Nacional tjednik - Pronađi pratnju
srijeda , 26.12.2018.tjednik telegram
Click here: Nacional tjednik
A što se tiče HIP-a, čim je Miroslav Tuđman, koji je sada stalno u pratnji Jadranke Kosor, odlučio da HIP iz udruge pretvori u stranku, ja sam se povukao i opet aktivirao u HDZ-u, ističe Hebrang. Nacional Cover of the issue no. Nacional Cover of the issue no. Pukanić's reason for closing down the newspaper was its low readership, i.
Kad je riječ o Rošinovom brisanju, dvojbena je statutarnost tog čina. Soon a bitter competition between developed between two magazines, because they tried to grab the same readership and used the same techniques of investigative journalism. Republika was launched in late 2000, only to fold in May 2001 due to low circulation.
Globus: Tajna ljubav Zagorca i Ivane Hodak - Ukratko - mi pišemo o čemu drugi šute.
This article needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. October 2008 Nacional is a weekly published in. Founded in 1995 and owned by photographer and journalist , Nacional quickly gained a reputation for tabloid-style reporting and articles critical of the conservative government led by the HDZ , which was in power during the 1990s. During most of its existence its main rival was published by EPH. Nacional Cover of the issue no. Country Croatia Based in Language Website In 2000 Pukanić stepped down as editor-in-chief to oversee the launch of his short-lived daily Republika, which was meant to compete with EPH's. Republika was launched in late 2000, only to fold in May 2001 due to low circulation. After 2000 Nacional's editorial policy shifted to include more business and entertainment content. Following the failure of Republika Pukanić returned to the magazine as an investigative reporter. Shortly after the 2008 , the magazine's sales plummeted, and in 2010 it was bought by a Swiss media company owned by Harald von Seefried. Soon after the acquisition a group of journalists dissatisfied by the new owner's editorial policies left Nacional to found a rival weekly called Aktual, whose first issue was published in June 2011. Nacional continued to amass losses and was discontinued after the issue no. The Nacional brand and its archive have since been acquired by Berislav Jelinić, its former journalist, who re-launched the magazine on 9 December 2014. Nacional was launched in 1995 by , and other prominent journalists dissatisfied with the editorial policies of then popular weekly. Soon a bitter competition between developed between two magazines, because they tried to grab the same readership and used the same techniques of investigative journalism. Both magazines became renowned for publishing sensationalist articles against political opponents often based on the alleged testimonies of anonymous or fictional witnesses. Critics immediately accused the bank of influencing editorial policy and complaints of excessive advertising soon flooded in. However, its profile quickly swung this paper close to being considered a. Namely, its CEO, Ivo Pukanić, is known to advocate publishing unconfirmed news, which frequently led to unfounded accusations and even litigation. Pukanić's reason for closing down the newspaper was its low readership, i.
Vidošević izgubio san o neutralnoj Hrvatskoj
Nacional Cover of the issue no. HDZ mora demokratski disati, upozorava Bebić. Predsjednica HDZ-a boravila je jučer u Splitu gdje se sastala s radnicima Salonita. Dodao je da se tijekom kampanje nije održala niti jedna sjednica predsjedništva, pa se tako nije niti mogao odazvati, a da su ga kolege pozvale na svega jedan skup što je prihvatio. Ako je Rošin izbačen zbog nastupa u medijima onda je to šokantno i potpuno neprihvatljivo za HDZ, ako hoćemo biti demokratska stranka, rekao je Hebrang ZAGREB Zvali su me neki važni članovi predsjedništva HDZ-a, raspitivali su se i dali mi podršku, rekao nam je jučer Jerko Rošin dan nakon što ga je povjerenstvo HDZ-a za Splitsko-dalmatinsku županiju izbrisalo iz stranke. Rošin pripada gradskom odboru Splita, a izbrisalo ga je povjerenstvo županijskog HDZ-a u kojem on nema nikakvu dužnost. Nacional continued to amass losses and was discontinued after the issue no. Critics immediately accused the bank of influencing editorial policy and complaints of excessive advertising soon flooded in. Soon after the acquisition a group of journalists dissatisfied by the new owner's editorial policies left Nacional to found a rival weekly called Aktual, whose first issue was published in June 2011.
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