Rock and Roll Music to the World

ponedjeljak, 29.05.2006.

Zwan - Number of the Beast

Evo jos jedna posebno zanimljiva i neobicna obrada!
Krajem 2001. godine, Billy Corgan, nekadašnji clan Smashing Pumpkinsa, osnovao je bend Zwan. Nakon nekoliko manjih turneja na kojima su raspolagali repertoarom od sezdesetak pjesama, u studenom 2002. konacno Zwan objavljuje svoj prvi single, Honestly. Dva mjeseca kasnije izdan je i njihov prvi album Mary Star of the Sea, no vec u rujnu 2003. Corgan je objavio da se bend razlazi. Na jednom od izdanja singla Honestly kao "b-strana" pojavila se pjesma Number of the Beast. Radi se o iznimno neobicnoj obradi istoimene pjesme Iron Maidena. Ova verzija odsvirana je na akusticnoj gitari i u potpuno drugacijem ugodaju. Svakako poslusajte ako ste obozavatelj Maidena, ali i ako ste ikad u zivotu culi ovu pjesmu!

Zwan - Number Of The Beast (4:18) 192kbit, Stereo, 6MB

I left alone my mind was blank
I needed time to think to get the memories from my mind

What did I see can I believe that what I saw
that night was real and not just fantasy
Just what I saw in my old dreams were they
reflections of my warped mind staring back at me
Cos in my dreams it's always there the evil face that twists my mind
and brings me to despair

The night was black was no use holding back
Cos I just had to see was someone watching me
In the mist dark figures move and twist
was all this for real or some kind of hell
666 the Number of the Beast
Hell and fire was spawned to be released

Torches blazed and sacred chants were praised
as they start to cry hands held to the sky
In the night the fires burning bright
the ritual has begun Satan's work is done
666 the Number of the Beast
Sacrifice is going on tonight

This can't go on I must inform the law
Can this still be real or some crazy dream
but I feel drawn towards the evil chanting hordes
they seem to mesmerise me...can't avoid their eyes
666 the Number of the Beast
666 the one for you and me

I'm coming back I will return
And I'll possess your body and I'll make you burn
I have the fire I have the force
I have the power to make my evil take its course

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