body ....moj prvi post.... - Svi mi kažu da sam pukla, al navikla sam... - body

subota, 19.04.2008.

....moj prvi post....

eekOdlučih napravit blog.... I evo ga.... I šta sad? Idem na jutjubdead nać koji spotnaughty.... Nema ništ.... Bude sutra.... Pozdrav....Nini koja je imala prste u ovomfinothumbup, Eli koja mora komentirat(inače skalpdeadnaughty), Luciji(vidi pod Ela)wink,Mariniheadbangwave, Ivi iz N. Gradiške wave
I ofkorz, cijelom osmom A!!!! wavemahwavemahwavemahlud


16:53 - Komentiraj ( 16 ) Print - On/Off

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Music Playlist at

***92% of teens have moved on to turbo folk. If you are part of the 8% who still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your blog***

Opći podaci o meni:
-Gabrijela (moje zakon al predugačko ime)
-volim kad me zovu Gabi :D
-iz Virovitice
-1.D (matematička gim.)
-rođena u ožujku 199......


-Foo Fighters
-Puddle of Mudd
-Papa Roach
-The Prodigy
-Bob Marley

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Dakle, ja:

-pre lajava
-više ne voli matku otkad je u srednjoj...
-ne funkcionira bez interneta i muzike
-ima žnj polu- frčkavu kosu koju ne podnosi u zadnje vrijeme
-pre emotivna je (al nisam emo- emo sucks)
-živi za vikende
-obožava duuuugo spavat
-najbolje se osjeća u ljeto, mrzi glupo psihodelično jesensko vrijeme
-voli čamit u parku poslije šk s društvancem
-mrzi ispiranja mozga :/
-mrzi komercijalnu muziku i cajke
-ovisnik o puderu i parfemima xP
-ukrašava starke šarenim spajalicama ^^
-ne može živjet bez nekih ljudi
-želi vidjet Grizlija :-*
-kad je s Ninom, stalno radi sr**a
-voli zelenu boju =)

Moja ovisnost o ovoj pjesmi, riječi su moćne:

Wolfmother- Where eagles have been

Well we always seem to worry,
Life's becoming such a flurry,
Can't you see that theres lights in the dark,
Nothin's quite what it seems in the city of dreams,

Rainbows tinted with gold,
All the stories we've been told,
Still her love is yours to behold,
Nothin's quite what it seems in the city of dreams,

You say it's not the real world,
Though it seems so real to me,
And i know that we're never turning back,
Can you see what i see,

I had a vision,
Of festive day's,
She's like an eagle,
In the misted haze,

Sit and wonder at the sky,
Watch the river flowing by,
Now it ends and we're here at the start,
Nothin's quite what it seems in the city of dreams,

You say it's not the real world,
Though it seems so real to me,
And i know that we're never turning back,
Can you see what i see,

I had a vision,
Of festive day's,
She's like an eagle,
In the misted haze,

Oh break my chains girl,
Show me to the land,
Where people live together,
Try to understand


Slikice meni jako dragih ljudi ^^

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najdraža moja i najbolesnija Nina i ja (valjd nas razlikujete xP)

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moj dragi Grizli i ja (love ya) ^^

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3pp i ja, ma zakon je on lik...

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Iva moja i ja, voljam te...

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dakle, Ninek, ja i Nina poslije šk u parku ;)

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3pp (ugl. on ne kuži da ga ja fotkam)

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pidžama party, Nina i ja ofc

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Nina i Nino, zaljubljeni paaaar ;)

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ženska ekipica :D

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awwww, volim ove ljude na slici ^^

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...i opet mi u parku poslije šk...

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.... glupiranja pod odmorom....

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Nina u elementu

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Ninek i ja

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Ninek i Nina

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Splićo, Ninek, Ela...

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Gaby, Gaby (ja) i Hana xD

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nas tri....

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Šima i s3bor, loodilo

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curke ;)

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s3bor u mojoj jakni (grrrrr)

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...i curke iz razz....

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i jedna pametna zabrana:


picture: jesicamarlen
base code: sugarmeemee