četvrtak, 30.12.2021.

Nestaju pornići !?!

Porno mogul Larry Flynt zatražio je od Washingtona pomoć u iznosu od pet milijardi dolara za 'pomlađivanje' porno industrije. Uz osnivača Hustler magazina, zahtjevu za spas 'zabave za odrasle' pridružio se i Joe Francis, kreator serijala 'Girls Gone Wild'.
Cilj im je dobiti pomoć kakvu je američki Kongres nedavno odobrio proizvođačima automobila, prenosi Jutarnji list.

'Kongres je pomogao najvažnijem biznisu u zemlji. Mislimo da bi trebali pomoći i nama pa im se obraćamo da novcem pomlade seksualni apetit Amrikanaca. U teškim ekonomskim vremenima, Amerikanci se okreću zabavi kao olakšanju od svakodnevnice, a zabava za odrasle u tome ima najveću ulogu', stoji u priopćenju koje su poslali Kongresu.

Val ekonomske krize nije zaobišao ni pornoindustriju, kaže Flyntov glasnogovornik, te dodaje da nije na Kongresu da odluči je li pornografija najvažnija stvar na svijetu i hoće li spas porno industrije usrećiti Amerikance, no da bi trebali razmisliti o pomoći.

Francis i Flynt su priznali da je njihov zahtjev više mjera opreza nego nužnost budući da internet promet na njihovim porno stranicama raste, no da je prodaja DVD-a s porno sadržajem pala za 22 posto.

'Industrija vrijedna 13 milijardi dolara nije u strahu od kolapsa. Ali zašto riskirati?', kaže Francis.

Kongres za sada nije reagirao na njihov zahtjev.

Another major American industry is asking for assistance as the global financial crisis continues: Hustler publisher Larry Flynt and Girls Gone Wild CEO Joe Francis said Wednesday they will request that Congress allocate $5 billion for a bailout of the adult entertainment industry.

“The take here is that everyone and their mother want to be bailed out from the banks to the big three,” said Owen Moogan, spokesman for Larry Flynt. “The porn industry has been hurt by the downturn like everyone else and they are going to ask for the $5 billion. Is it the most serious thing in the world? Is it going to make the lives of Americans better if it happens? It is not for them to determine.”

Francis said in a statement that “the US government should actively support the adult industry's survival and growth, just as it feels the need to support any other industry cherished by the American people."

“We should be delivering [the request] by the end of today to our congressmen and [Secretary of the Treasury Henry] Paulson asking for this $5 billion dollar bailout,” he told CNN Wednesday.

Flynt and Francis concede the industry itself is in no financial danger — DVD sales have slipped over the past year, but Web traffic has continued to grow.

But the industry leaders said the issue is a nation in need. "People are too depressed to be sexually active," Flynt said in the statement. "This is very unhealthy as a nation. Americans can do without cars and such but they cannot do without sex."

"With all this economic misery and people losing all that money, sex is the farthest thing from their mind. It's time for congress to rejuvenate the sexual appetite of America. The only way they can do this is by supporting the adult industry and doing it quickly."

So far, there has been no congressional reaction to the request.

–CNN’s Chloe Melas contributed to this report

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