nedjelja, 25.06.2006.

10 mudrosti po Tucou !

Možda jednako intirgantan lik Leoneove trilogije "Man With No Name" sa Elli Wallachom kao glavnim reprezentom tog nesvakidašnjeg filmskog antiheroja kojeg ćete zavoljeti je Tuco.
Na žalost pojavljuje se samo u trećem, zadnjem dijelu trilogije (možda i najboljem). U tom prvom dijelu "Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo" Tuco se ističe među ostalim i sa svojim mudrostima.
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1. A partnership involves certain risks.
2. It's best to keeps your options open, until you have to commit.
3. When your enemies think you're a dumbass, just smile and await your opportunity.
4. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
5. A guy should treat himself to a bubble-bath, now and then (but keep your pistol handy)
6. If food is free, get a big plate (but make your enemy try it first).
7. A guy can run like a sissy and still be tough.
8. When someone offers you a drink, you might as well take a big one.
9. It's Ok if you can't go while someone's watching.
10. If you want to get rich, you might have to get you hands dirty, first.

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