrumski covjek."

S vremenom sve smo tisi,
Slijede prvi kompromisi.
Otud samo korak, dva,
Do pocetka poraza

Pjevajte nesto ljubavno,
Sigurno, tiho, sterilno
Pjevajte nesto ljubavno,
Klinke svrsavaju na to.

Prodali smo cak i muda,
Al' sviramo zato svuda.
Terase, festivali,
Vise smeca, lova veca.

Slusaju nas curice
Penzioneri i bakice.
I svi umni invalidi,
Senilni i gluhonjemi.


Such a lonely day
And it's mine
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
Should be banned
It's a day that I can't stand

The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
Shouldn't exist
It's a day that I'll never miss
Such a lonely day
And it's mine
The most loneliest day of my life

And if you go, I wanna go with you
And if you die, I wanna die with you

Take your hand and walk away

The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
And it's mine
It's a day that I'm glad I survived


četvrtak, 26.06.2008.

pa mislila sam promjenit dizajn.. a i bila sam ga promjenila ali mi se nije svidjao tak da imam opet ovaj.. pogledala sam na miljune tih dizajna ali nijedan mi se ne svidja tak da mi se cini da necu ga nikad vise promjenit...

hmm.. kod mene nema nis novog.. odbrojavam dane starinih ferja i onda napokon pocinju praznici.. hehe rofl.. ucim hrvatski (polako).. dosadjujem se.. po danu.. a navecer.. tu i tamo idem se setat s nekim da ubijem dosadu.. i tako.. (smo se okupili) haha..
e neznam vise sta da napisem.. ko svaki put kad se odlucim ic pisat post..
izgleda da treba proc vise vremena pa napisem malo duzi post.. makar se to jos kod mene nije desilo al ok.. mozda jednom sretanbeljrofl
sad sam vec pocela pricat gluposti..
e da.. gledala sam jucer nesto i vidila kad je motovunski.. i naravno ja sam bas onda na moru.. ko i svake godine..cry opet necu uspjet ic.. al dobro.. cu prezivjet.. al ove godine je zakon.. idem cak dva puta na more.. a ne ko inace samo jednom.. zaaakon.. jos da idem s prijateljima bi bilo predobro.. ali nisam ja te srece...
al ovo ljeto ce bit dobro.. u osmom mj prvih 15 dana radim na omwu.. hehe pareeeeeeeeee.. i negdje krajem osomg ili sredinom.. tj. nemam blage kada.. radim tjedan dana na ini.. again pareeeeeeeeeeeeee.. jedva cekam.. barem necu cjelo vrijeme bit doma i izlezavat se..

ee sutra mozda idem na bracanu.. ako budem uspjela nagovorit staru.. al u to cisto sumnjam al ipak..sretan a u subotu ivanja.. party u kaj opet ne vjerujem da cu bit tamo.. al dobro.. mozda se smiluje.. hahabang
eh moram ic jest veceru..njami

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