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SANDRA I ANDREJA- zmotanezujo zenske=ali na dobrothumbup, idu na drugu gimnaziju,sad drugi razred ko i ja.... obadve imaju rodendan u ovo ljetno vrijeme, odma jedna za drugom
MATEJA&HELENA hmmmm, mateja ide s menom u razred a helena je isla s menom u osnovnusmijeh
ANCI ana, ana, ana je jedna zenska, veli da je sotonistica...eekyes inace, zabavna i luuuudanaughty
IVANA T.ivana t ili ivette... neznam ide na prvu gimnaziju isto drugi razred... zaljubljena i svasta....cerek


1. Compliment three people every day2. Remember people's names and birthdays
3. Look people in the eye

4. Keep secrets, keep promises

5. Surprise loved ones with little unexpected gifts
6. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life
7. Admit your mistakes
8. Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
9. Dont mess with drugs and don't associate with those who do
10. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who'll never find out
11. Take time to smell the roses
12. Pray not for things, but for the wisdom and courage
13. Be punctual and insist on it in others
14. Be kinder than necessary
15. Never take action when you are angry
16. Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated
17. Remember that 80 per cent of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people18. Commit yourself to constant self-improvement19. Praise in public. Criticize in private
20. Resist giving addvice concerning marriage, finances or hair style
21. Learn to show cheerfulness and enthusiasm, even when you don't feel like it22. Remember that overnight success usually takes about fifteen years23. Leave everything a little better than you found it24. Never uderestimate your power to change yourself
25. Never overestimate your power to change others
26. See problems as opportunities for growth and self-mastery
27. Judge your success by the degree you're enjojing peace, health and love
28. Never underestimate the power of love and forgiveness
29. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them
30. Be there when people need you
31. Acquire things the old-fashioned way: save for them and pay cash
32. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect
33. Stay out of nightclubs
34. Be enthusiastic about the success of others
35. Do more than is expected
36. Improve your performance by improving your attitude
37. Every person that you meet knows something you don't: learn from them
38. Send your loved one flowers. Think of a reason later
39. Don't interrupt
40. Marry only for love


zasad jedna:
najbolji mjuzikl ikada osmisljen, 100 put bolji od americke verzije na filmu, pogotovo drugi dio. ok dobro prvi dio jos nekak prolazi, mislim-ĐONTRA (za one malo malje upucene, radi se o BRILJANTINUnjami, a ovo zadnje o Johnu Travolti u mladim danimakiss), ali drugi dio sa Michele Pheiper ili kak se got vec to piseno
the point is:domace je domacesmokin party thumbup
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evo ovo je slikica od jedne od najboljih serija koje su postojale. ivana i ja je pratimo tak da ako nas zoves na telefon od oko pol2 do cirka 3 sata popodne, mozes ocekivati da se dogodi... bas nist...
posto GLEDAMO O.C.thumbup ovoga malo ispada iz okvira ali dobro... bar se lepo vidismijeh
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hmmm... tree hill... vrijedi isto ovo gore ko i za o.c.smijeh

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Shot at

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evanescence, zbiiiiiiilja odlicni band, meni the best (karolina)

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bas sam nasla slikicu od vukova....slatki na spotu.... jos kad bi mogla od onog tipeka iz spota... ako neko najde, JAVI ODMA!!

hm, i tak... uspjele smo se poslikati skupa... cak!!! ali malo je cudno posto smo mokre. moja draga bakica, lepo jedan dan zalijeva biljke u dvoristu... i kaj se dogodi... ivana i ja zavrsimo mokre, ali onak zbilja! ali bez brige... nije ni ona ostala dugo suhasmijeh hehe
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ivancica maslacko:
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

i faca (za ime je zasluzna sandric):
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subota, 10.11.2007.


evo malo da napisem nekaj......
onak kolko je proslo od zadnjeg posta....3 mjesecarofl
kak vrijeme ide...
i tak sad bas dosla iz grada, malo festa samo kaj sam se zmrzlabang lol zato sam i dosla tak ranozuboyes
joj jos je i kisa pocela, ali sve u svemu thumbup malo party malo smokin malo pjeva malo rofl.....
nist nemam posebno za reci, samo da nekaj malo napisem kaj nebude blog stajal bezvezecry ( lol ako iko opce citapuknuculudkiss) nakon tolko truda oko njega sad pada u zaboravblabla, ma nee naughtyI'LL BE BACKnaughtylaze ( probablybeljbeljwinknaughtybelj) pozdrav od antitalentaludwavemahmahkiss
posebno pusa curama iz druge gimne i mislim da iz meca kiss
e da! sandric brzo ozdravi...smijehfino

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